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Have you ever been to a fortune teller and felt fascinated by how they instantly recount the personality traits by an astrological chart that you can even relate to? These insights can give you a hint of awareness about yourself or anyone else.
But, if you don’t wish to spend time visiting an astrologer, you can get yourself switched on with this article that tells you how to find your zodiac sign, possibly revealing your personality. Ready? Let’s get going with the basics.
1. How to Find Your Zodiac Sign – What’s the Zodiac?

According to, the first use of the word zodiac is noted around the 1300s. The zodiac involves different star constellations in the celestial sphere. There are 12 constellations in the zodiac ring that are the basis of the astrological predictions in which each of the zodiacal constellations has been named after an animal or object.
2. Astrology Vs. Astronomy
Astrology is thought to foresee people’s future linking their personality, behavior, and overall life with their zodiac sign or sun sign which is determined by the positioning of the sun, moon, and other celestial bodies around the zodiac that comes under astronomy. Both of which are different.
3. How do Stars Affect You?
In astronomy, zodiac constellations close to the ecliptic (the sun’s path on the orbital plane) intersect with the earth’s orbit (which is elliptical or oval), where the earth revolves around the sun. Looking from the earth, the sun seems to be moving. Your signs are determined by a planet’s position where it meets a particular zodiac constellation on the ecliptic on the day you were born.
Earlier astronomy noticed that the sun crosses the ecliptic path over a year where all the constellations reside. So, the sun gets to meet each of the 12 zodiacal constellations, probably spending a month with each where every constellation occupies 30⁰ of the band’s space in the sky.
The new astrological year starts with the Aries sign which is at the 0⁰; past astrologers called this point the ‘spring equinox‘. But few stories in recent years claimed that a deviation in earth’s motion (which is a regular affair) over a period had caused a change in the equinoxes, causing the inclusion of one more constellation. That means there would now be 13 zodiac signs instead of 12.
However, NASA has cleared that there were already 13 constellations some 3000 years ago, but Babylonians chose to include only 12 as per their 12 months calendar.
4. How Can You Know Your Zodiac Sign?

Your natal chart helps in knowing your zodiac signs in three ways –
- Sun sign, which is what most people consider while looking for their horoscopes.
- Moon sign
- The ascendant or rising sign
5. What Do These Three Signs Mean?
5.1 Sun Sign
Your Sun sign is your prominent sign that seems to have a bearing on your personality. It’s often considered synonymous with the zodiac sign itself. As per ancient practice, your Sun sign is decided by your date of birth when the Sun crosses the particular sign you bear as your zodiac sign.
5.2 Moon Sign
Your Moon sign is your emotional side to the world. Everything from the feelings, sentiments, and reactions to something falls upon your Moon sign to decide. This sign is decided by the day of your birth when the Moon crosses a specific zodiac sign on that day.
5.3 Rising Sign
Your rising is the most important because this is probably what makes you different from the person born on the same day or date as yours.
Also called ascendant, your rising sign is very specific, meaning that it was the exact point (which means the exact time, date, day, and place of birth) when a certain sign moved up on the eastern horizon at your birth time. This sign is about how people see you at first. It can be your physical appearance and even aura.
The rising sign varies every couple of hours; this is why people born on the same day tend to be different.
These three signs jointly shape your entire personality. If you don’t quite relate with your sun sign, chances are the other two signs will have more influence on you. Your Sun, Moon, and the rising sign can be different or the same.
Moreover, the first letter of your name, an astrology app, or a professional astrologer (through your birth chart) can also tell you about your zodiac signs, dates, and unique characteristics.
6. Twelve Signs of the Zodiac in Western Astrology

