School And 7 Things You Will Definitely Miss About It

Megha Bhandari
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Most of us spend days thinking about leaving school and entering into the real world. But once you get into college life, you feel nostalgia for things you would never experience in your life ever again. School plainly teach us few things which help us survive in real world. It is a firm foundation for our bright future.

Here are few things you would miss about it

1. Morning prayers

SchoolMorning assemblies were always torturous, but it is confined only to school life. No college or no job would give you this experience ever. Be it protecting yourself from the discipline committee for not getting polished shoes or giggling with your friends and faking illness to save yourself from the scorching sun. All of this would be missed.

2. Uniforms

School-UniformEvery morning giving zero thought on how to display yourself, was because of the uniform. You would proudly show off yourself in front of other school’s students because of short skirts, or low waist trousers were worn by you. Wearing blazers in winters and trying to get rid of a tie in summers. Where would you find such fun ever?

3. Birthdays 

school birthdayBirthdays were always awaited here as it was the only day in the whole year when you could miss your uniform and be in your coolest casuals. While everyone was in their uniform, you would feel like a star as everyone knew it was your birthday. How can you forget to skip classes to go and distribute chocolates in the whole school?

4. Lunch break 

Everyone in your friends knew what was the special dish cooked by your mother. Sharing lunch in school and waiting for the break since first-period won’t ever be repeated in college. All the gossips were circulated during this mandatory 45 minutes of lunch break.

5. School friends

school friends“Your college friends know what you are, and your school friends know why you are like that”. This summarises how important your school friends are. They know you since the day you know the meaning of word “friend”. Bunking classes, group projects, studying for tests, etc. are completed only with them by your side!

6. Teachers 

school teachersSchool teachers are our first mentor after primary education we get at home. In college, you are just a number for a teacher but in here, you are a lot more than that. Your teachers know your personality, and they interact more with you than college teacher. They figuratively hold your hand to make you excel in studies.

7. Extra play time

sportsAfter studying monotonously, sports period or drawing period were eagerly awaited. It always gave you a mental break from the subjects you liked less. Also, it gave you a chance to know your talent in a field other than academics. 

So for everyone who is still in school, just live your days thoroughly because no matter how much you miss them later they won’t ever come back. For those who have passed out from there, spend time with your friends and try to relive those moments as much as possible.

Last Updated on by NamitaSoren

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