10 Awesome Cartoons That Every 90’s Kid Loved

Barkha Pandey
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How on earth did the cartoon network stoop to this level? Why are the people who created these 90s cartoon characters convinced that they’ve discovered what kids want to watch? why did they even stop some of the Awesome Cartoons That Every 90’s Kid Loved?

I feel blessed to have lived in those days of great quality cartoons. I could go on and on about how many of these new shows disappoint me with their lame characters and shows that give zero lessons to kids whatsoever.

I’m convinced that the modern life cartoon industry can do better. We had terrific cartoons like Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, teenage witch, teenage mutant ninja turtles, Captain Planet, johnny bravo, and, of course, Spongebob Squarepants. Now it’s all stuck at, ‘dooooreeeemoon, help!”.

But we’ll leave that rant for some other day. Today I’ll bring back those high school memories and a ton of nostalgia with a collection of 80s and 90s kid shows and TV series.

Here is a list of some of the many forgotten ’90s cartoons that I used to love. Do you remember rushing home straight from the school bus and doing your homework on time only because of that one cartoon? Cus I do.😆 These shows were a major reason I finished my homework on time or did any of it.

If you’re a 90’s kid’s show lover, I’m sure you’ll agree with almost all of these, and if you’re not, this is what you’ve missed.

So then, what was the most popular 90s cartoon? Let’s find out-



Ahoy! Let’s talk about Popeye. Even our parents would remember this sailor with deformed arms and a yellow corn cob pipe. I still remember telling my parents about Popeye speaking something like French because I couldn’t understand what he said, only to find out later about his speech impairment.

It was an enjoyable series; nevertheless, it was super fun to see this lean sailor get out of every hopeless situation by gulping an entire can of spinach. This can, which usually came out of his shirt somehow and always managed to save the day.

Remember that scary look your mother gave you when you refused to eat spinach? Eat your spinach or no Popeye from tomorrow is how it was at my home.

2. The Jetsons


“The Jetsons” was the distillation of any space-age promises. With its jetpacks, flying cars, robot maids, moving sidewalks, this show was way ahead of its time.

The whole plot of the cartoon is just based on a futuristic approach where George and his wife, Jane, live in Orbit City’s Skypad Apartments. While Judy and Elroy are at school, a robot maid named Rosie takes care of the housework.

People point to “The Jetsons” as the golden age of the future that had everything our hearts could desire, at least technologically. And though it was “just a cartoon” with all the sight gags and parody you’d expect, it was based on authentic expectations for the future.

This was one of those weird 90s kid shows that was not only funny but smart at the same time. Also, who wouldn’t want a robot maid?

3. Richie Rich


Everyone, I repeat, everyone knows about Richie Rich! Even the gen z kids know of this young blond-haired white boy who went on real adventures, helping the needy ones.

If you ever wondered how Richie Richis so rich, then here’s the answer- Rich Industries, the family’s major source of wealth, is where Richie works as a CEO in the film after he believes his parents perished in a catastrophic aircraft accident. Science and innovation are their main specialties. He’s so rich that his middle name is the dollar sign, $.

Richie Rich is shown as a selfless adventurer who owns at least two of everything money can buy. We have all envied his mansion and his luxurious life. But he is portrayed as a kind and charitable person who travels the world helping the less fortunate.

Also, it’s hilarious to watch when the boy meets Gloria Glad and when she gets upset when Richie Rich unknowingly shows his wealth. Not only is the show super fun, but it also gives essential lessons to little kids. This is the beauty of the cartoons from the 90s and early 2000s.

4. The Flintstones

This animated series lives in my mind rent-free. The show is set in the Stone Age town of Bedrock. In this fantasy version of the past, dinosaurs and other long-extinct animals co-exist with cave dwellers, saber-toothed cats, and wooly mammoths.

Like their mid-20th century counterparts, these cavemen listen to records, live in split-level homes, and eat at restaurants. Yet, their technology is made entirely from preindustrial materials and powered primarily through animals.

Modern everyday concerns are juxtaposed in a stone-age setting. The Flintstones live a life that’s half The Matrix and half the ending of Wall-E, in a brave old world.

For three decades, the Flintstones was the most financially successful cartoon network animated franchise that broke some box office records.

Half of the cartoons from these 80s and 90s cartoons list are made by Hanna-Barbera Productions, who always gave us kids the best!

