7 Best Study Tips for Final Exams

Icy Tales Team
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With exams comes a lot of pressure for students regardless of their level. This pressure isn’t just limited to tests but also significant papers and projects because most are due at the end of the semester. These can be difficult to complete because of limited time and too many assignments. There is a great deal to study, organize, and recall as you approach finals. Scholars usually find themselves getting anxious as time draws near.  

However, effective study methods can help you minimize stress, gain confidence, and raise your GPA. Not every studying technique works for every student, so it is good to plan and find what works for you and stick with it. So, here are 7 top study tips you can try out that can provide helpful hints for you as you prepare for your finals.

Word EXAMS made of letters and magnifying glass on wooden table.
Word EXAMS made of letters and magnifying glass on wooden table. Source: Depositphotos

Make the Most of Class Time

Some scholars think attending classes isn’t necessary because of the materials that they have access to for use after the lesson. However, going for lectures and paying close attention is one way to get ahead because to get more in-depth explanations from the lecturer. This will provide you with more understanding and recall when you get to your set study schedule.


It would be best to jot in a method that makes sense and starts early. The idea is to comprehend your notes when you look back over them later. According to research, scholars who take joy in-class time on paper pay greater attention and recall more information. If anything doesn’t make sense, raise your hand and ask questions, or make a note to ask your lecturer or TA about it after lectures.


Study with Classmates

One importance of going to school physically is the opportunity to meet like minds and form bonds with your classmates. This will allow you to form a study group when the need arises. This is a useful and enjoyable way to get ready for examinations, asides from the benefit of making new friends. Working together helps develop good study habits, improves group project teamwork, and promotes confidence. You can create or find an accountability buddy or group with whom you can keep up with your goal and swap notes. Forming study groups means you can collaborate while studying together, assist, and push one another to be better.

Find a Tutor

Sometimes, we can’t do it all by ourselves. We need a little help. When times like these arise, your lecturers can assist you if you’re struggling with a subject or topic. Tutors are usually fellow scholars who focus on or excel in a particular field and are accessible on most college campuses. Some may charge a fee or offer free services. It is only right to use the service of tutors you can afford.

The major function of a tutor is to help you strengthen your areas of weakness and sharpen your strengths. You can also find guidance for research papers to put you through and help with a successful examination period. Such websites provide research examples that can be useful besides the other services.

Read and Review—Early and Often

According to a theory called the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve theory, we lose 70% of what we’ve learned within 24 hours. Making time each evening for a brief review session for new concepts can help you retain and understand what you learned the day before. Divide chapters into sections and review at the conclusion of each before going on to the next. Make notes by summarizing the most major points from the reading so you may revisit them without having to reread full chapters. Sections that are difficult to understand should be saved and returned later.


Focus on Understanding

Before you go into your test, one of the most important steps to pass exams successfully is understanding everything you have read in your course material. This can be hacked by finding techniques to recall and repeat knowledge like memorization. You can also use devices like mnemonics, where you use phrases and acronyms to recall and comprehend when rewriting important facts.


Understanding the material goes a step further, implying that you can apply new important information to various contexts and understand how it relates to other ideas. Understanding, not simply memorizing, is frequently tested in college exams. This alongside practice before the exam or test.


Reward Yourself

After completing a certain milestone of your study sessions, rewarding yourself is good for your brain and study session. It takes a lot of effort to develop good learning habits. So, it is key to allow yourself pauses and little prizes to keep you motivated. Healthy snacks, pleasant walks outdoors, or even an hour of your favorite television show might help you stay motivated. These rewards also trick your brain into thinking that studying isn’t such a boring and cumbersome experience.

Take Breaks

Allow your mind and body to rest so you can return to the material with renewed vigor. This will help you stay focused as you learn. Take a 10–15-minute pause to refuel for every 30 minutes of studying, as suggested by Oxford Learning. Short study periods are more efficient and help you maximize your study time. So, before returning to your books, stand up, move your body, and then get some fresh air.

Finals may be stressful, and it’s easy to let your sleep routine suffer as a result. Getting eight hours of a good night’s sleep each night during the exam, on the other hand, is crucial to your performance. Allowing your brain to relax might help relieve some of the anxiety that comes with finals week. It can also help you recall things better, which is vital while preparing for finals.


Having effective study tips or strategies is essential for success in college, and it will also help you with job assignments and presentations after graduation. Finding the study strategies that work best for you can save you time and effort while also achieving the greatest outcomes.

There are several methods to gain helpful study tips when preparing for finals, and you may have developed your own. Whatever you choose to pursue, keep in mind that all it takes is work. It makes no difference what you attempt as long as you’re willing, so do yourself a favor and make an effort. You’ll develop confidence, and the tension of the final exam will fade away. Just remember that after it’s finished, you’ll be able to take a break from school. You’ve got this!

Last Updated on by Icy Tales Team

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