The Dead Poet’s Game: The Spookiest 3 Step Game

By rithika
8 Min Read

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Unlike the name, ‘The Dead Poet’s Game’ suggests, this game has nothing to do with the Hollywood movie “Dead Poet’s Society.”

For all you paranormal junkies out there, this game is the real deal and the one that I would personally recommend to try only when you have gathered enough courage!

The Dead Poet’s game was unheard of until the 18th century, when a truly talented magician, Alexander Kingsley from England, performed this game in a London theatre house in front of a large crowd. Now earning a livelihood as a magician can be tricky, especially if you are not innovative enough.

Alexander Kingsley, no doubt, was an exceptional magician, but his business was running slow as his tricks were exhibited by him over and over again, so when Alexander heard about the Dead Poet’s game, he decided to perform it live in his magic show to prove that there were no such things as spirits or ghosts but what happened at the end of the game was something genuinely inexplicable!

But before that, let me tell you what this game is and how to play it.

This game is used for contacting spirits and asking them questions which sounds similar to the Ouija board.

The catch here is that the spirit will directly talk to you (I have no clue why anyone would want to play this game!)

3 Things to Keep in Mind While Playing

1. Stay Alone

You must be alone in the room while playing this game; the reason for this is that if you are the only person, there are chances that if there is more there one person in the room, like your friend, then the spirit would take possession of their body and this can be very dangerous as the spirit would then have complete control over your friend’s soul and could make them do unspeakable things.

2. Be Serious

It would help if you were serious while playing the Dead Poet’s game and listen closely. Any funny wisecracks or casual attitude is not something that the spirits would appreciate.

3. A Room Where a Poet Died

You must play in a room where a poet has died, or someone with the soul of a poet has died, now, by the soul of a poet, I mean someone calm, collected, and humble.

The reason behind conducting the Dead Poet’s game in a place where a poet has died is because when you contact the spirit, it will often take the form of the soul trapped in that area.

And if you are looking forward to having a friendly chat with the spirit, you don’t want it to take the shape of a vengeful one.

The Dead Poet

For the Dead Poet’s game besides an empty room, you would require a candle, a box of matchsticks, a table, two chairs, a wine bottle, and two wine glasses.

  1. Now arrange the table precisely over the place where the poet had died, but the chairs on either side of the table; the principal chair is the one in which you will sit. After this, open the bottle of wine and pour it into the wine glasses; make sure that you pour an equal amount of wine into both glasses (this is like a peace offering).
  2. Next, you have to switch off all the lights and light the candle, the room must be completely dark, and there should be no light other than that coming from the candle. It is better to play this game at night, maybe a cold November night, close all the blinds and see that once you lock the room, you have no means of contacting the outside world. No technological gadgets should be there inside the room.
  3. Now comes the crazy part. After you have followed everything mentioned above, sit on the top chair, call out to the spirit with a silent toast, raise your wine glass and take a sip; if everything has been done perfectly, then you will see a presence sitting on the chair opposite to you.

Be calm, and don’t show any fear; it may provoke the spirit as this is a dangerous path you are treading on.

If the opposite chair remains empty after calling out to the spirit, then blow out the candle, switch on all the lights, get out of the room and lock it, and do not enter it until the following day!

In the case of the first scenario, if the spirit is sitting in the opposite chair, you can challenge it to a match, and if it agrees, then you can begin by choosing which player you want to be.

If you want to be player A, say clearly to the spirit that you are stripping it of the letter A, then the spirit would be player B.

  • Now ask a question and when you receive the answer, take a sip of your wine; now, you’ll be player B, and the Dead Poet’s game will continue in this manner. After every answer, the person who asked the question has to take a sip, and try not to get too drunk because spirits can be manipulative and may take advantage of the situation. Only drink from your glass.

"The Dead Poet

The match ends when the wine runs out, and the person who is player A at that point is the winner.

  • If you are player A, then remain seated, the spirit will depart by itself. After the spirit leaves, blow out the candles, turn on the lights and leave the room.
  • If you are player B (congratulations! you have invited a whole load of trouble in your personal life just for the sake of a few stupid questions), then the spirit will blow out the candle. From now on, wherever you go, especially in places that are dark or when you go in front of the mirror, you will always feel the presence of the spirit but under no circumstances should you utter the following words,

‘This soul is yours. It’s yours to do business with.’

Remember Alexander, the magician, who was discussed at the beginning of this article? He broke all the above rules and conducted the Dead Poet’s game in a room filled with people.

He cracked jokes the entire time, and the spirit that turned up at his table was an evil one. And hence Alexander automatically lost.

By the end of the evening, Alexander, the magician, had turned into Alexander, the raving mad man.

If there ever was a game that should never be played, this is The Dead Poet’s game!

Last Updated on by Steffy Michael

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By rithika
A self proclaimed book addict, who likes to read even while eating. Her favourite genre is thriller and she is a huge fan of horror movies. Apart from books and movies she is interested in languages and hopes that she will be able to speak mandrin fluently one day.
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