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Following is a list of 6 influential women who have established themselves over the years in their respective fields. They deserve all the recognition and honor they get. From Prime Minister-ship to Presidency, they have secured their mark in this patriarchal world with a little *pizzazz* of their own. 1. Golda Meir
Meir, a teacher and a politician, also Israel’s fourth prime minister, was elected to office on March 17, 1969. She was Israel’s first woman to hold such an office. She is known as the “Iron Lady” of Israeli politics and is called the “best man in the government” by Ex-Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. This phenomenal woman also held the office of Foreign Minister and Minister of Labor before her Prime Ministership. The “grey bunned grandmother of Jewish people” is the third woman to hold such an office.
2. Cristina Fernández de KirchnerChristina is the 55th President of Argentina. She was married to the late President Néstor Kirchner and is the first elected female president from Argentina and the second woman to hold this office after Isabel Martínez de Perón. She’s a spokesperson for human rights, and her universal child benefits plan had been a success because it boosted school attendances and reduced poverty in the country. She is an advocate of “Argentina’s claim to sovereignty” and also the fashion guru for Argentinian women.
3. Angela Merkel The first female to become the Chancellor of Germany, Merkel is a politician and former research scientist from Germany, who held the office of Minister for Women and Youth (1991) and Minister for Environment(1994) and, later on, became the first female Chancellor of Germany. She won a seat in the Bundestag for Stralsund-Nordvorpommern-Rügenin the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern during the first post-reunification general election. She was then appointed as the Cabinet minister by then-Chancellor Helmut Kohl. She played a vital role during the European Financial Crisis, managing it at the International level and becoming the backbone of the European Union. She was considered the world’s second most powerful person by Forbes magazine in 2012.
4. Ellen Johnson SirleafThe current president of Liberia is the first female head of state in Africa. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011. Recognized “for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and women’s rights to full participation in peace-building work.” Sirleaf dedicated her life to the non-violent struggle for women’s security and women’s rights. She received the Indira Gandhi Award from the President of India, Pranab Mukherjee, on 12 September 2013. She also held the office of the Minister of Finance of Liberia in the 1970s. Ellen is regarded as one of the most influential women politicians.
She is the eleventh and the current President of South Korea and the first female President at that. Subsequently, she is also the first woman to be the head of state in Korea and the first female president of an East Asian nation. She also chaired the conservative Grand National Party (GNP). She is regarded as one of the most influential and powerful politicians.
6. Dilma Rousseff Dilma Rousseff is the 36th and the current Brazilian president and the first woman to hold office. She was also the first woman who was appointed the Chief of Staff to the President of Brazil. As a supporter of socialist ideologies, she took part in Marxist guerrilla groups to fend off military dictatorship. She was eventually arrested and detained between 1970 and 1972. She also held the office of the Minister of Energy before her Presidency.
If you think you don’t deserve the world, then think again. These influential women have paid a path for all the young and older women alike to chase their dreams until they achieve them.
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Last Updated on by Laveleena Sharma