10 Books Which Would Serve As Best Plot For Movies

Aashna Rohira
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 Let There Be Reading And Watching!!!

Very few people enjoy reading and understand the depth of the book, so for the sake of masses, let’s hope that these heart touching, enthralling and nerve chilling tales are transformed into spectacular cinema.


1. The Palace of Illusions – Chitra Banarjee Divakaruni


The book is a recreation of a Chapter from the Hindu epic, “The Mahabharata.” The entire event is narrated from Paanchali’s perspective, popularly known as Draupadi. Draupadi has been sketched as a negative character in The Hindu Mythology because of her firm and strong attitude. Divakaruni beautifully deviates her narration from Draupadi being tagged as a negative character to a powerful and strong woman. As this book very gracefully conflates fiction, history and women empowerment it would turn out to be a success in the era of cinema where these traits are being appreciated by the audience.

2.  House of Cards – Sudha Murty



The book depicts the life story of young girl from a small village who falls for a guy who is a doctor by profession. The repercussions on human relationships, when one succumbs their soul for power, wealth and greed is depicted. As today many individuals are battling with oneself to give up on the corrupt practices by regaining their conscience, this book when made into a movie would render a helping hand to many.

3. The Courtroom Genius – Soli J Sorabjee



This book recites the journey of the legendary Mr. Nani Palkiwala into one of the best lawyers of the country. This book illustrates many landmark cases which changed the country’s fate. This book provides an insight to his working processes and style of advocacy. As this book recites the life of a lawyer, it would not be a great option for an adaption of commercial cinema but be the best subject for a documentary. As this book revolves around the hardship, passion for advocacy it will be a must watch for professionals like Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, etc.

4. The Alchemist – Paulo Cohelo



The story revolves around the Shepherd boy who is on a quest to discover his dreams and live them. The journey is of self- realization, breaking the monotony, accomplish the purpose of life by pursuing their passion. This would be a successful movie as folks today are tangled in the routine and find difficulty in living their dreams.

5. The dairy of young girl – Anne Frank



The book narrates the story of a young Jewish girl, trying to hide with her family during the World War II. The events in the book portrays her positive attitude even during her life’s terrible days. Apart from her positive, the events from her dairy also shows that she had created a fictitious character who was her best friend who grows as person throughout the dairy.  A tale of pieces from the history, positivity and transition of a person would form a wonderful subject for cinema.

6. The tides of Memory – Sydney Sheldon



A tale of a woman with power,wealth and political career who is shadowed by the mistakes of her youth. This story revolves around suspense and recites the series of actions she takes to protect her loved ones from her past. This story would be a suitable adaption in the genre of suspense and twists.


7. Unaccustomed Earth – Jhumpa Lahri




The book sways around multiple short stories of ordinary people where few extraordinary situations take a 360 degree turn in their lives. This book would be loved by the audience because of a sense of kinship amongst them as stories are self-centered. The book captures emotions ranging from family life experiences to settler experiences.

8. Games Indian Play – V.Raghunathan


The book is an archetype of being an Indian. It lays down multiple examples to portray the enigma of being an Indian and narrates the attitude of an Indian towards rationality, selfishness and various other emotions. This book, if adapted into movie would be loved by Indian audience as it would act as a mirror to them in understanding themselves.

9. The Corrections – Jonathan Franzen


A perfect family is a myth. A tale of an imperfect family narrated with a touch of humor. As this book revolves around family life ordinary people who value family would appreciate it.

10. A winkle in Time – Madeleine L’Engle


The book is a tale in search for a father who vanishes while performing his scientific experiment. The story narrates the fight against all the evils and odds to bring her father back. This movie could be beautifully animated by recreating the events from the book and magnetize the moppets.


Last Updated on by Icy Tales Team

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Currently pursuing CA. A passion driven person. Loves expolring various aspects of life. My mantra-Learing is a never ending process,learn learn till you are alive.
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