Women’s Freedom- An Illusion or A Reality ?

By Paulomi
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In the past ages we have heard that women were treated only as objects of necessity at home. They were expected to live at home, provide food for the family and give birth to children. History tells us that many eminent people made protests,. The British rule suddenly made us think about the rights of women. We started to think about the rights of women- their rights to education, right to vote and funnily after so many years of civilization we started considering women as part of the society.

Present Society

Women freedom
By Pazargic Liviu/ Shutterstock

Now let’s move to the present times. Society proudly shows that it has given women the right to education, and the right to live their lives. Oh wait that’s the apparent picture that we get. Modern society educates their daughter in a good school, pays for her college, and even in many cases allows her to work. But we always miss the loopholes inherent in all of these privileges we get. We are expected to fare well in our exams, but are not allowed to voice our thoughts. We are expected to get a proper job but yes the criteria, are that it should be “safe”, decent, have “security”, no late working hours and the list continues. If a girl is given the right to education then she should also be given the right to do what she wants with her life. Yes nowadays many women get to earn and fulfill their materialistic needs. And the stupid society terms this as independence. Come on wake up people. The economic situation of society is such that it is necessary for both the woman and the man to earn to maintain a family. Oh, I almost forgot, nowadays everybody wants an educated wife, daughter, and bride for their upliftment of social and economic status. But do we ever stop to consider that there may be girls who don’t connect the words security, money, and a secured job with the idea of freedom and independence?

Empowering Leadership: Redefining Norms for Women

Tanya Moody, a Business Coach with over 20 years of experience across the Hospitality, IT, Telecoms, and Finance industries, comments:

“From a business leadership perspective, influential women can change workplace norms and expectations in a myriad [of] ways, for example, by implementing inclusive policies and gender-neutral practices, mentoring and [sponsorship of] junior women, and advocacy for equal pay and benefits.

However, I think the most value can be added in two key areas:

  • Promoting work/life balance:

Promoting a healthy work-life balance, for example, by encouraging remote work options, flexible hours, or compressed workweeks, demonstrates that fulfilling work responsibilities doesn’t require rigid adherence to traditional office hours.

This normalizes flexibility, benefiting everyone- men, women, parents, caregivers, and employees with diverse needs.

Providing options like this can help level the playing field, reducing barriers that disproportionately affect women and [also] contribute to better mental health, reduced stress, and increased job satisfaction for all employees.

This, in turn, enhances productivity and creates a more positive work environment.

  • Being highly visible and publicly taking credit for their achievements:

When influential women visibly claim credit for their accomplishments, it sends a powerful message.

It breaks the stereotype that women should be modest about their achievements or downplay their success and the ingrained societal view that associates leadership, competence, and success with masculinity.

This visibility serves [as] a beacon of inspiration for younger generations, encouraging them to aim high and pursue their ambitions without reservation.

On a practical level, visible [successful] women can build networks and communities, fostering support systems for other women to thrive. They become catalysts for change, breaking barriers and creating opportunities for others.”

Tanya Moody
Tanya Moody

Freedom has a personal sense of meaning

For some freedom may mean following their passion, going for a holiday all alone, or even having some silent time with oneself. For them, independence may mean not having to answer questions for their every action. I don’t deny that we do require money to survive. But economic stability is a necessity irrespective of which sex we belong to. So don’t confuse “being established” with being free.

Economic stability
By TaklongObchoey/ Shutterstock

Diversity in Matchmaking: Enriching Connections and Cultures

Sameera Sullivan, a Relationship Expert and the CEO of Sameera Sullivan Matchmakers, describes how influential women dismantle gender stereotypes and promote equality:

“I’ve seen firsthand how recognizing and celebrating diversity in women’s representation fosters a more inclusive society. Embracing diverse ethnicities and backgrounds in matchmaking [not only] broadens our clientele’s dating prospects [but also] enriches their cultural understanding and empathy.

For instance, we once matched a Caucasian client with a South Asian partner.

This cross-cultural connection [not only] led to a meaningful relationship [but also] to a deeper appreciation and understanding of different cultural values and traditions within their social circles.

Such matches demonstrate the beauty of diversity and encourage a ripple effect of inclusivity.

By valuing and highlighting diverse experiences, we contribute to a society that appreciates and learns from its rich tapestry of backgrounds, fostering a more equitable and interconnected world.”

Sameera Sullivan
Sameera Sullivan

Acceptance or Protests is not a Solution

Some people including girls themselves have accepted this situation. Some complain about this pathetic situation and some lucky ones are even too blind to understand the situation. Trust me dear readers, acceptance or complaining about it will not help you in any way. Neither will just shout and talk about it.

Believe In Yourself

Every girl has to remember that firstly they were born a human being and not a girl. Each of you has many responsibilities to carry out but never forget that the first and foremost responsibility is towards yourself. Learn to love yourself then only you will be able to love what life has to offer to you. And only after you believe in yourself will you be able to make others believe in you. Carry the faith within and try to light up this world with the halo of your faith.

#MeToo and Time’s Up: Transforming Women’s Empowerment

Loretta Kilday, a Senior Attorney specializing in Personal Finance, Collections, Bankruptcy & Divorce Law from Chicago, explains how #MeToo and Time’s Up shaped women’s empowerment:

“I have witnessed firsthand how the #MeToo and Time’s Up movements have reshaped the discourse on women’s empowerment in my capacity as an attorney.

Beyond increasing consciousness regarding sexual violence, they have also cultivated an environment characterized by compassion and unity.

As a result, a societal transformation has occurred in which a greater [number of] survivors feel empowered to speak out, and the difficulties they confront are better understood.

Despite the [presence] of intricacies, such as apprehensions regarding spurious accusations, the overarching result has been a more inclusive and encouraging atmosphere conducive to confronting these pivotal matters.”

Loretta Kilday
Loretta Kilday

Wake up to a new Horizon

We live with the misunderstanding that the development of society conferred upliftment and “independence” to women. Sadly we forget that at the beginning of humanity, Adam and Eve lived and existed side by side as equals. It was society which gifted shackles to women and it was society again who made a show of removing these shackles again. Don’t get hoodwinked by the noble role that society confers upon itself. We have to break free of this illusion which has bethaten offered to us in the name of freedom and seek the true desire for freedom that lies within every individual.

Guest Author: Saket Kumar

Last Updated on by Sanjana

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By Paulomi
Hello. I am a student of English Literature. Word keep on fascinating me and makes me grow further as a human being. I have always believed that words are powerful enough to bring about a revolution. I am here, just trying contribute, in my own small way to life