Before talking about unusual religions what does religion mean? Religion can be defined as ‘A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.’
Religion unites people and helps them answer their questions about the world. People turn to religion to depend on something bigger than themselves. Religion can also cause people to take extreme measures. Some religions, however, are unique and may seem weird to people who follow the mainstream religion evolved.
Bizarre Unusual Religions
1. Church of Euthanasia
Started by Rev Chris Korda, this religion fights against the growth of the human population and-and is devoted to restoring the balance between human beings and other species on Earth with the use of satire and black humor. ‘Thou shalt not procreate‘ is one of its commandments.
2. Raelism
Formed by Claude Vorlihon, this UFO religion believes that Elohim, a humanoid species of extraterrestrials is the one responsible for the genesis of humanity. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, etc. are all Prophets of Elohim. It is one of the most bizarre religions.
3. Universe People
The Universe People or The Cosmic People of Light Powers is a Czech religious movement. This religious group believes in the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations which communicate with ‘contacts.’ Apparently, they are operating a fleet of spaceships that orbit around the Earth. They help the good people and also want to take their followers to another dimension.
4. Aghori
In a Hindu Cult, the followers of which carry a ‘kapala’ made from human bones and use it as a cup to drink and smear cremation ash on their bodies. Their practice of cannibalism (eating human flesh) has turned other Hindus against them. They have healing powers and engage in Tapasya. They believe that Shiva is perfect and is the reason why everything happens. It is one of the most bizarre religions.
5. Pastafarianism
Pastafarianism believes in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. It opposes the teaching of Intelligent Design and Creationism to school students and claims that the theory of the Flying Spaghetti Monster should be taught to students along with the theories of Evolution. Bobby Henderson wrote an open letter to the Kansas School Board regarding this and it has since become an internet sensation. Pastafarian weddings are now a thing too.
6. Neo-Paganism
Neo-Pagan Religion founded in the nineteenth century; the word neo-pagan was coined to refer to Renaissance & Romanticist Hellenophile classical revivalism. By the mid-1930s, the term “neopagan” was being applied to new religious movements such as Jakob Wilhelm Hauer’s German Faith Movement and Jan Stachniuk’s Polish Zadruga, typically negatively and by outsiders. It is one of the most bizarre religions.
Pagan as a self-designation first appeared in the papers of the Witchcraft Research Association in 1964 and 1965; at the time, the term was used by revivalist Witches in the United States and the United Kingdom but was unrelated to the larger, counterculture Pagan movement.
Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, the co-founder of the 1st Neo-Pagan Church of All Worlds, is largely responsible for the modern world popularization of the terms pagan and neopagan as they are now understood. Beginning in 1967 with the early issues of Green Egg, he utilized both titles for the expanding movement. This usage has been popular since the 1970s pagan revival.
7. Bullet Baba’s Motorbike
Locals believe the motorcycle has mystical powers since it inexplicably reappeared at the crash site multiple times after the police had taken it away. This faith is maybe the only spiritual movement in the world centered on the adoration of a motor vehicle. A shrine has been built at Chotila, Rajasthan, for a Royal Enfield Bullet 350 cc motorcycle and a photo of its owner, Om Singh Rathore, who died in a road accident on National Highway 65.
8. The Church of All Worlds
The Church of All World was founded in 1962 by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart & His wife, Morning Glory. Originally derived from Robert Heinlein’s Strange in a Strange Land, members worship Gaea, the Earth herself, as well as gods from various theological pantheons. Oberon, the Church’s leader, is known as ‘Primate,’ while his followers are known as ‘Waterkin.’ It was very different from mainstream christianity.
9. Aetherius Society
This religious group is essentially a blend of Christian theology, Hindu, Buddhist, and Jewish ideas, with a fair dosage of ufology thrown in for good measure (study of UFOs and extraterrestrial life, in case you were about to Google it). The Aetherius Society’s 650 or so members work to keep the Earth from being completely destroyed. They say that prayer and ‘Spiritual Energy Batteries,’ which contain healing energy created by psychic talents, have already avoided countless calamities.
10. Prince Phillip Movement
The Prince Philip movement is indeed a religious group practised by the Kastom people in Vanuatu’s southern island of Tanna, between the communities of Yaohnanen and Yakel. It is a cargo cult of the Yaohnanen tribe, who believe in the deity of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (1921–2021), Queen Elizabeth II’s late consort.
According to Yaohnanen legend, the son of a mountain spirit crossed the oceans to a faraway place. He married a strong woman there and would eventually return to them. He was sometimes referred to as John Frum’s brother.
The residents of Yaohnanen and Takel believe in the divinity of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Elizabeth II’s late consort. They had witnessed the colonial authorities’ reverence for Queen Elizabeth II and assumed that her husband, Prince Philip, was the son mentioned in their traditions.
It is uncertain when this notion arose, although it was most likely in the 1950s or 1960s. It was bolstered by the royal couple’s official visit to Vanuatu in 1974, when a few people were able to view Prince Philip from a distance.
11. FAQs
11.1. What Is the Most Organized Religion in The World?
Christianity is the world’s largest religion and is practiced by around 2.4 billion people. The goals of religious practice are to attain salvation for oneself and others, and (if there is a God) to pay due reverence and obedience to God. Distinct religions have different ideas about God and salvation.
11.2. What Is a UFO Religion?
The phrase UFO Religions refers to groups that exhibit many of the characteristics frequently associated with other, better-established religious organizations.
A communally common belief system or worldview where a sacred or transcendent reality features prominently; a belief that perhaps the human race requires some sort of salvation or redemption from its present state; an ethical system; experiences like devotion, ecstasy, rebirth, & inner peace; central myths as well as stories, particularly ones dealing with humankind’s creation and future; and rituals are among these.
11.3. Does George Carlin Have a Religion Named Frisbeetarianism?
It Isn’t a real religion! One of the world’s strangest faiths is a spoof of the spiritual concept of life after death. The religion was founded by American actor and comedian George Carlin, who stated that “when a person dies, his/her soul rises and is flung like a frisbee onto a roof, where it becomes attached and remains.
Quote by the great George Carlin “Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told.”
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Edited by Steffy Michael 9/6/22
Last Updated on by Saket Kumar