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There was a time period when Channel V was the top rated Youth Entertainment Channel. A few years back, all the teens would set themselves to watch all the entertainment shows of Channel V and would get done with all their chores to gain total pleasure they receive by watching the shows. This entertainment is not just limited to adolescents, the shows in this channel were so amusing, that even the parents would skip the episodes of their favorite serials in order to join their children to watch the shows on Channel V.
Since 2015, people prefer switching the Channel V shows and have developed keen interests in other entertainment channels that offer shows on the basis of public demand and provide satisfactory outcomes. It’s only a few shows that still preserve and promote people’s interests on Channel V and offers a petite scope of entertainment. The way it is presently performing in comparison to other channels clearly states its condition after 10 years.
The following are the reasons of Channel V’s deterioration:
- Dil Dostii Dance (D3), the entertainment dance show (2011-2015), had the highest fan following and stirred human beings, especially teens, from all over India to rate Channel V, and due to this reason, D3 was the only show that survived till four years, without disheartening its fans even once. After its closure, Channel V’s T R P suffered a huge thrashing.
- 2013 was the golden year for Channel V. In 2013, Channel V was the top rated teen entertainment channel of the year due to the combination of best entertainment shows like Paanch, Sadda Haq, Buddy Project, Dil Dostii Dance, Confessions, It’s Complicated and Gumrah Season 4. After 2014, most of these engaging shows were shut that disappointed its viewers.
- The arrival of new entertainment shows like Million Dollar Girl, Swim Team, Ishq Unplugged, D4 Get Up and Dance and Mastaangi did not meet the requirements of its audience and even today they are collapsing day by day.
- D4 Get Up and Dance is a series of D3 Dil Dostii and dance. The viewers had a great expectation from D4. Unfortunately, D4 does not support a huge fan following as compared to D3 and thus continues to dismay the viewers from watching the show.
If Channel V continues to perform the way it is presently performing then after a few years from today the Channel will be completely neglected with almost negligible fan following. We can just hope that Channel V strikes the audience once track towards itself once again before it’s too late.
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian