This poem is about a daughter’s mental agony when she finds herself amidst a broken family. Ever since her childhood, she has seen her parents brawl like animals. She has never known what a happy family is like. This is her tale, her questions, and her single wish.
A Lost Daughter
There are things she regrets
There are things culpable
Whom should she ask?
Whom should she curse?
For the riddling mystery of fate.
She hoped it’d be fine soon,
But convulsions get stronger.
Sometimes she let it go
Assured, there is no remedy
But to mourn in silence.
She wonders, why don’t they talk
She wonders why don’t they live.
Throwing their child into a dark pit
It gets hard on her
To pick the suitable
To speak the unspoken.
All she needs is a merry life, just like others.
She doesn’t want to referee between them
She asks, “Don’t I deserve a worthy story?
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian