100+ Best Tinder Pickup Lines for Guys and Girls

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Some want hookups; some want relationships.

Some want both, and some still looking!

Some make friends while others find benefits.

Some find love and some prefer cheating!

Well, this is not just any bad poem, it’s what today’s dating scene is about!

Don’t worry our best tinder pickup lines are not as bad as this poem. You can continue scrolling this article!

1) What is Tinder?

Launched in April 2012, Tinder is an online dating app that is getting all the attention these days! With over 6.2 million downloads, Tinder has become the most downloaded dating application in the world. Using location-based technology and gender, distance, and orientation filters, Tinder connects you with a match! Users can swipe right to match or left to pass. One has to set up their profile, add preferences and personal details and just start swiping.

But just swiping right isn’t enough! You have to break the ice and form a connection with your match by engaging in interesting conversation. To get into engaging conversations, you have to begin the conversation first, and trust me when I say this but starting a conversation is just as difficult as starting with an article. The ‘start part’ is the real deal and luckily, we are here to guide you through this phase with the best tinder pickup lines.

Now, you don’t have to worry about getting rejected face-to-face in a bar or a club, or a park. You can save that embarrassment and instead get rejected on Tinder! (Just kidding!)

But if you don’t want to get rejected, want to save yourself from embarrassment, and want to break the ice between your match then we have some amazing and best tinder pickup lines for you.

2) What are Pick up Lines?

A pickup line is a phrase that people generally use to try to pick up, get attention, or break the ice with a person with whom they are interested romantically or sexually. These best tinder pickup lines act as conversation starters and hence are used extensively by everyone on online dating platforms or even in person.

There are many types and kinds of best tinder pickup lines for every occasion. Cheesy Pickup Line, Funny Pick up Line, Interesting Pick up Line, Pickup line related to series or names, etc.

3) Best Tinder Pickup Lines:

3.1) Cheesy Pickup Lines:

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Best Tinder Pickup Lines. Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay/Copyright 2013.

i) Are you a bank loan? Because you have my interest!

ii) Can I have your picture? Cause I wanna show Santa what I want for this Christmas!

iii) If you were a fruit, you’d be a fine-apple!

iv) If you were a vegetable, you’d be cute-cumber!

v) People say Happiness starts with ‘H’….. But mine starts with ‘U’

vi) Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.

vii) Can I follow you? Because mama told me to always follow my dreams!

viii) Excuse me, I’m lost. Can you give me directions to your heart?

ix) Do you have a name or can I call you mine?

x) Now that you’ve stolen my heart, please keep it safe!

xi) I saw you yesterday. In dictionary. Next to gorgeous!

xii)I hope you know CPR. Because you are taking my breath away!

xiii) Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, I bet your lips are too!

xiv) Everyone calls you by (their name) but can I call you mine?

xv) Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

xvi) Excuse me, I lost my teddy bear, Will you sleep with me?

xvii) I swear someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes!

xviii) If beauty were time, you’d be an eternity!

xix) Are you a soda? Because you look so-da-licious.

xx) I’m your husband from the future and we are arguing about when our first date was. So do you know when our first date is?

xxi) I wish I was your coronary artery. So I could be wrapped around your heart!

xxii) Do I know you? Because you look like my next boyfriend/ girlfriend!

xxiii) Hey cutie, will you be my Tinderella?

xxiv) Are you a magician? Cause every time I look at you, everyone just disappears.

xxv) I’m no photographer, but I can picture us together!

xxvi) If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together.

xxvii) You must be the 8th wonder of the world?

xxviii) If you are here, then who is running heaven? Please tell me that I just won the cheesy pickup line competition!

3.2) Funny Tinder Pick up Lines:

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Best Tinder Pickup Lines. Image by Tumisu from Pixabay/Copyright 2018.

i) I’m on a diet but will you be my cheat meal?

ii) If a spider bite can make one spiderman, then bite me and make me your man!

iii) Are you an appendix? Because this new feeling in my stomach makes me want to take you out!

iv) Pinch me. You are so fine, I must be dreaming!

v) Hey girl, are you coronavirus? Because I can’t stop looking ‘ach-oo!’

vi) Do you like star wars? Because yo-da only one for me!

vii) If you are a spider then I am your fly. Because I’m already caught up in your web!

viii) Life without you is like a broken pencil… Pointless.

ix) You are like terms and conditions to me. Whatever you say, I’ll always agree with you!

x) Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?

xi) Are you an anesthetic agent? Because I start fainting when I see you.

xii)Are your parents bakers? Cause they surely made a cutie pie!

xiii) I want to ask you out for a movie but I can’t!

-Why? Cause they don’t let you bring in your snacks

xiv) Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should we match again?

xv) Mom told me not to talk to strangers online, but I think I will make an exception here.

xvi) Did I tell you that I am writing a book? It’s a phone book and your phone number is missing.

xvii) Hey, My name is …. But you can call me tonight!

xviii) I’d never play hide and seek with you. Because someone like you is difficult to find!

xix) I just tested positive for Co……….nstantly thinking about you!

xx) Do you have a band-aid? Because I scraped my knee falling for you!

xxi) You must be tired. By running through my mind all day!

xxii) Roses are red, Violets are blue, I know this ain’t rhyming but can I date you?

3.3) Sexy Tinder Pick Up Lines:

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Best Tinder Pickup Lines. Image by Pexels from Pixabay/Copyright 2016.

i) Is there a mirror in your pants? Because I can see myself in there!

ii) Did you know kissing burns around 20 calories a minute? You wanna help me shed some?

iii) Are you a light switch? Cause in dark I wanna turn you on!

iv) Did you just come out of the oven? Because you are too hot to handle.

v) I was feeling a little off today, But then I saw you and you turned me on again!

vi) I bought kiss-proof lipstick, wanna help me test its claim?

vii) Are you opposite to the hypotenuse? Because I want to make a sin for you!

viii) Late replies and you sound busy. So, can you add me to your to-do list?

ix) I’d say you look bomb, but then that could turn into a lethal conversation.

x) I suddenly feel hot here. Oh no, its just you!

xi) Are you the square root of 16? Because you got me on all fours!

xii) Are you the bottom of my laptop? Because you are very hot!

xiii) Do you play soccer? Cause baby, I think I’m gonna score tonight!

xiv) I like to skip dinner and go straight for dessert!

xv) Hi, my name’s Microsoft, so can I crash at your place tonight?

xvi) I would absolutely love to swap bodily fluids with you!

xvii) Why search google for a pickup line when I can directly ask you for Netflix and Chill?

xviii) I’m at an ophthalmologist’s clinic to check my eyes. Cause I can’t take them off from you!

xix) Science states that the tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body, So, wanna fight?

xx) I would offer you a cigarette, but you are already so smoking hot!

xxi) Do you have a sunburn or are you always this hot?

3.4) Smooth Pickup Lines:

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Best Tinder Pickup Lines. Image by Wow Phochiangrak from Pixabay/Copyright 2016.

i) I called Spotify to complain. Because you weren’t listed as the hottest single there.

ii) We matched! So you come over to my place tonight, or should we meet and establish that we aren’t serial killers or living with our parents first?

iii) What is a perfect gentleman like me doing without your phone number?

iv) What’s your favorite drink? So, I can ask you out for one this weekend!

v) You got any almonds right now?

-No. How about a date, then?

vi) It’s winter. Wanna steal my hoodie?

vii) There is something wrong with my cell phone. It doesn’t have your number on it!

viii) They say nothing lasts forever, so will you be my nothing?

ix) Are you a time traveler? Because I see you in my future!

x) How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice!

xi) Damn. You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my good pickup line!

xii) Hey, you’re beautiful! Can I tell you that again this weekend over dinner?

xiii) I’d say god bless you, but it looks like he already did!

xiv) If I was an octopus, all my 3 hearts would beat only for you!

xv) Your profile picture is so cute, it’s distracting me!

xvi) Even if there was no gravity on earth, I’d still fall for you!

xvii) I am here, so what were your other two wishes?

xviii) I know someone who likes you. If I wasn’t shy, I would’ve told you right away!

3.5) Nerdy Pick-Up Lines:

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Best Tinder Pickup Lines. Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash/Copyright 2018.

i) Forget hydrogen. You’re my number one element.

ii) I’m glad that I bought my library card today, Cause I’ve been checking you out all night!

iii) So I’ve been trying to come up with a good psychology pickup line, but I’m a Freud and I couldn’t come up with anything!

iv) I’d say that you are as beautiful as a Greek Goddess, but what I can remember from history class is that they were all pretty crazy!

v) Are you a carbon sample? Cause I wanna date you!

vi) I am writing a report on the finer things in life. Can I interview you for the same?

vii) All your pics came through a 45-degree angle. That means you’re acute-y!

viii) You must be the square root of 2! Because I feel irrational around you!

ix) I’m researching important dates in history, do you want to be mine?

x) Did we just share an electron? Cause I feel a covalent bond with you!

xi) I less than three you! <3

xii) How do I know so many digits of Pi, but not your phone number?

xiii) Can’t refrain from saying this, but your parents’ chromosomes have combined beautifully!

xiv) I am not being obtuse, but you are really a-cute girl!

xv) I am bad at geography but I can tell you that you live in my heart!

xvi) Do you have 11 protons? Cause girl, you are so-dium fine!

xvii) I might love physics but let me tell you that I’m not Bohr in bed!

3.6) Interesting Pickup Lines for Tinder:

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Best Tinder Pickup Lines. Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash/Copyright 2017.

i) A three-day weekend is coming up. What would you do all weekend?

a) Play video games.

b) Go for an adventure.

c) Host a dinner party.

d) Watch Game of Thrones.

ii) Do you want to laze around this lazy Sunday with me?

iii) What’s your definition of a good weekend? So I can ask you out on one!

iv) Let’s go out on a walk on a rainy Sunday morning and talk about life!

v) I thought today would be just another boring Monday, but then I saw you, and my boring Monday turned magical!

vi) GIFs are the best thing about tinder conversations. Send me your favorite GIF and I’ll send mine!

vii) Winter is around the corner. Let me do the honors and ask you out on a hot chocolate date then!

viii) What would your dream job be? Being an author or a cook?

ix) So are you the kind of girl/ guy who I’d find climbing mountains or the one who’d just chill on the beach?

x) Are you a serial killer? Cause I want to be your next body!

xi) You look like a guy/ girl who loves a good adventure. Tell me the best ones you’ve had so far?

xii) Tell me two truths and one lie and I’ll do the same.

xiii) If you could date a comic book character, who would it be?

So the next time when you match, you know what to do!

Don’t be afraid to impress your match on your first chat. Don’t be in the old zone where you feel that only guys should make a move first. Don’t rush in too fast. Don’t make it awkward. Don’t mess up your first impression, because it lasts for a long time. As legends have said, first impression is your last impression.

Use these hot and cheesy pickup lines on your upcoming tinder match and who knows, you might get lucky!

For more tips, Check out: 25 Awesome Tips to Getting Laid on Tinder

Last Updated on by Sathi

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