Why Were Graham Crackers Invented? Know the Story

Tanya Khantwal
8 Min Read

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What is the similarity between the camping-experience-essential, easy-to-make-over-bonfire delicacy, which is a smore, and the time-consuming, luxurious, creamy dessert named cheesecake? Both of them cannot exist without the ingredient of graham crackers.

These coarsely ground wheat crackers, although often bland, are a snacking special that has permeated people’s eating habits worldwide. They have become a staple of kids’ lunch boxes and the walls and roof of the Christmas gingerbread house. But have you ever wondered – how exactly these crackers came to life? Why were graham crackers invented?

Why were graham crackers invented?
Image by Kayla Speid / Unsplash copyrights 2021

Why Were Graham  Crackers Invented?

1) The History Of Graham Crackers

The creation of graham crackers goes back to the early 19th century, And the credit for its invention goes to Reverend Sylvester Graham. Even though this flat-baked item is used for various finger-licking dishes today, its origins reside in a very bland, lustreless context.

An American Presbyterian minister, Sylvester Graham was known for advocating healthy living. He was a key figure in the temperance movement. He was strictly against any stimulant like coffee, promoted abstinence from meat and alcohol, and thought that indulging in sex caused a motley of health problems, ranging from headaches to epilepsy. Such a nutriment, according to him, would act as a deterrent for sexual desires. Graham believed that a purely vegetarian diet that was bereft of any pleasure was the ideal food palette by God for us – something that gained him the title of father of vegetarianism.

In accordance with this thinking, Sylvester Graham invented graham flour. This whole wheat alternative was first used for making bread. Then in 1829, came the masterpiece – the graham cracker. This cracker was dull and bland in taste and was supposed to augment clean eating. The prudish reverend postulated that these would curb sexual urges and, consequently, as a medium of salvation.

How to Cure Sexual Urges the 19th Century Way- The Birth of the Graham Cracker

The best thing about these crackers was the use of unsifted flour, something is seen as pure by Graham, instead of the white flour he refrained from because it was processed. The popularity of the graham cracker was helped by the health craze rampant during the 1820-30 period in America. Graham gained a significant following who were monikered the Grahamites. At the same time, he also became the subject of many bakers’ and butchers’ fury.

However, what is remarkably interesting about the Father of Vegetarianism is his behavioral turnabout during the last years of his life. It is said that before he died in 1851, Graham indulged in meat and liquor, thinking they could alleviate his health. Some say he went to the extent of getting opium enemas on his doctor’s orders. By his late 50s, the leader had also become somewhat disillusioned with his teachings. All in all seems like he had completely turned his back on the Graham diet during his sunset years.

2) What Is the Connection Between Graham Crackers and Kellogg’s?

Nonetheless, Graham Crackers aided the arrival of other healthy foods as well. One of them was cornflakes. Sylvester Graham’s teachings inspired many, but the most significant of those names is that of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg. Graham’s simple philosophy centering around abstinence and a bland diet appealed so much to Kellogg, who was the director of the battle creek sanitarium that he enforced the food intake of the patients there to be decided according to these principles. He advocated what he called biological living.

Also, like Graham, he invented a transformative addition to our diet – cornflakes. Their creation was an accident. In 1898, Kellogg’s brother had left the dough out in the open, toughening it over time. When put through the rollers, it gave the world the hard flakes which we call cornflakes today.

Why Were Graham Crackers Invented? Know the Story 2
Image by Deepak N / Unsplash copyrights 2021

However, the first type of cereal was granular, created in the 1860s by Dr. James Caleb Jackson. Kellogg, too, stumbled upon this cereal, but this led to him getting sued by Jackson. Eventually, Kellogg changed the name of his creation to granola. Corn flakes just turned out to be a more successful item.

While John stood steadfast in his beliefs, his brother William decided to take advantage of the economic potential he saw in cornflakes. He added sugar to the flakes, something vehemently resisted by John. However, William was able to prevail in this battle. This brought to life modern cereal.

3) What Variations in Graham Crackers Were Invented?

In 1898, the Graham Cracker recipe fell into the hands of the National Biscuit Company, which started its mass production and packaging. Three decades later, they incorporated sugar into the bland item, making the reformed food item a household name. Graham crackers have come a long way since they were created.

Graham crackers were also derived from animal crackers. The National Biscuit Company came up with Barnum’s Animals in 1902. these were crackers shaped in the form of various circus animals, packaged in colorful boxes. The idea behind the product was to provide fun eatables that could be used to decorate the Christmas tree.

Why Were Graham Crackers Invented? Know the Story 3
Image from Shutterstock by Jim Lambert

4) How Are Graham Crackers Used Today?

While earlier they were produced out of graham flour, they are now made out of refined wheat, which was against Sylvester Graham’s beliefs. The former method of sweetening the food item was integrating it with molasses; now, they are filled with a chemical-rich variety of sugars. Safe to say, the snack has evolved to fit into the modern taste palette, evident by its pairing with melted chocolate or being part of the French-originated charcuterie board. If Sylvester Graham had gotten to see what his invention turned out to be, he would have been happy he did not get to live that long.

Graham crackers are often part of charcuterie boards.
Image by Eva Bronzini / Pexels copyrights 2020

It would be an understatement to say that the graham cracker boasts a marvelous journey. It is not common to think, “why were graham crackers invented?” But wondering so while also knowing what it now really puts one in a state of astonishment. From being the poster snack for curbing the sinful temptation to self-abuse to being the crunchy companion to sweets, the graham cracker has undertaken a full 180-degree turn in its personality. However, whatever anyone says, it is undeniable that the snack has stood the test of time.

Last Updated on by Himani Rawat

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