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Girls in metropolitan cities these days are crazed about the idea of shopping. They spend endless days, splurging money on various things available in the market today. T
They ensure that they go to all sorts of local markets, weekly markets, and shopping marts to get a PERFECT piece of clothing of their choice that is appropriate for all the occasions.
But think again. It’s not that easy to buy good and fancy things at a reasonable price.
It’s not easy to walk around from market- to market in the hot scorching sun in the hunt for a perfect outfit or the perfect shoe or the perfect accessory.
It involves a lot of fuss.
Budget constraint
Imagine that tomorrow is your brother’s reception and all you got is two thousand rupees in your hand. You cannot wear anything else but ethnic as it is YOUR BROTHER’S RECEPTION. But 2000 bucks is the only money you got to purchase a dress, accessories, and shoes.
This might not make sense to some people, but it requires proper planning and a good shopper to get everything set before the deadline and in the given budget.

Also, some people in the corporate world have to be dressed smartly and also according to current fashion due to whatever reasons.
Undoubtedly, they have to spare a share of their monthly salary for the same. But a good shopper will have to shell out less than a person without any knowledge of the same.
Buying an earring
Let’s understand the amount of confusion that shopping can cause by taking an example. If I want to buy someone an earring, what procedure shall I follow? I mean, what factors shall I take into consideration?
I remember when I wanted to buy a pair of earrings for a friend on her birthday. I went to the market to check out some of these. The varieties of earrings available to the shoppers are bewildering. They were so many earrings in different metals, some in ceramic, but mostly in plastic. It was so damn confusing.

All the earrings in the local markets are, anyways, horrible and unpleasant. So I went to a fancy artificial earring shop. I couldn’t even figure out one single appropriate earring. Besides, the pricing of these different earrings gave me fits and a bad headache. I mean, how do I figure out which one is expensive and which one is cheap? How do I bargain without this information? Till which limit do I bargain?
These small fancy items, to some, might not even be something significant. After all, these are tiny; a microscope is sometimes required to see the design properly. What’s more, most of them are either circular or in the shape of some crazily symmetrical flower. When I was shown a fresh stock of a couple of earrings, I freaked out on seeing some earrings fashioned as slippers and toilet seats!!

Ugh. Everything is so confusing. Now comes the sizing. Either it is a real small earring, or it’s something so big that you can make a key chain out of it … Really, at least something shall be normal.
And all this isn’t it, and I didn’t even mention the hooking mechanism. Even that crazy thing comes in so many types, most popular being the hook and the screw mechanism. The hook one is like a small coat hanger hinged in your ear in a rather carefree manner. And the next one is the nut-bolt design which comes with its own madness. Also, I do not understand the concept of this small cut or solitaire cut in the stone fixed ornaments.
Shopping is not an easy task, though over-spending is a big NO-NO. Bargaining seems fun. However, it’s not child’s play! Some people like to window shop, which itself is very relaxing. But always remember; lack of knowledge can cause you a lot of money.
Last Updated on by Himani Rawat