5. Scooby-doo


Didn’t we all want a pet as excellent as Scooby, who solved mysteries involving supposedly supernatural creatures through a series of antics and missteps? I still remember naming my neighbor’s dog as scooby, hoping it would be able to solve mysteries too.😂

Shaggy, Scooby, the super gorgeous Daphne, and all his brainy friends exploring the supernatural stories were not only engaging, but it kept all the people fixed on their couches till the very end of the episode.

But the most remarkable thing it taught little children was that the monster always turned out to be a human instead, which helped little kids fight their fear of dark things.

6. Recess

Recess was the one cartoon that I found super funny and relatable. It revolves around the everyday lives of 6 fourth graders, each of which portrays a character found in every group. A mischievous prankster, a hot-headed tomboy, an awkward genius, a gentle giant, a singing voice, and an upbeat yet unlucky military brat- as they go about their daily lives in a highly clichéd school environment at Third Street Elementary School.

At Third Street School, these fearless fourth-graders make it their goal to defend the other children on the playground. Despite King Bob’s and his minions’ reign, who enforces his unwritten rules.

In short- A total blast!

7. Dexter’s Laboratory


This was a cartoon that made ‘NERD’ cool for us. It’s based around a young bespectacled child genius who had an unbelievable underground laboratory behind a bookshelf.

No one besides her bubbly sister in the family knew about his crazy inventions that could be accessed with speaking passwords or hidden switches.

I especially loved his elder sister DeeDee, a cheerful social butterfly. She is a big fan of ballet and walks and dances like a professional ballerina. Hyper Fixated on ruining Dexter’s lab somehow, DeeDee, along with Dexter, was super fun to watch.

I can still hear him saying,” Dee Dee! Get out of my Laboratory!”

8. Powerpuff Girls


These girls were probably the best thing that a chemical reaction has gone wrong could have turned into. Girls with superpowers and adventure-filled days fought crimes in Townsville and defended it from villains and giant monsters.

Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup are three of the most adorable characters. In the animated series, the Power puff Girls, who serve as protectors of the fictional city Townville, are represented by the red-haired, level-headed Blossom, the charming, blonde, and sometimes underappreciated Bubbles; and the quick-tempered, black-haired Buttercup.

Admit it, some of you girls even picked and played your favorite power puff girl with your other two friends. I did. <3

9. Ed, Edd n Eddycartoon

Ed, Edd n Eddy follow the lives of “the Eds,” three preteen boys who all share variations of the name Ed but differ significantly in their personalities.

Goofing around, devising plans to scam the cul-de-sac kids out of their money, which they want to use to buy jawbreakers. However, problems always ensue, and the Eds’ schemes usually end in failure and humiliation.

Ed, Edd, and Eddy are as naïve about ladies as they are about everything else in surviving adolescence like any other group of lads.

Eddy may not be the brightest bulb in the trio, but he is the “idea man,” always plotting and pulling his friends along with him. Ed, Edd, and Eddy go on a summertime journey that includes part-time jobs, treehouses, and a lot more.

One of the most fun and hilarious shows to watch for sure.

10. Tom ‘n Jerry


How can we leave Tom’ n Jerry behind when we talk of 90s kids shows?

This cartoon series features comic fights between an iconic set of adversaries, a house cat (Tom), and a mouse (Jerry). The cartoons are known for being some of the most violent cartoon gags devised in theatrical animation.

Tom uses everything from axes, hammers, firearms, firecrackers, explosives, traps, and poison to kill Jerry. On the other hand, Jerry’s methods of retaliation are far more violent due to their frequent success, including slicing Tom in half, decapitating him, causing trees or electric poles to drive him into the ground, sticking matches into his feet and lighting them, tying him to a firework and setting it off, and so on.

We all are guilty of still watching Tom’ n Jerry on a lazy Saturday afternoon. There’s no better way to relax your mind!

Admit it: You couldn’t give some of these up for a long time, right? All these kids’ shows have shaped us into what we are today. Some of us still distinctly remember the trinkets of these lovely cartoons.

Then one day, you’ll be telling your children about these cartoon series while they’re watching whatever rubbish their generation is obsessed with at the moment. Their faces will transform into the same expression you make when your parents speak about how their generation has superior taste in music. But they’ll understand what you’re going through one day.

We tried to include the major shows that everyone was obsessed with back in the days, but we still left out a few, like Hey Arnold, Darkwing Duck, magic school , angry beavers and how can we forget about star wars?

So what are the 80’s and 90’s cartoons that you loved as a kid? Do let us know in the comments below!

Last Updated on by Steffy Michael

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