Kimmy K Gets Another Upgrade with Porn Star Doppleganger

Icy Tales Team
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Photo Credit: Instagram @lelastartm

While the mega star is no stranger to some more salacious looks across her social media, husband Kanye West is now using Lela Star to stand in for his busty wife.

Kim Kardashian has been flaunting her… assets for some time. She’s known for tiny bikinis and revealing dresses. Recently, the star even took a full mold of her naked body to create a bottle for her new perfume- so why is the hubby, Kanye, resorting to a porn star look alike in his new ads?

Lela Star is a diminutive 5’1” Florida native, from Cuban descent. Despite her tiny frame, Star has had multiple surgeries that have endowed her with a similar bust and booty to Kim K. She denies undergoing the surgeries with the express purpose of looking like the reality tv star, but the resemblance is uncanny. Star is a quick to stardom porn goddess, who got her start in 2006. Now, Lela Star videos can be found all over the internet and come in as some of the top requested. This was even before Kanye’s new ads had Star, along with other well know internet stars, posing with his new Yeezy sneakers on.

Lela started out her career by being featured in a Hustler spread shortly after she had turned 18. While petite, Lela Star was one of the few porn stars of her time that didn’t have, and in most opinions, didn’t need plastic surgery. However, the natural beauty, and natural b cup, didn’t last too long into her porn career. Early into her career, what started as a simple nose job, slowly spiraled into multiple surgeries throughout her twelve years in the spotlight. The young Latin beauty has been undoubtedly transformed into the curvaceous and scintillating clone of just about every other porn star on the market.

According to a few of Stars’ tweets and her personal website, many fans believe that the porn video queen regrets her new curves. However, these curves made her the celebrity rebellion to many across  Hollywood and the modeling world. This isn’t something you see in any of her productions though. Lela Star seems more than comfortable with what she brings to the table and the screen. As she should be. “Her videos are such a change from what you normal stumble across when you’re searching the web for porn.” Says one devoted fan. “She is one of the few erotic actresses right now that genuinely seem to enjoy what she does. Making Lela Star videos stand out and easily surpass most of the rest

This charismatic approach to the eroticism is evident not only in her videos but can be easily seen in all her magazine spreads as well. While the star unquestionably exudes a steamy aura, she also comes across as playful, and seems to genuinely enjoy the lusty attention. Which is one of the reasons she seems to so closely embody Kim Kardashian’s naughty demeanor. Let alone her famously swollen booty.

Lela has found herself in two of the rappers turned mogel ad campaigns now. The first was a campaign where celebrities (including Kim’s bestie and fellow style icon: Paris Hilton) are made to look like the queen Kardashian herself. Following that, Kanye again selected Lela to appear in another Yeezy advertisement that had celebrities and internet sensations posing fully nude, not a stitch of clothing- unless you count his pale yellow Supermoon Desert Rat shoe collection.

While these campaigns definitely fall into the NSFW category, they are proudly displayed across multiple social media platforms, including Instagram and Twitter. Whether or not we’ll see Lela Star become a regular stand in for Kimmy K is unknown, but the porn star has reassured fans that no time soon will she be giving up her burgeoning video business for the shoe model game. Which comes as a great relief to porn patrons and shoe connoisseurs alike.

Last Updated on by NamitaSoren

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