Let’s be honest about Pet Peeves. No matter how accommodating you are, there are always certain things that annoy you, and you never want to be around the person who does them, ever again! I am not someone who sits and endures these annoying things.
Why should I endure someone constantly talking over me or someone rude to me and everyone else for no reason at all? I tell them how annoying their habits are; it is best to know how people feel about them. This is probably not a good idea, but I guess a girl’ got to do what girls got to do! I am sure there are some things we all hate in common.
Top 7 Pet Peeves Found
So, here’s a list of my top 7 pet peeves!
1. Not Being Punctual
Hey! Don’t give me that ‘Oh-like-you’re-never-late’ look. I am rarely late! I am the kind of person who reaches the spot 5 minutes before because I am very impatient. And then I have to wait, and wait, and wait. After 20 minutes of waiting, I am still waiting! Be on time! Oh, I am sorry but don’t you have a watch? Or does your cell phone lack a clock?
2. Ruining My Movie Experience
Have you ever sat beside someone in a movie theatre who knows nothing about the movie? And by nothing, I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?! That one annoying person who keeps talking and asking questions to their friend, apparently trying to understand the movie’s plot. You need to watch the movie with your mouth shut to understand the plot!
This one time, I went for ‘Avengers: The Age of Ultron,’ and a couple was sitting beside me. The boyfriend had dragged her to watch this film that she had no interest in, and she kept asking these ridiculous questions to him. At one point, she asked, “Who’s this Veronica chick?”
3. Not Knowing When to Shut Up
Talking is good. I love to talk! Still, one of my pet peeves is talking too much. There are some times when you need to shut up. Like, as when someone is trying to work or sleep or even going through an existential crisis and evaluating their life’s purpose. The worst is when someone keeps talking to you even after putting on your headphones. Putting on the headphones is the ultimate ‘Do Not Disturb sign’. So, when someone puts on their headphones, you are supposed to stop talking. How hard is it to understand?
4. Using Wrong Grammar
Yes, I am one of those grammar Nazis who people hate. I know, people who correct other people’s grammar are probably somebody else’s pet peeve, but I can’t help it! Sue me for correcting you, but do you realize how bad ‘What are you doing?’ sounds? Or how irritating it is to read ‘I am glad YOUR mine’? That is the moment I will start questioning your existence in my life. Good grammar is so attractive! Learn it, and it’s not that difficult.
5. Back-Bitching
Back-bitching is going to get you nowhere, there is no doubt that it is one of the worst pet peeves. If you hate someone enough to talk behind their backs, have the courage to say it to their face. By doing so, you are not destroying that person’s image but your own.
I don’t understand what you get out of it? Nobody is going to turn against another person based on your perspective of them. It’s not only impolite to talk behind people’s backs, but it also shows how childish and immature you are. Get a life!
6. Chewing With Your Mouth Open
I understand that you chew your food thoroughly before swallowing, but I don’t need to see it! Keep your mouth shut while eating! I am sure everyone has this on their pet peeve list.
7. Not Understanding That Opinions Differ
I respect your point, but I can’t entirely agree with it. I don’t have to. That’s the thing about opinions; they differ. But I respect your opinion and do not go on and on about how I am right and you are wrong. Learn to accept that others may have a different opinion and that it doesn’t make them wrong just because they don’t agree with you or the majority.
I hope you can relate to it! Do let us know about your pet peeves in the comment section.
– Srijonee Basu
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian