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Tattoos are simply ink and color that you etch into your skin. People have unique visual images and conceptions of tattoos. Spiritual tattoos are one of the types that make people feel connected. Some consider it a form of delinquent behavior. Others consider it as some connection to their inner self. Some consider it a way to express themselves.
As specified by archeological descriptions, tattoos have been rehearsed since the Neolithic Age. In Japan, dating back to 5000 BCE, the earliest record of tattooed sculptures emerged.
In this new generation, getting inked is the new cool. When you experience something that impacts you, your soul, and your mind, and you want to represent that somehow, a tattoo idea emerges. Mostly, when someone decides to get tattooed, their tattoos depict their story, past, experiences, mistakes, and lessons as if they were a journal. Just as this quote says, “You see someone with a tattoo; you know they got a story to tell.”
I also had a great desire to get tattooed from a young age, though then it was unknown to me what should I get? Then I used to think I should get some graphic evil spirits design. It will look cool. After a few years, I got one, a yin-yang tattoo. Rather than looking cool, I wanted to express my opinionated and accepting side.
A tattoo idea can be any minimal thing, from plants, animals, things, flowers, and insects to spiritual symbols. Emotions, ideology, inspiration, conception, opinions and theory are what makes a person decide on tattoo designs.
Let’s find out more ideas about spiritual tattoos and their meaning.
What are spiritual tattoos?
Tattoo ideas with deep meanings that carve the spiritual path for the enlightenment of the holy spirit. Spiritual tattoo designs are meaningful tattoos, a form of body art that grips your beliefs and faith in spiritual growth. Gives your mind and soul a spiritual awakening through tattoo symbols of ancient religious symbols, ancient Egyptian designs, and ancient religious tattoos.
People believe in having a spiritual experience through these religious tattoos. Believes a person attains nirvana connecting through spiritual tattoo designs.
Many religions and civilizations in ancient times had this tradition of having their body covered with intricate symbolic tattoos. This was all around the globe, especially in ancient Egypt, ancient tribes, ancient Mayans, Maori symbols, ancient India, etc. They portrayed body art as having a spiritual meaning within your body. Treating the body as your temple and these designs and other symbols as a form of worship.
It had no sense for many. I could say, “to each it’s own”.

The rules for spiritual tattoos?
Tattoo artists from anywhere can guide you to choose your type of tattoo ideas. But, if it’s about spiritual tattoos I suggest you decide individually. As it’s regarding your spirituality, your spiritual awakening!
The selection of the spiritual tattoos of your choice should be done by these rules…..actually, there are no such things as rules to choosing a perfect spiritual tattoo. Because there is nothing like a perfect spiritual tattoo, there are no rules to choosing it.
Spiritual perfection is attained via distinct sources and means to elucidate your soul. Spiritual tattoo ideas are just a way of expressing the deep meaning behind tattoo designs.
The choice of Spiritual tattoo designs is made on these certain questions.
What do you feel about these certain spiritual symbols?
How do you deem these precise tattoo symbols?
Why did you choose this among other spiritual symbols?
Ask these questions to yourself and you will have selected the best spiritual tattoos of all.

Types of spiritual tattoos?
Most popular spiritual tattoos are a popular symbol from diverse religions and cultures from all around like Greek, Egyptian, Mayan, Maori, Judaism and Shinto.
Within India, religions like Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism have many forms of historical sacred symbol which is considered a part of spiritual adventure. Some powerful symbols exert spiritual meaning to those psychedelic images that turn out to be meaningful tattoos.
Spiritual tattoo ideas are most certainly considered to ware off evil spirits, reshape your life to strengthen your soul and connect spiritually through tattoo symbols. You can sort out some that suit you and choose any of the below:
1. Hamsa hand tattoo
Among the popular spiritual tattoos is the Hamsa hand tattoo. It has a palm-shaped amulet structure. It symbolizes the “Hand of God”. It is believed to provide power, strength, health, luck, happiness and good fortune in every religion. Hamsa’s hand denotes a global symbol of protection; shelter from the evil eye. Its first use was discovered to be in artifacts from the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and Phoenicia.
Hamsa hand as trailed was earlier used in the Ancient Carthage( now Tunisia), Ancient Spain, Portugal, North America and the Iberian Peninsula. The first hamsa-like hand impression was discovered in Khirbet-el-Qom, an 8th century BCE Israelite tomb.

2. Water symbol
Next in line on the list is the water symbol tattoo. Water tattoo is one of the life tattoo ideas which symbolizes the deep meaning of healing, purity and protection. Water depicts Life, just as it flows and ebbs; life too keeps flowing. Besides, it also signifies rebirth and regeneration for some.
In the Christian religion, holy water is used to cleanse your spirit and soul. Thus, to some, it’s a sign of cleaning and purifying like the Holy water. Water also signifies unconscious mind, irrationality and femininity for some. Water as a figurine of the Ocean is considered boundless and unruly.
3. Sun & Moon
Another on the list of spiritual tattoos is Moon & Sun symbol tattoo. The two contrasting forces like life & death, pure & evil, and truth & false; the tattoo signifies this attribute. It specifies a union of opposites, the necessity of polarity.
Sun signifies solar traits like ego, potential, leadership, and strength; whereas the moon signifies lunar traits like calmness, emotions, and intuitions.
4. Tree of Life tattoo
Tree of life tattoos is a unique design that signifies personal growth, deep connection and the necessity of inner & outer beauty. The tree of life is portrayed as a family tree, keeping you connected to your relationships.
The roots say about the connection to the past- complicated, deep and invisible ways. Those roots that self-provide support & nourishment. It expresses the person the same way of living life. For some, it indicates an afterlife, a path from earth to heaven. In Celtic culture, the tree of life is sacred.

5. Dove Tattoos
The next one is dove tattoos which implicate God’s will, hope, faith, love and peace. The dove conveys a fresh start & beginning, according to the Biblical story of Noah and Arc.
A symbol of the dove with an olive branch exemplifies” an Olive branch presented to someone”. It states forgiveness and a second chance or sometimes, a new path.
6. Dream Catcher Tattoo
The spiritual tattoos list includes the Dream catcher tattoo. It is associated with sleep and defense from evil spirits. Its web-like layout attracted negative thoughts, torments, evil eyes and bad omens from contacting the person.
It is originally from the Native American Ojibwe Tribe, where they kept it near children and newborn babies to protect and secure them from bad spirits.
7. Trinity Knot Tattoo ideas
Trinity Knot, a Celtic symbol that signifies the same in Wiccan according to Pagan views. The Pagan belief goes as such Youth, innocence & fresh start. It depicted the three life cycles of a woman throughout her life. It’s in honor of Mothers, Maidens and Crone of the Neo-pagan triple goddess.
In current times, it also embodies “The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit”, according to Christianity.
8. Chakra tattoos design
The next one is Chakra tattoo symbols. Chakra tattoo design has seven chakras, which are a connection and path to mind, body and soul. In the seven centers of our body, these mystical chakras are discovered with profound spiritual essence. Those are:
- Muladhara
- Svadhishthana
- Manipura
- Anahata
- Vishuddha
- Ajna
- Sahasrara
According to Indian mythology, it is believed that as time passes or as we grow old these chakras get clogged up or barred. For your self-enlightenment, it is necessary to awaken these chakras. If you hope to awaken your inner self, you can initiate by getting a tattoo of it.
9. Yin-Yang Tattoo
Yin-yang tattoo symbols from the ancient Chinese philosophy signify inseparable opposing forces. It’s a reminder of a balance between both sides. Symbol of a sturdy life. It expresses that there’s no good without bad and vice-versa.
You can represent it with koi fish, black & white circles, and day & night symbols.
10. Buddhists symbols
Spiritual tattoos include Buddhist tattoo symbols at the top of the list. It indulges anything from buddha symbols, buddha tattoos, bodhi symbols, and Buddhist geometric designs. The meaning behind it is overcoming your fears and negative traits. It statutes as a shield that conceals you from danger.
Buddhist mythology has a spiritual practices tradition where a Thai tattoo symbol named Sak Yant is performed on Buddhist monks. These are just captivating archaic intricate geometric imprints.
The eternal life tattoo- Unalome, denotes the path to nirvana. Your path to spiritual awakening, an individual’s transcendence, its existence. Unalome means to analyze your actions and learn from them. Buddhist saints carry these tattoo symbols to embark on their enlightenment path.
11. Lotus flower tattoo ideas
Lotus tattoos signify diverse things driving them a unique and highly personal symbol. Universally, the power to become tranquil, level-headed, and rational and to rise above temptation and attraction is denoted by this flower. It is one of the Hindu tattoos called the Padma.
According to Hindu mythology, the lotus flower symbolizes purity, beauty and spiritual awakening. In Greek mythology, the lotus denotes hedonism and apathy.
The Blue lotus flower signifies the victory of souls over senses of wisdom, strength, and knowledge as per Buddhism.
12. Om tattoo symbols
Om is the preeminent Sanskrit symbol and it denotes Hinduism. It is the basis of the Hindu religion as its ancient Indian beliefs of being the most powerful symbol. This symbol from Hindu tattoos signifies the unity of spiritual and physical life and the whole universe.
Om is also a part of Buddhist belief, originating from the Hindu faith. It stipulates the spiritual illustration of the divine trinity of Hindu Gods- Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
13. Cross tattoos
The Cross is the superior symbol that denotes Christianity. A Cross tattoo is a Christian symbol that symbolizes Jesus Christ when he was crucified and sacrificed for the human race. The Christian cross tattoos signify unconditional love and sacrifices.
Likewise, A cross mark signifies a spiritual bond between The Almighty and its followers. A Bible verse is tattooed along with a cross as a commemoration of your choice.
14. Mandala tattoos
Mandala in Sanskrit means a “circle”. This intricate design is a symbol of eternity, protection and balance of life. Its circular geometry describes a process of life. Buddhist Tantrism utilizes the mandala as an insignia of meditation. It is a consecrated circle that purges and cures.
North American Indians especially Buddhist from all over the world; mainly from China, India, Tibet and Nepal utilizes it as prayer since the 4th century.
15. Angel Wings & Angels
Angel tattoos with wings symbolize freedom, faith and protection. It also denotes a symbol of a guardian angel. For some, it indicates a tribute to their loved ones after their demise. In Christianity, it also depicts a “messenger of God”.
You can get yourself a tattoo of natural feathers it signifies strength, power, trust and honor.
16. Sacred Geometry Tattoo
Various religions represent sacred geometry symbols for mystical elements of the earth’s center. It states its spiritual meaning and the sacred value its holds. These geometrical designs held sacred spiritual beliefs ware off the evil eye and bad omen around you. You will get to see them in every religion and culture.
17. Spiritual quotes & icons
Religious sentiments, mantras, emblems and icons are a daily occurrence in a theistic person’s life. But, the overall question is about staying connected to it. Make use of spiritual quotes and symbols that have a connection to you.
Interested, can check out the secret behind the trendiest tattoos in the world!
Human energy is an omnipotent power in itself. An entire universe can sustain its power if it is outsourced spiritually, mentally and physically from body, mind and soul respectively. You keep your outer world lightened surely you can enhance your inner world through spiritual tattoos.
Last Updated on by Sathi