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Does birth control make you gain weight1? This is an interesting and informative topic for all those who are on birth control methods and are taking birth control pills. If you are looking to prevent pregnancy, then you can have oral contraceptives like birth control pills and intrauterine devices to help prevent pregnancy.
Many young women who are on oral contraceptives complain they cause weight gain, and there is always a question mark on women’s health. This will make you ponder about does birth control makes you gain weight, and if so, how much weight.

Does Birth Control Make You Gain Weight
Research shows many people experience weight gain and weight variation while they are on oral contraception, and it is always better to take the advice of a healthcare provider so that there is no significant change in your body once you start taking birth control pills.
Does birth control make you gain weight? A lot of studies have gone into this topic and if there are side effects of birth control, but it shows that the pill, the vaginal ring, the patch, and the intrauterine devices do not play a part in making you gain weight or lose weight.
There are high chances birth control pills can cause fluid retention, and you can notice an increase in appetite. The weight gain can be attributed to fluid retention if you are on oral contraception. If you are looking for an answer to, does birth control make you gain weight? Then there is a chance that you might gain weight.
Types of Birth Control Methods
How to prevent pregnancy and looking to starting birth control methods? There are a lot of birth control options that can be tried out depending on your choice. Let us delve into some of the types of birth control methods used to prevent pregnancy and practice safe sex, along with getting information on, does birth control make you gain weight.
Birth Control Pill Method
One of the most effective birth control methods is taking the pill. Pill users can have it once a day consistently and it is better if they take it at the same time every day. That will take you to the next topic, does birth control make you gain weight? Though women complain of gaining weight after the birth control method, there is no proven fact that birth control affects body weight.
Birth Control Implant
In this, a tiny rod the size of a matchstick is inserted into your upper arm, and it helps prevent pregnancy up to five years. This implant or Nexplanon releases progestin hormones that prevent pregnancy in your body. If you want to get pregnant, you can visit your doctor and remove the implant.

If you want to know, does birth control make you gain weight, then there are chances people gain weight while using birth control implant.
Birth Control Shot
The Depo-Provera shot is an injection you can take once in three months to prevent pregnancy. If you get it on time, it works well and is convenient and safe. The shot contains progestin hormone that controls pregnancy because it prevents ovulation.
Your doctor will be able to give you proper details on how the dosage should be taken and how it works. That will make you wonder, does birth control make you gain weight? Many women have a tendency to gain weight while on this birth control, and many don’t have the gaining weight problem.
Birth Control Sponge
This small round sponge is made of plastic and can be inserted deep into the vagina before sex. It has a loop making it easy to be pulled out after sex. The sponge contains spermicide and covers the cervix preventing the sperm from reaching the egg.
The sponge also prevents sexually transmitted diseases, and you can either use it alone or with condoms. There is no worry of significant weight gain if the thought does birth control cause weight gain is going through your mind.
This is the only birth control method that protects you from both pregnancy and any sexually transmitted disease2. They are easy to use, and there are no other complications or side effects like headache, nausea, weight gain, etc. This thin pouch covers the penis and prevents the sperm from getting into the vagina.

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Condoms are good to use while having anal, oral, and vaginal sex. You can use them along with other birth control methods so that you will be safe from sexually transmitted infections.
Does birth control make you gain weight? Then the answer is no if you are using condoms.
Cervical Cap
A cervical cap is a barrier cap made of soft silicone that is inserted into the vagina. The shape of a sailor’s hat covers the cervix, which blocks the sperm from traveling to the egg. This is not only a good birth control method but will also protect you from sexually transmitted diseases. You will not have to worry about, does birth control make you gain weight because there is no way you will gain weight by using a cervical cap.
The diaphragm is a shallow bendable cup you insert into your vagina, and it covers your cervix during sexual intercourse. Add spermicide (cream or gel that kills sperm) to your diaphragm before inserting it in your vagina. The chemical in the diaphragm stops the sperm from moving toward the egg and effectively prevents pregnancy.
That takes you to the question, does birth control make you gain weight? In this case, using the diaphragm, there will be no weight gain. You will need a prescription from a doctor to get this done.
Hormonal Birth Control Method
Does birth control cause weight gain? This is a subject that is interesting to know, especially for those who are on birth control. Hormonal contraception3 is a combination of contraceptive pills that have estrogen, the vaginal ring, and the patch, medications used to prevent pregnancy.
You take the contraceptive pill daily, change the patch every week, and change the vaginal ring once a month. All these types of birth control prevent ovulation. The common hormones in this hormonal birth control pill are estrogen and progestin.

