A Perfect Presentation- Best 13 Tips

Hasan Ali Gumani
6 Min Read

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A perfect presentation holds immense importance in your career. Right from making it, preparing it, and finally delivering it, the process is quite joyful.

Executing it in a planned and perfect manner can fetch your top grades. Hey, did you know the entire presentation process can be made much easier, faster, and better? Here are some tips for making and presenting a perfect presentation.

10 Tips for The Perfect Presentation

1. Application

It’s real life and not a Bollywood flick (where you can give a presentation and crack top grades). You need the help of slides, which is possible if you have good presentation software. Upgrade your PowerPoint to the 2013 version, which offers you many cool animations, tailor-made templates, and transitions. You can also go with Prezi, which helps you in making presentations in a continuous loop manner.

2. Practice Makes a Man Perfect

If you can’t stand in front of the mirror and face yourself, then drop the idea of facing a room full of people staring at you. Practice, practice, and practice before delivering your presentation to find your weak areas and ultimately improve them.

3. Get Everything Done Before They Come

You think it is a matter of pride for you to enter the class late. The same philosophy could lead you to dumps on your P-Day. First, you entered late, and then you are gearing up for the presentation by experimenting with your PC and projector’s resolution.

Congratulations! You just lost precious minutes from your presentation, and you bored your audience to the core. Make a habit of going to the classroom early, at least when you have to present your PPT.

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By: RossHelen on Shutterstock

“But my other classmates have their PPT first, and only then am I supposed to give my presentation.”

If this is your query, then make sure all your class people pool their PPTs in the same storage device so that your turn requires only two clicks on your presentation.

4. Size Matters

Remember it’s a presentation and not a motivational speech that people would be there until they feel motivated. It is therefore advisable to keep the number of slides as few as possible.

5. Crisp Content

The slides are there to help, but the talking has to be done by you. Keep the content crisp and always add bullet points and graphs. Strictly avoid never-ending paragraphs.

6. We Call Them Slides, not a Book

A key rule to a perfect presentation is being natural. Stop reading from slides. Please look at it when you get carried away from the topic or when the slide changes.

7. Keep It Interactive

Don’t wait for the Questions and Answers round. Keep some general knowledge questions or discipline-related questions in between the PPT to keep the audience engaged.

8. Shift + Delete Unnecessary Slides

Act like a pro from day one. Remove slides such as “Welcome,” “Question Answer Round,” and “Let’s Start.” You can tell these phrases by yourself rather than bombarding them into the presentation.

9. Moving Pictures Are Your Best Friends

Try to add some pictures and videos either in the middle or towards the end of your PPT. This keeps the interest of the audience at its peak.

10. Show LOL (Lots of Love) by Being Hilarious

No matter what the discipline or topic is, if you are funny and sarcastic in some places, then people would be all ears. Remember, people don’t just need serious talk in a perfect presentation.

11. For Better GP (Grades and Points), Remember This GP (Gestures and Postures)

Don’t put your hands in the pocket while presenting, don’t hide behind the podium with your notebook, don’t lean on the wall and table, and most importantly be suited like a pro.

12. Eye to Eye doesn’t Make the World Blind

Maintain proper eye contact with your professor and classmates. They feel ignored otherwise.

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By Look Studio/ Shutterstock

13. Follow the protocol while presenting in Group

Don’t focus on your part but speak a bit from everyone’s part. Once you are done with your part, don’t say, “This was my part, and I would like to call now…” rather say, “To take the presentation further, I would like to call…” And lastly, always be in sync with other team members in terms of statistics and other heading terms.

These were some cool tips for giving the perfect presentation and saving you literally from the hall of shame. Follow the aforementioned tips, and you are sure to crack any presentation with a bang.

Last Updated on by Steffy Michael

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