When most people sit down to play video games, business is the furthest thing from their minds. After all, video games offer an escape from reality, allowing gamers to explore faraway worlds and different galaxies. While they may incorporate business themes, they’re so far removed from reality that most people don’t give work a second thought whilst playing.
Although it’s not apparent, video games can teach us a lot about business and the world of work. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or an employee, if you want to unlock achievements and level up your career, video games can be a great teacher. Keep reading to learn about some of the business lessons you can glean from video games.
Teamwork Is Essential
If you’ve spent any time in the world of online gaming, you understand why working together is critical to the success of the mission. The same is true in business. We each have individual talents that are amplified when paired with the skills of our coworkers.
Teamwork and cooperation are at the heart of multiplayer titles like Fortress 2, where players are encouraged to use their individual skills to work towards a common goal. In business, employees work towards a common goal, and the results are almost always better when they collaborate to achieve it rather than viewing each other as adversaries.
Don’t Make Rash Decisions
Patience is one of the most important things in business, even when you’re tempted to make a decision on the fly. While it may be tempting to choose the riskier option, it’s advisable to study the possible outcomes before doing so.
Once you’ve considered potential outcomes, you’ll be in a better place to make an informed decision. Impulsive decisions rarely turn out to be the best ones. While taking risks is important in business, make sure they’re calculated risks.
What You Learn Today Will Help Tomorrow
When playing video games, you often come across items you can’t use in the present but can save for later. You may pick up a key, but there’s no door to open or a potion that’s only useful in a boss fight. Video games are known for putting things in our paths that we can’t use immediately.
The same thing happens in business. You may find yourself in a training class that doesn’t seem relevant to your current position and wonder why you’re there. Instead of tuning out the lecture, do your best to be productive and try to get something out of it. You never know when that knowledge will come in handy.
Understand the Game
If you’ve ever tried playing a complex game without reading the rules, you probably quickly became frustrated. You may have tried to battle it out, only to find yourself going in circles without making any progress.
When you go into business for yourself or take on a new role at a company, be sure you understand what the job entails. If you’re an entrepreneur, you’ll need to do a market study to ensure your business idea is feasible. Understanding your market and what strengths you bring to the table is also important.
You’ll inevitably encounter bumps in the road, but it’s important to persevere, and understanding the big picture will help things go smoothly.
Habits Are Important
Gamers know how critical establishing good habits is to the outcome of a game. Many games have daily quests; if you don’t complete them, you’ll miss out on the rewards. The best gamers set up reminders to ensure they perform these tasks daily because they know how powerful they can be over time.
The same thing is true in business. If you’re an entrepreneur, you may want to set a goal of making five cold calls or sending five emails to new contacts every day. While you may not get immediate results, your efforts will pay off over time.
If you’re an employee, you can do the same. Create daily rituals to help you accomplish your goals, and you’ll see it pay off in the future.
Last Updated on by Icy Tales Team