Love, Rosie – A Story of Friendship and Love

Bharati S R
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Love, Rosie is the second one in a row from the author of the bestseller novel PS I LOVE YOU. It was published in 2004. The name of the novel is Love, Rosie.

Rosie and Alex are best friends until Alex’s family relocates to the United States. They risk everything to maintain their true love and friendship alive despite time and distance.

The Storyline

Since childhood, Rosie (Lilly Collins) & Alex (Sam Claflinthe “Hunger Games”) have been great friends. As high school comes to an end, she begins to realize that there could be feelings other than friendship between them maybe romantic feelings.

But she never finds out for sure since her best friend goes to Harvard in Boston, while she stays in England, where an unanticipated pregnancy puts a stop to her own college aspirations, kind of a clichéd storyline.

Little boy and girl play in the field at sunset. Cute brother and sister
By: oksana_nazarchuk/Depositphotos

As years pass and other romantic partners come and go in both their lives, Rosie must determine whether Alex is her soulmate – and, if so, what she should do about it.

Lily Collins and Sam Claflin are likable enough, but their characters’ pursuit of happiness falls flat. So much of what hinders individuals from achieving their goals appears artificial and, after a while, uninteresting.

There isn’t much momentum to lead you to the desired end when the stakes are clearly stated from the start and the hurdles are visible.

Review of Love, Rosie

Couple in love relaxing in the morning
By: oneinchpunch/Depositphotos

Most romantic comedies investigate whether couples are meant to be together and how they will discover this.

It’s evident from the outset in LOVE, ROSIE (based on Cecelia Ahern’s novel) that Rosie is intended to be with Alex, & vice versa.

That means spectators will spend the entire movie watching them apart, making one bad decision, one missed opportunity after another. The pursuit may have been exciting under better hands, but it’s aggravating and frustrating here.

Rosie Dunne is unique for her epistolary nature. The entire novel is written in the form of letters, e-mails, and text messages.

Although the characters’ nature and disposition could not be clearly understood, their reactions to the situations are beautifully expressed through the conversations.

The book centres on the relationship between Rosie and Alex and how it develops from friendship to love.

The first shock hits the readers when one day Rosie falls for Greg and gives birth to his child at a very young age. At the same time, Alex moves to Boston and takes up a career as a surgeon. He falls in love with Sally and gets married to her. 

But his feeling for Rosie never subdues. Alex Stewart settles up in his professional life but fails to realize his love for Rosie till the end.

Love, Rosie Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Lilly Collins, Sam Claflin Movie HD

Only towards the end do they realize that they are in love. Yes, all this while they were holding onto a friendship that was deeper than they had realized. They were fifty and had kids, but the staunch love was unbroken.

Parents should understand that Love, Rosie is about long-distance, long-term, unrequited love. Several sequences depict youths discussing losing their virginity/having sex, including one brief scene in which two people actually do the act (Which contains some sexual content).

There’s also a lot of drinking (including a teen who drinks herself unconscious) and smoking, as well as a lot of profanity, particularly “f—k” and “s—t.” However, this story about recognizing love and acting on it will appeal to older adolescents and above.

Love, Rosie.
By: VitalikRadko/Depositphotos

The novel is an enticing one, a combination of warmth and sensitivity, with characters usually gaslighting themselves and being their own worst enemies.

The author has a great insight into human feelings, and she is very careful in employing letters as the medium of communication. It is a touching piece of work, very lively and graceful. It ends with an enchanting couple coming together to lead a life of love.

-Edited by Steffy|20/7/22

Last Updated on by Steffy Michael

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