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Everyone has experienced a phase in their lives where it seems to be of no meaning to hold on to the hopes for the next chapter. All that remains in such distress are the things that break you and make you feel shattered. At times you might as well feel like giving up; but then something happens- it might be a quote that you read online, or in a magazine, or perhaps a graffiti on a wall, and you begin to feel that things are definitely going to be fine, they have to and they must.
These don’t look back quotes are what keep you going forward even in times of great suffering.
In these times, you must realize, accept the revelation and rediscover yourself in order to move forward and keep an eye on the beautiful things around you. Hopefully, these quotes will help you not look back on things that no longer matter.
1. Don’t Look Back Quotes to Make You Realize
The time when you know how much pain you are in and that you will be fine as long as you don’t look back, you realize that the past no longer matters and that the only thing that does- is the present. The past shall always remain in the past and you must go ahead rather than look back at the ‘could have been’ and ‘would have been’.

There will often be times when you will find it easier to walk backwards or maybe just stand still, but you must refrain from giving up! Walk slowly if you must, but keep on walking till you reach the goal. In every misery there is a useful lesson, you just have to find it and work on it. This collection of ‘don’t look back quotes’ will lead you to realize your own value and potential.
You must avoid the rear view mirror that constantly keeps you focused on your past; moreover, sometimes this very rear view mirror is the one that keeps you from stepping forward. Rereading the signs and omens of what’s gone can never benefit anyone.
The time when you realise that you are precious and deserve all the good things that the future has to offer will save you.
Here are some ‘Don’t look back quotes’ to keep you moving forward and make you realise your worth.
- “Whatever past you come from, you don’t have to go back” -Chanel Miller.
- “Forget the past, the future will give you plenty to worry about.” -George Allen.
- “Be strong enough to say goodbye, and brave enough to never allow the same storm to destroy you twice” -Erin Van Vuren.
- “It’s ok to look back at the past. Just don’t stare” -Benjamin Dover.
- “Don’t look back, you are not going that way” -Anonymous.
- “Sometimes, things don’t work out. Not because you don’t deserve it, but because you deserve so much more” -Anonymous.
- “The only time you should ever look back, is to see how far you have come” -Anonymous.
- “What is done is done. What is gone is gone. One of life’s lessons is always moving on. It is okay to look back to see how far you have come but keep moving forward” -Roy T. Bennett.
- “One day you will look back and realise that you worried too much about things that don’t really matter” -Anonymous.
- “When a thing is done, it is done. Don’t look back. Look forward to your next objective.” -George C. Marshall.
- Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson.
- “Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.” -W. Churchill.
- “Let hope inspire you, but let not idealism blind you. Don’t look back, you can never back.” -Don Henley.
2. Don’t Look Back Quotes to Reveal Your Power
After surviving against all those thoughts that keep pricking at you for your every action and every intention, there comes a time when your worth is actually revealed to you in ways that are no less than miracles. You finally realize that it is indeed worth living and there is so much out there that you must accomplish. You realize that past errors can never decide who you are today and move on to your next objective.
Believe in the things ahead of you and focus on your idea of a beautiful life. Perhaps, your life will inspire hope into the hearts of others around you. Your life might very well be an inspiration for others to keep moving forward in their life.
The moment that exists in the past is a moment that is behind you, it is your responsibility to make the current moment the best there could be. As you know that sometimes all that you need to reveal your inner power are some ‘don’t look back quotes.

Here are some ‘Don’t look back quotes’ to make you realize your worth:
- “Inside the great mystery that is, we don’t really own anything. What is this competition we feel then? Before we go, one at a time, through the same gate?” -Rumi.
- “Don’t look back! Everyone has failures or mistakes from the past. Value those difficult lessons, but do not dwell on the past. Simply move forward and make better, more educated decisions from the lessons learned.” -Anonymous.
- “Don’t regret the past, just learn from it.” -Ben Ipock.
- “Don’t allow someone to come back into your life because you have history together. If your relationship went from something beautiful to chaos, let those memories go. Accept that the past will never be the future. Stop going back to what your heart is healing from.” -Anonymous.
- “When the past becomes the present, you lose the future.” -Sissy Gavrilaki.
- “When your past calls, don’t answer. It has nothing new to say.” -Anonymous.
- “Sometimes the past is something you can’t let go of. And sometimes the past is something we will do anything to forget. And sometimes we learn something new about the past that changes everything we know about the present.” -Meredith Grey.
- “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” -C.W Lewis.
- “The real thing is that you are suffering from your expectations. When they are not fulfilled -and they are never going to be fulfilled -frustration arises, failure arises, and you feel neglected, as if existence does not care for you. Drop expectations for the future. Remain open, remain available to whatsoever happens, but do not plan ahead. Don’t make any psychological, fixed ideas about the future -that things should be like this -and much more suffering will disappear.” -Osho.

- “The beginning is the most important part of the work.” -Plato.
- “Life always teaches you something; you always have to keep learning to move forward.” -Nitin Namdeo
- “We all have our time machines, don’t we? Those that take us back are memories, and those that carry us forward, are dreams.” -H.G Wells.
- “For what its is worth: it is never too late or, in my case, never too early to be whoever you want to be. There is no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you are proud of. If you find that you are not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald.
3. Don’t Look Back Quotes to Rediscover Yourself
After everything that you have been through, you desperately need something to hold on to – to undo all the wrongs that you have done to yourself and start taking control of your life. You need to look ahead and ask about your purpose in this world. You must disown the fear and anxiety and all the negative things that happened to you and start wide for your next endeavor.
One creative way to do that is to indulge yourself in doing the things that you love; it can be dancing, writing, music, painting- basically anything that makes you feel that soon you will be entering a new chapter in your life. These ‘don’t look back quotes’ will help you to rediscover those things. Moving ahead is the bravest thing one can do in times of crisis. To move forward and not look back requires courage like nothing else.
To realize that there are better opportunities in life than those you have already experienced, one needs to wisely improve their vision of how they see the world and the lives of others around them. To believe in the magic of life and the way things get going forward towards a near future is the hardest among all the lessons you will learn in life.

Here are some don’t look back quotes to rediscover your ability to look forward to a better future:
- “You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.” -Henry David Thoreau.
- “There is no reason to look back when there is so much to look forward to.” -Anonymous.
- “If you can dream it, you can do it.” -Walt Disney.
- “Look back to learn, not to dwell. Look forward to achieve, not to fear.” -Anonymous.
- “Leave who you were. Love who you are. Look forward to who you will become” -Anonymous.
- “Sometimes you have to forget what is gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what is coming next.” -Will Smith.
- “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light.” -J.K Rowling.
- “You just have to look forward in the world and know you are loved.” -Trisha Ochsner.
- “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things because we are curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” -Walt Disney.
- “You need to have faith in yourself. Be brave and take risks. You don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward.” -Roy T. Bennett.
- “To be happy you must let go of what is gone. Be grateful for what remains. Look forward to what is coming next.” -Pete Vedia.
- “I have endured, I have been broken, I have known hardship, I have lost myself. But there I stand, still moving forward, growing stronger every day” -Anonymous.
- “The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts and the stupid ones are full of confidence.” -Charles Bukowski.
Final Thoughts

Useful lessons in life always come the hardest way. What matters the most is how you still keep your steps ahead of all the problems that you face. These ‘don’t look back quotes’ give you the strength to face those problems.
To even think about what lies ahead you must possess a mindset to always look forward to new challenges. You may commit mistakes, you may fail, but to keep walking instead of looking back is what counts. The only times you actually fail are the ones when you refrain from taking any risk fearing the shadowy future that might bestow upon you if you fail. It is okay to fear tomorrow till you slowly walk forward hoping for a brighter future.
Face your dear past and don’t lose hope! Tell yourself that it is not the beginning of another phase of misery but one of healing and that more beautiful things are on their way. Focus on the things that you always wanted to do instead of always answering whenever the past taps on your shoulder. Wrong things might have happened a lot in your life lately, but that must not stop you from moving forward to your next step and enjoying the good view from uphill.
Why miss out on opportunities and regret when you can keep an open window to your heart and implement your dear-bought experience. The last experience might not have been a great one but it is always a good idea to keep looking forward to all the mysterious miracles that life has to offer. To never look back and possess the courage to change the circumstances is what you need in order to make your own life a better one. These “Don’t Look Back Quotes“ might as well be just what you need to keep moving forward.

Last Updated on by Himani Rawat