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Love is the most beautiful of all emotions ever felt by man. Lucky are the ones who experience love and go through all the stages of love together. Luckier are those who spend their lives with the people they love. And luckiest must be those who have their loved ones even in the last moments of their breath. While dying, grumbling, losing, cheating, and getting away is easy, loving someone with all your heart, mind, and soul without expectations is a complex, selfless way to act.
6 Stages of Love
While love happens most unexpectedly in the most unexpected time for many, there’s no fair and acceptable way to be in love. It is the most powerful feeling that involves great liking, but it’s always hard to conclude if it’s an in-a-moment thing or happens as a time-framed feel-packed process.
People in love go through a series of emotions in these stages of love, and they keep falling in and out of it until they realize they have fallen in and there is no way out. Above everything, people grow in love and not fall in it as most describe it.
Here is a list of all those stages that one experiences adequately and at times unknowingly while surrendering to love-
1. Attraction

The eyes probably are the most admired organ in Bollywood songs! One of the best stages of love. Have you ever wondered why there are so many of them with lyrics either demonstrating, praising, eulogizing, or admiring the eyes? Because it all begins with a look.
There is a reason why our eyes get stuck to just one out of so many pretty faces. Everyone remembers the first sight of their crush better than any graphic presentation. And if at some time, while trying to steal a glimpse of him, he is looking at you already- the heart never asks for your will to skip a beat—love blooms with a spark that you can’t resist.
2. Infatuation
Things begin to pick pace when prolonged attraction gets too intense to hide. Infatuation demands a lot more than attraction. There grows a sense of ‘want’ and ‘to be with.’ You begin to look for reasons to spend time with the one you can’t stop thinking about.
And probably, when this person is around is the best time of the day. Nights are engrossed with their memories, often tiring you to sleep. Everything around seems beautiful- the wind is not dustier anymore; being alone is not dull anymore. It’s romanticism all the way.
3. Physical Longing
The heart is exposed to unknown desires. The ‘want’ becomes the ‘need.’ Even a slight casual touch of that person sets you into another world. You can feel his voice even when you are physically distant. Though transient, you develop your world of fantasies.
One of the most fascinating stages of love, filled with patience and love. Fantasies that only you have access to. Love is simply amazing. It does incredible things. Things beyond all settled limits.
4. Obsession

Being obsessed is often seen in a negative light. But this is an inexplicable part of love. The level of obsession may vary. Some control it for fear of losing loved ones. Others submit themselves and find dissatisfaction, not having their loved ones around. They look for reasons to have this person by their side.
This has to be one of the weirdest but real stages of love. Find it hard to accept their level of liberation and often put limits on them. Everything happens out of prevailing insecurities. But love here is too innocent to understand all these. Being mad in love at this stage is unavoidable, but love has its ways of imparting lessons.
5. Belongingness
This is one of the more mature stages of love when two people, having fallen for each other, find that their world is overwhelming. They help their partners grow. They stand for each other in all walks of life. They might not be talking for hours to express their love but are always there when one needs the other.
Because when they hold each other’s hand, their worlds become a tad easy. It is more like a prolonged friendship that grows with time; their love blossoms with age. This love is compassionate and self-explanatory.
6. Eternity

‘The richest love is what submits itself to the arbitration of time.’
I come across this quote quite often but was able to understand it fully after this incident- While in the park for my morning walks, I often found an octogenarian couple holding hands, taking small steps at a time, probably to support each other. This always got me thinking about how happy and blessed they were together.
With all the positivity that they oozed; I could not resist having a small interaction with them one fine morning. It was then that I found out that they were not married. They had fallen in love when young, but they could not unite under the institution of marriage despite relentless efforts. Both lived a fulfilling life, marrying and raising kids with their respective partners. They lived life with what life offered them.

Now that their partners had departed to rest somewhere in heaven and their kids lived abroad, the two had discovered the reasons to be with each other again.
“Life demands a lot, but love never demands anything”– as Mrs. Thomas concludes in her swift shivering voice, I find Mr. Shah looking at her with the love that has not faded a bit, not even a shade lighter.
Somewhere in this life, we all need to love and go through the stages of love together and be loved more than anything else.
“Tis better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all.”
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian