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I feel sad when I see the world when I see that people are so concerned about their money, their fame, their gold, or only about themselves.
I feel agitated when our lives have literally round around ourselves and not around others.
I know how hard it is to do good in this time and age, but shouldn’t we all now play our parts and unburden the scared souls that depend upon us?
Instead of evolving to become a good nation than those of the previous we are becoming so unsympathetic, rude, harsh, and hard heart. Moral values, dignity, humanity, and peace are dying daily; we are just sitting in our homes doing nothing.
I suffer that I am not doing my part the best way I should have been. But I believe small efforts will someday transform into something big.
If you are someone who is trying to be good and do good things for the world.
Then Read out These 20 Do Good Quotes and Boost Your Motivation:
1. “Do Good and Good Will Return to You” —Anonymous
Isn’t it such a powerful quote? How it encourages us to do good even if it goes against our soul, even if it goes against the world, then so do good, because one day the good thing you did in the past will come to you in a form of blessing and reward in your future.
2. “If You Do Good in Secret, Then God Will Shower His Good on You in Public” — Ibn Taymiyyah
When I read this quote, I was shocked because I never knew about this saying. and how profound it is, it encourages us to do good because God is seeing us, and he is going to reward us.
3. “Do Good, but Never Speak of It” —Ali Ibn Abi Talib
Never tell others about your goals, good deeds, or charity and boast about it in gatherings. Because when you speak of your good things, there might be lots of people who wouldn’t be happy to hear that you are doing such and such. So they will cast an evil eye on you or they might get jealous of you to an extent to even hurt you. So hide your good deeds from others.
4. “Everybody Can Be Great…because Anybody Can Serve. You Don’t Have to Have a College Degree to Serve. You Don’t Have to Make Your Subject and Verb Agree to Serve. You only Need a Heart Full of Grace. a Soul Generated by Love.” —Martin Luther King, Jr.
I love this quote very much. It unburdens my difficulties and urges me to do good. Because goodness is something that many people overlook and being kind and generous to those who are not in the best condition as me.
5. “Speak a Good Word or Remain Silent” — Prophet Muhammad
This quote is best adaptable for this time and age. This tells me that if I have nothing good to say about someone or encourage them or be kind to them, then I should remain silent and not say something bad about them. It makes me stop backbiting because speaking good is also a form of charity.
6. “Service to Others Is the Rent You Pay for Your Room Here on Earth” — Mohammed Ali
He moulds the words right. service to others is a duty of every human being. Do good even if no one appreciates you because when you do good, you will find that your heart is at peace and it will illuminate you and encourage you to be a better person.
7. “People Say, “What Is the Sense of Our Small Effort?” They Cannot See that We Must Lay One Brick at a Time, Take One Step at a Time.” —Dorothy Day
This is such a profound quote that I found last year. It encourages you to do good even if it’s small in quantity, for it doesn’t matter if you give a dollar to a charity but ask the person who received that dollar that you give to him. He will tell you that he felt loved and cared for the good you did to him. So start doing well even if it’s little, it is going to earn you a peaceful life and Hereafter.
8. “I Hated Every Minute of Training, but I said, Don’t Quit. Suffer Now And Live the Rest of Your Life as A Champion.”— Mohammed Ali
Struggle to do good, struggle to be kind, and struggle to be generous because these qualities will let you win in the long run. It will give you a sense of fulfilment and joy. It will make you a King.
9. “And Do Good, Indeed God Love the Doer of Good Deeds” —Quran
Whenever I read this verse, it gives me chills because of how deliberate it has out to show us that if you want to be closer to God, then start doing good for His sake alone. Do good because the power of those good deeds will going to change you and it will transform you into the person that you have always wanted to be, and it will definitely be going to elevate your status in the eyes of God.
10. “A Rich Person Is He Who Can Sleep at Night, Knowing He Has Not Wronged a Soul” —Mufti Menk
We will feel that contentment and inner peace when we know that what we spoke throughout the day was not excessive or hurting when we know that the speech I used was limited and done to do good and remain silent when I had no good intention inside me.
I love this quote so much by Mufti Menk. Check out all his other quotes.
11. “No Act of Kindness, However Small, Is Ever Wasted” —Aesop
He has said it right because god will show you, he will compensate you, he will bless you and he will take care of you. do good even if no one is doing it. Give charity, speak good, keep smiling because smiling is a form of charity, keep your family happy, make amends with your mom and dad, play and laugh with your siblings, go to your relatives and spread positivity. All the efforts that you are going to put in are going to come back to you at your lowest to encourage you.
12. “Do What You Can, with What You Have, Where You Are” —Theodore Roosevelt
Do good deeds even if it’s little, for god loves a deed that is done consistently. Share whatever little you have wherever you can and wherever you are present. share that goodness that is brimming in your heart and pour it out to those who are really in need of it. Don’t waste your stamina on people who are going to forget you but on those who are near to you and who is asking from you.
13. “Every Act of Kindness Is a Form of Charity” — Prophet Muhammad
If you will help your mom with chores, it’s a form of charity. if you water your plant, it is a form of charity, if you remove a pebble from the road so no one will get hurt, is a form of charity, if you smile to your neighbour, it is a form of charity if you say some good words to the beggars it is a form of charity. Do not think that something so little is not worth doing. Because the little good you do is being recorded. so do good and be good.
14. “Every Word You Speak Is Recorded, Every Good Deed You Do Is Witness, so Speak Good and Do Good” —Ali Ibn Abi Talib
Never think that whatever good you are doing is wasted or is not appreciated. never think your little goodness isn’t effective in the world. Never think you are not enough. Because you are enough and you are created with kindness, so be humble, be kind, be good and do good for the sake of your inner peace and contentment.
15. “The Best Way to Find Yourself is to Lose Yourself in The Service of Others”— Mahatma Gandhi
When you engage yourself in others’ lives, those deprived of money, health or any worldly things. you will start to be grateful; you will start to be appreciative of the things you possess. You will find yourself immersed in them and they will allow you to grow, to know about yourself.

Your efforts to do good will be praised and you will feel a sense of happiness and positivity in serving others so have a belief that the good you are doing will bring into you a motivation to do good and raise high.
16. “I Wish to Do Something Great and Wonderful, but I Must Start by Doing the Little Things Like They Were Great and Wonderful” —Albert Einstein
Great things come out of the small things you think to be insignificant; it’s your courage it’s your humanity that urged you to do good even though everyone is going to mock you for its quantity. Yet you are powerful when you choose to do good and instead of getting down by their words yet, you still did good. You showed the world that goodness isn’t dead.
And when all of us should play our part and neglected it but you were the one who did it even though of everyone’s mockery.
17. “Paradise Lies Under the Feet of Your Mother” —Prophet Muhammad
Isn’t it so profound that the deed of goodness has such a high status that it can even let you enter paradise? The reward of goodness is so high as to attain that eternal salvation.

And most of the time, we neglect to do good to those who are much more deserving of it. Our mothers first bear us for nine months in her stomach, going through lots of trouble during the pregnancy, then when we are born, the care, the nourishment, the love she showered upon us without a blink of scorn, tiredness. How there is this permanent smile on her face even when her back is in utter damnation from the work she does.
Isn’t she deserving of good treatment? So, I asked you to do good to your mother, be good to her. cherish her, love her, hug her because you will never get a companion like her in your life.
May God bless our mothers. May He be merciful to them and be kind to them.
18. “Kindness Is a Mark of Faith and Whoever Who Is Not Kind Does Not Have Faith” —Prophet Muhammad
This is such a remarkable statement. how it shows us that those who aren’t kind, humble and do good think that they are not going to be questioned and how it is not going to affect their lives.
But if you were to take up a Holy Scripture, be it Bible, Torah, or Quran, you will find this verse where God talks about “the Day, the Day of Judgement, the Day of Reckoning, the Hour, the Last Hour” and he has told us that on “that Day” every part of your body is going to testify for you or against you.
This gives me a chill to even think about. How every part of our body will complain about us, of how we used them, where we used them.
So I encourage you to do good even if it’s against yourself or even if no one is doing it.
19. “The Slip of The Tongue Is More Dangerous than The Slip of The Feet” — Uthman Ibn Affan
We have to be conscious of our speech and words. how we use them, how we speak them and how we think twice about letting them voiced out.
Because the value of speech is unique, the value of words is powerful, and the value of voice is courageous.
You might bring up a person out of his depression, out of his anxiety, out of his despair through your words through your kindness. by creating a space for them to know that they are worthy of everything they have, they are beautiful the way they have been fashioned, they are creative with the talent they possessed.
So let us create a space to do good for the sake of encouraging each other and earning Paradise.
20. “Don’t Treat People the Way They Treat You, Treat Them the Way God Treat You” — Dave Willis
I love this quote because it inspires me to do good. It tells me that people are going to be unfair, and rude to you so do not let their harsh behaviour be a part of your existence. You are created with goodness, you are capable of changing the world, if you try to do good, there might be others who wanted to do good but are afraid to do so because they feel it’s not worth it. So be a part of their inspiration and motivation and encourage them to do good and be different from the others.
I know that God treats everyone with justice, love, care and attention. so take these qualities and adapt yourself to them. because in the end, it will be you and god and your goodness.
Did You Know?
“The Reason Why Some People Are so Kind Is that The World Has Been so Unkind to Them that They Don’t Want Other People to Feel the Way They Did” – Theprophetspath.
I love these words because I found myself being part of this saying.
I love this because I have seen a change in the world that I never witnessed before.
It’s just instead of being humble, kind, and generous we have adapted to cruel words, and talks.
And you will find that most who don’t have lots of things and are poor, are way more generous and kind to you than those who have plenty.
I used to think why they were so humble.
Now I know because we have been so unkind to them that they do not want others to feel the same way.
They don’t want me and you to feel that our existence is insignificant. That we are not worthy of anything.
They want us to feel loved, they want to show that there are people who will be just to you, that they will cherish you and they will be there for you.
Even though they are broken from the inside.
Yet they will not want to see you broken yet they still want to be good even though no one has done well to them.
So let’s take lessons from these people and be kind, generous, just, good, and humble to everyone even if it’s against my soul and being. Yet i have to spread goodness and positivity.
I hope that you love the do good quotes that I shared in this blog and would love to apply some of them in your own life and would never be discouraged to think that the small good deeds are insignificant and it does not matter to the world and its humanity.
May God Bless You and Sustain You.
Check out 30+ Don’t Look Back Quotes to Inspire You!
Last Updated on by sadiqashabbir