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Hello, internet.
As a person who uses local transport to commute almost everywhere, one must leap through a list of hurdles. The list of Commuter Issues is never-ending; I did the math and shrunk the list to just 9 points (YAY). Here are the problems one can relate to if they travel by bus or other local transportation.
9 Inevitable Commuter Issues
1. Loose Change

One of the commuter issues is not having change. Say you hand over to the conductor a 100 rupee note for a 95 rupees ticket. You are a fortunate person if you get back those 5 rupees change. Now, a plausible scenario would be the conductor asking you for 5 rupees coin/change. My friend, take my advice, hunt for that change. Because once lost, you will never get it back even if you are the one it belongs to.
Moral: Always keep change or loose coins with you, just in case.
2. Oil-Stained Windows
Volvo bus window pane, why are you always covered with oil stain?
It is not just a hurdle but a nightmare as well. The oil is smothered unevenly, and it is not just over one window; it is over every one of the windows. You have to make sure that you DO NOT come in contact with that unholy oily element for the love of your hair.
3. Driver’s Way or the Highway
It’s a hot day, and you enter the bus; first off, it’s stuffy, and the driver refuses to switch on the A.C, for God knows why or what reasons. You are there, a potato inhaling the filth and dirt of your fellow passengers in a cubicle where air circulation is minimal. Not a pretty picture. And this is when one prefers the normal bus over the A.C. buses. Normal buses are way better than any A.C. bus.
Although dust and pollution are invading your personal space on a normal bus, you don’t feel suffocated, at least.
4. Co-passenger Awkward Moments
In this scenario, you are sitting next to the window. The aisle seat is unavailable; your stop arrives before your fellow passenger is seated next to you. The stress you go through is nerve-racking.
People should understand that there isn’t enough room for their legs when seated, so how do you expect two pairs of legs to squeeze through that cramped lot?
You brainstorm various other possibilities to get through that situation, but the answer is so simple. The person who has taken the aisle seat should get down and give way to his fellow passenger. It’s as simple as that.
5. The Wait
Everything in life follows murphy’s law. The bus decides to arrive an hour late, only when you hurry to reach a certain location does the bus decide to arrive an hour late? The other days you see numerous buses storming through the roads as they own them; it’s when you are completely dependent on the bus’s arrival, your whole plan for the day goes for a toss. This is one of the commuter issues that need to have better solutions is this on.
6. Crowded Ones

Let’s do some math (YAY!)
This is without a doubt one of the most annoying commuter issues. The revenue turned over for the intrastate transport department will cross over crores. The majority is the tax that we pay. Now we also know that the goods and services tax has yet to be implemented.
The bill is yet to pass. So, this means the whole amount will be going to the department that takes care of the transport system.
How much would it take for them to increase the number of buses that function?
7. Missing the Bus Stop

This is one of the scariest commuter issues. If the bus journey takes an awful amount of time, anyone is bound to fall asleep. Now the result of this is not particularly comforting. Few conductors wake you up when your stop comes (bless them!).
Generally, you fall asleep, and you end up waking ten steps ahead of where you had to get down.
8. Eavesdropping
Let us look at things from a neutral horizon and not judge anyone. When talking to someone over the normal decibel, you passively become a part of that conversation. Hey, no judging!
9. Stopping
No, it doesn’t end there. Again, it’s the driver’s way or the highway. Not just arriving late, but going and stopping on the busway beyond the bus stop. He stops and waits for 15 whole minutes, and God knows why and creates the start of a traffic jam.
I am ending this post on a positive note.
To all the other everyday bus commuters out there, I feel your pain. I guess these commuter issues will take a long time to go away.
Until then, have a good day, fellow humans.
– Shwetha Srikanth
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian