Hey Folks!
Here’s a quick guide on how to get rid of blue balls.
The phrase “blue balls” refers to epididymal hypertension, which is supposed to happen when you are in a phase of sexual arousal for a long time without experiencing an orgasm or ejaculation.
It’s neither risky nor a cause to coerce a partner into engaging in sexual activities.
Although there is little research or widespread medical agreement on the disease, anecdotal information indicates that it is rather frequent.
The current information on blue balls and how to self-treat is provided below.
1. The Meaning of Blue Balls
When prolonged sexual excitement without orgasm or ejaculation, there may be blue balls, also known as epididymal hypertension, which can cause scrotal soreness or a heavy feeling.
The name “blue balls” refers to a condition where your testicles occasionally appear to be a faint shade of bluish color.
2. Symptoms of Blue Balls
The major symptoms of blue balls include mild pain, discomfort, aching, and heaviness (also known as testicles).
3. Why do Blue Balls Appear?
When things get hot and strenuous during sexual arousal, the body sends blood to the penis and testicles.
The veins that would typically transport the blood out from the location constrict, causing the blood to remain there and cause an erection.
When they ejaculate or are no longer stimulated, their penis bleeds and goes back to being flaccid.
However, additional blood may remain if stimulated for a long time without experiencing a release or decline in sexual arousal. This could result in some discomfort and pain in the testicles.
4. How to Get Rid of Blue Balls?
Ejaculating or distracting oneself with non-arousing tasks is the greatest approach to getting rid of the discomfort. You can relieve blue balls without a partner; it will be just alright.
It is possible to utilize various methods to lower blood pressure and end the excitement if masturbation is impossible or desired.
4.1. To Lessen Sexual Arousal, Try the Following Strategies:
• as a diversion, concentrating on work or addressing problems.
• reducing the amount of blood that reaches the genitals by having a cold shower.
• increasing blood flow away from the testicles by lying down.
• Performing exercise to promote healthy blood flow throughout the body.
If possible, lifting a heavy object puts pressure on other body parts.
• compressing the testicles with a warm cloth to reduce pain in the testicles.
5. Additional Reasons for Testicular Pain or Discomfort
The following sections go into further detail about a few other conditions resulting in testicular pain.
5.1. Renal stones
The groin and testicles may experience referred discomfort from kidney stones.
The following signs may also be present in those with kidney stones:
Dependable source
• of nausea and vomiting.
• a burning sensation when peeing blood in the urine.
5.2. Injuries
Testicular soreness, bruising, and swelling can result from any injury, including sports injuries and groin impacts.
Minor injuries are frequently treatable with rest and over-the-counter painkillers.
It is recommended to get medically reviewed by the physician if the damage is more severe.
5.3. Varicocele
The testicular veins might expand and develop into a varicocele. A person might see the swollen veins. The left side of the scrotum is where the varicocele most frequently develops.
5.4. Epididymitis
Epididymitis is a swelling of the epididymis, the tube behind the testicles. A urinary tract infection or a sexually transmitted illness may be to blame for this swelling.
Certain epididymitis signs and symptoms:
- Discomfort or sensitivity in the scrotum
- Scrotal edema and inflammation
- A fever, an urge to urinate those burns
To get epididymitis treated, a person should contact a doctor. The physician may recommend antibiotics or other medicines.
5.5. Torsion of The Testes
Torsion of the spermatic cord that supports the testicles, or testicular torsion, results in excruciating discomfort. A medical emergency is a testicular torsion because it stops the testicles’ blood supply.
Anyone exhibiting any of the symptoms below needs to see a doctor right away:
Intense scrotal pain, usually on one side; one testicle that enlarges relative to the other; scrotum that appears redder or darker than usual; nausea; and vomiting
The spermatic cord must be surgically untwisted in a patient with testicular torsion.
5.6. Groin-Level Diabetic Neuropathy
When high blood sugar levels damage a diabetic person’s nerves, this condition is known as diabetic neuropathy. Numbness or pain may occur in numerous locations across the body. You might think it’s blue balls if it occurs around your crotch.
5.7. Orchitis
The testicular inflammation known as orchitis, which can affect one or both testicles, might feel like blue balls.