6.1 ARIES (March 21-April 19)
Being the first sign, ruled by Mars, and with the ram symbol, Aries is all about activity and growth. Aries can be spontaneous, meaning they take decisions swayed by emotions. They often speak their mind and tend to be very outgoing.
Their approachable personality calls for a perfect leadership role, complementing their risk-taking attitude. Aries are social butterflies who enjoy making lots of friends.
6.2 TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Taurus sign with the bull as its symbol can be hard-headed and hot-headed simultaneously like a bull, which can sometimes make them inflexible.
However, their commitment to their work is unquestionable. When Taureans decide on something, they will most likely stick with it. Ruled by the Venus planet, people with Taurus signs appreciate the beauty in the simple as well as fancy things.
6.3 GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
Gemini sign is ruled by Mercury, making Geminis the kind of fast-moving person they are. They are drawn to fast facts, thus knowing different aspects, but they don’t go into the depth of things.
A Gemini can be friends with anyone but can also deviate quickly. They have good communication skills but lack focus. They’ve got flexibility which can be an asset for them but their fickle nature (as the twin is their symbol) can make them look irresponsible.
6.4 CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
Cancer signs get along with people very easily but only if they’re from their own circle. Cancerians top the chart of emotions and can be very clingy as the crab is their symbol. They’re also protective of themselves and their loved ones who form their world.
A Cancer sign can be easily turned off in a social situation because it mostly enjoys the homelike feeling. Also, the moon, the ruling planet of the Cancer sign, sometimes makes it a little more reactive.
6.5 LEO (July 23 – August 22)
Like their fire buddies (Aries and Sagittarius), Leo (the lion) is a sign of energy and creativity. Leo people are passionate about their goals, love life, or anything. The generosity and fierceness are their hallmarks of being ruled by the Sun. They give it all when committed to something. And it’s the same they expect for themselves, i.e., limelight. Typical Leos lack self-reflection and can be dominating as well.
6.6 VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
Virgo, ah, reputed for obsessing with details and organizing. And the ruling planet, Mercury, ensures they’ve got enough curiosity, sharp-mindedness, and eloquence to top it off.
Virgo tends to be loyal in any kind of relationship and loves to help people achieve greater things in life. This is what they strive for themselves, too, i.e., excellence. They are very responsible and great at fulfilling commitments, thus being good leaders.
Their compulsion to control little things can also impact others negatively and be detrimental to their health. Also, Virgo people find it hard to ask for help due to their self-sufficient attitude (hence justify their symbol, the virgin), but once they enter a relationship, they’re devoted.
Suggested Reading: The Characteristics of a Virgo: 5 Unique Positive and Negative Characteristics
6.7 LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Libra has its own sense of right and wrong that sometimes can cost them opportunities as they seem to be undetermined about them. Libra people would be the official pacifier when involved in a conflict, or they’d rather avoid it at best.
Their symbol, the scales, gives the impression of how much they’re into justice, and the ruling planet Venus presents them with generosity and charm to get their social life going smoothly.
6.8 SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
The Scorpio sign is ruled by Mars and Pluto, which makes their nature ambivalent. The scorpion symbol gives you a good view that they’re always up for revenge if you ever try to play with them. But, all and all, a Scorpio is all about persistence and determination for their goals. They are intense and seductive when it comes to love affairs.
6.9 SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
Represented by the archer, under the ruling planet of Jupiter, Sagittarius people attract growth. A typical Sagittarius has the spirit of a wanderer and is all into adventures. They love honesty & freedom and live in the present and thus don’t like to get restricted. Their bluntness can give you a hard time if you’re around a Sagittarius spirit.
6.10 CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
For once, you can mistake a Capricorn (sea goat) belonging to the fire group, but they’re not. Capricorn has got the qualities of both fire and earth elements. Born under Saturn, they’re ambitious, goal-oriented, dependable, powerhouses, stable, and down-to-earth at the same time. But a Capricorn can be a complainer and stubborn too. Plus, Capricorn people always look for serious relationships, no hookups.
6.10 AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
Born under Saturn and Uranus, this water bearer, Aquarius, is like a mind with high self-esteem. Aquarius believes in doing good for the public welfare. Aquarians are intellectuals and surround themselves with like-minded people. They believe in individuality, but social life is equally important for them.
6.12 PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
Pisces, the last sign represented by two fishes, is the opposite of Virgo. Born under Jupiter and Neptune, Pisces tends to live in its own dreamy world and is more likely to be artistic.
This sign is inclined toward the emotional aspects of life, unlike Virgo. Pisces are open to different experiences and thus vulnerable. However, they’re too compassionate, which in one sense can cause them emotional upheaval.
7. Conclusion
Searching for the zodiac signs or horoscope might be a fun hobby for some people or a serious affair for others as they’d approach it to counter uncertain and tough times.
Whatever the reason is, horoscopes are trending, and being in tune with trends always gives you an edge. Thanks to this article, now you have an edge. So, let us know about your sign and how much you relate to it in the comments.
Last Updated on by Sathi