How To Become An Engineer: 4 Years of Struggle or Fierce Competition?

By Sonal
4 Min Read

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Four years, 8 semesters, 40 subjects, and hundreds of assignments are all about being an engineer.

It seems to be the only goal for us Indian kids to achieve when entering our engineering college. But NO. I would say that this is only how one can become an engineer, but that is not what gives them the life of an engineering student; engineering begins where everything ends.

After joining college, the first thing that comes to your mind may be the new place, new college, new people, or new friends. Still, you never imagined that you would have a unique story of your life – the story will have the best moments of all your life put together – the story you will cherish till the day you die – the story you wish would last forever.

Though the first year is not as impressive as you thought, being an engineering student keeps you proud since engineering in India is almost like a religion; the country’s youth usually tend to follow this religion, be it by choice or not. Your life begins to take a turn toward a new chapter.

Social life, good grades, and sleep; Choose any two and live a happy engineering life.

This is how real engineering life starts. You won’t need a girlfriend or a boyfriend; your assignments are there to irritate you every day, which is more than enough. Your relationship status becomes “In Engineering.” While engineering brings tiring assignments and exams, it also has relaxing fests – the time for you to have fun and make memories for a lifetime.

A Day in the Life of an Engineering Student | The University of Sheffield

Your engineering life is incomplete without those cups of midnight coffee, bunking classes, 3 a.m. cup noodles, birthday bumps, get-together parties, empty pockets, breaking the rules, and your friends for life. It is bike racing, failing the exam, not paying the canteen bills, passing comments on every teacher, or having a crush on someone. Your friends are always your partners in every crime.

The third year of engineering is considered the happiest period of your graduation time. You become seniors and don’t fear the teachers as much as before. You become your department’s official representative since your seniors will probably be busy with campus recruitment and post-graduation exams.

Through those fights for best department tag, dance wars, dramas, sports, or tech fests, you will find out that a third-year student is involved in almost every activity.

How To Become An Engineer: 4 Years of Struggle or Fierce Competition? 1
By Aiman Khair/ Shutterstock

The best part always comes at last – the final year. Though you become busy with your seminars, projects, and campus placements, you still find the time to live each remaining day to its fullest. You will never bunk a single lecture because you know that you’ll soon miss sitting on that last bench. You take slams from everyone, and you no longer fear the results. 

Then comes the last day of your college, the farewell party. You patch up with those people with whom you never wished to talk. Then check every corner of your campus out again, relive the moments at your favorite place, eating together for the last time in college.

After that, you thank every teacher for their valuable presence in your life. Taking hundreds of photographs and making many memories is essential because that is how you store all your memories!

After exams, you finally leave the place and carry yourself a beautiful, unforgettable life story.

Also, happy Engineers’ Day (15th September of every year)

Sonal Virwani

Last Updated on by Sathi

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