There are hormone progestin-only contraceptives which are also known as mini pills. They have to be taken at the same time each day if you want them to be effective. These minipills work in two ways; they thin the lining of your uterus so that menstrual bleeding is less and thickens the cervical mucus so that the sperm cannot reach the egg.
Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate is an injectable form of progestin-only contraceptive used for menopause hormonal therapy and birth control pill. It is reversible contraception that is effective and lasts for three months. Though there are different opinions on this matter, Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate users will experience weight gain.
Internal Condom
Internal condoms, also known as female condoms, are plastic pouches you put inside the vagina. It creates a barrier, and the sperm will not be able to meet the egg. Like condoms, internal condoms help prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
Does birth control make you gain weight? In this case, the answer is negative.
Intrauterine Devices
Any device, pill, or method used by people to prevent pregnancy can be termed birth control. Different types of birth control will make you want to know, does birth control make you gain weight?
An intrauterine device is one of the birth control methods, and it is a small T-shaped flexible device inserted into the uterus. It will prevent pregnancy and does not cause any weight change. There are two types of IUDs, one made of copper and one made of plastic, which contains hormones called the hormonal IUD. The copper IUD can be kept in for ten years.
The cervical mucous becomes thicker when you use IUD, and the sperm will not be able to reach the egg. While using this menstrual cycle will show less bleeding because the hormones make the lining of the uterus thin. IUDs are easy to use because they have no monthly or yearly maintenance.
IUD 4is very effective, and there can be a slight discomfort once the healthcare provider puts it in, and the same goes when it is removed. It lasts only for a while. There are no chances of becoming pregnant when you are using an IUD. Copper IUDs can cause a heavy menstrual cycle in many, but they are preferred over the hormonal IUD because they do not contain hormones.
All this requires regular use and is 99% effective if you are regular and correct in using it. This is available only if you have a prescription from a healthcare provider.
Levonorgestrel Releasing Intrauterine System
This is a device that contains the female hormone levonorgestrel, and when kept in the uterus, this intrauterine device slowly releases the hormone to prevent pregnancy for up to 3-5 years. The woman’s egg is not fully developed, so it cannot take the sperm.
Using the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system should be done under the supervision of a healthcare provider.
Spermicide and Contraceptive Gel
Spermicide and vaginal gels can be applied inside the vagina before sex. Spermicide can be bought across the counter, but contraceptive gels require a prescription from a doctor.
Spermicide is available in the form of gels, creams, and suppositories and in different brands which work in the same way. If you are using these, then you need not worry about, does birth control make you gain weight.
Vaginal Ring
A birth control vaginal ring is one of the birth control methods you can try if you are looking to prevent pregnancy. You wear a small ring inside the vagina, which will prevent pregnancy effectively if used correctly. There are two kinds of rings, Annovera and NuvaRing, and they have a lot of other health benefits.

The duration of the NuvaRing ring is five weeks, and the Annovera ring lasts for a year. Like any other birth control pills, these rings have the hormones estrogen and progestin. Store these rings properly when you are not using them. Make sure that you use the ring correctly, and a doctor will be the best person to guide you properly.
Side Effects of Birth Control

Affects Estrogen Levels
Since the body has an excess of artificial estrogen and progesterone, there might be a hormonal imbalance where the estrogen levels are high.
Breast Pain/Breast Tenderness
This is common in all those taking combination pills of estrogen and progestin. It can be painful at times, and your healthcare provider will be able to give you tips on how to tackle breast pain and breast tenderness caused due to birth control pills.
Fat Distribution
Does birth control make you gain weight? You will see some influences when you are on an oral contraceptive; there can be a fat distribution, like getting wider hips and fuller breasts. Peer-reviewed studies show that low doses of oral contraceptives have not affected body weight.
Fluctuations in hormone levels can trigger headaches, and an oral contraceptive can cause headaches and migraines in many.
Irregular Menstrual Cycle
An oral contraceptive regulates your normal menstruation, so if you are experiencing irregular periods, it is better to consult your healthcare provider and find out why.
Do not take your birth control pill on an empty stomach; take it after dinner. Birth control pills have high estrogen levels, and nausea is quite common when you first start taking birth control pills.
In The End
Does birth control make you gain weight? Your body fat percentage is affected while you are on oral contraceptives, and they affect weight and your body composition. Your weight changes, there will be a fluctuation in muscle mass, and your clothes will fit differently.
If you want to know, does birth control makes you gain weight, the answer is in the affirmative. There will be water retention and fat storage, and it will increase appetite. You can see these changes happening a few months after you start oral contraceptives.
- Funk, Anna, and Melissa M. Keenan. “Is my birth control making me gain weight? And other questions about side effects.” ↩︎
- Kao, T. S. A., & Manczak, M. (2013). Family influences on adolescents’ birth control and condom use, likelihood of sexually transmitted infections. The Journal of School Nursing, 29(1), 61-70. ↩︎
- Johansson, Elof DB. “Future developments in hormonal contraception.” American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 190.4 (2004): S69-S71. ↩︎
- Brahmi, Dalia, et al. “Pregnancy outcomes with an IUD in situ: a systematic review.” Contraception 85.2 (2012): 131-139. ↩︎
Last Updated on by Namrata