Orchitis frequently results from an STI or the mumps and is also linked to epididymitis, making it epididymal-orchitis). But orchitis is a different condition all on its own.
5.8. Mumps
In adults, some mumps symptoms may be mistaken for blue balls, even though mumps typically only affect children. The possibility of tender, aching testicles during mumps is real, although these are usually accompanied by signs of a more serious condition, such as:
• Fever
• Headaches
• Tiredness
5.9. Carcinoma of The Testes
• Testicular cancer symptoms like soreness or dull, agonizing pain in the balls can be indicators. Still, more often than not, it’s only the infamous lump that indicates testicular cancer—it rarely hurts.
• It’s an excellent practice to form to check your testicles for bumps right after a hot bath or shower when they’re hanging the highest.
5.10. Skinny Pants
Seriously, the early 2010s’ obsession with skinny jeans has a lot to answer for. It can hurt your meat and potatoes to remain confined in tight clothing. Set your people free, let them go, and, if necessary, bring the kilt back into vogue. Your balls will be grateful.
5.11. Yogic Perspectives
Arousal is viewed as a buildup of sexual energy in the Tantric, Yogic, and Taoist sexuality systems. For most males who haven’t practiced having orgasms or full-body intercourse, this energy buildup remains in their genitals.
This buildup creates the pressure/desire to ejaculate, but if it doesn’t happen, the sexual energy might stagnate and lead to issues (blue balls)
5.12. Urinary Tract Infections or Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Not only do the sexually unsatisfied enjoy all the enjoyment of “aching balls,” though. Although UTIs are less common in men, STIs and UTIs can also cause groin pain. You’re getting those routine sexual health exams, right? Those will be able to tell you if this is the problem.
6. Myths Associated with Blue Balls
Blue balls are not harmful. Once the erection has dissipated, and blood flow to the genitals returns to normal, any discomfort should go away.
To relieve blue balls through intercourse, a person is not required to have a partner. Ejaculating while masturbating or distracting themselves with a non-arousing activity can help them eliminate the symptoms.
The testicles may appear bluish, but they don’t truly turn blue. The increased blood flow in the area is to blame for this.
Testicles turning blue or purple could be a sign if someone notices this.
Testicular torsion is a more serious condition, according to a reliable source.
7. Why Do Blue Balls Appear? The Only Research on The Subject
The truth is that nobody truly knows. It has proven challenging to locate relevant research.
Only one study has been published in reputable publications, and it is 21 years old. (To give you a sense of how ancient that is, “The Matrix” was released the year following that; today, the entire film looks like a horrible Marilyn Manson music video.)
There was a lot of criticism after publishing this case report (on one subject) just because it stinks.
Even this study implies that the researchers spoke with a number of their urology colleagues and discovered that they had only heard about blue balls anecdotally and not as a part of official training.
The authors hypothesise that “perhaps” blue balls can occur because of pressure that builds up following delayed testicular vein drainage when the pelvic veins are also bigger (which they will be during your industry-standard erection).
However, it is prudent to proceed cautiously when a phrase starts with “maybe.” All that’s left is a theory, which ironically leaves us empty-handed without a satisfying conclusion. (You know, the circle of life)
We know that some masturbation techniques, such as edging, which prolongs excitement without reaching a peak, increase the likelihood of experiencing pain. However, few guys will have issues using blue balls during routine sex.
8. Are Blue Balls Exclusive to Men?
Of course, only people with balls experience blue balls. Blood flowing into the clitoris and vulva during pleasure may cause Vaso congestion in those with female genitalia (or, if you prefer, “blue vulva”). Once blood flow resumes normal, symptoms once again subside.
9. Can You Truly Expect Blue Balls?
Any evidence does not back this up.
10. Do Blue Balls that Last Too Long Pose a Threat?
Being in pain or discomfort in one’s most prized possessions isn’t the best of situations. However, the discomfort is moderate compared to other conditions and disappears rapidly.
For example, you’ll be aware if you suffer from testicular torsion (where they entangle).
Well, this is pretty much all you need to know about blue balls’ condition. If you have any questions, please drop by the comment section.
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Last Updated on by Laveleena Sharma