9 Questions with Deepika Dixit on Building Parent Positivity

Iqra Khan
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Deepika Dixit is a blogger who believes in the idea of holistic parenting. Through her social media, she influences mothers to be actively involved in parenting.

Icy Tales is in conversation with Deepika Dixit about her experience as a mom blogger and content created.

Q) Can you tell us something about yourself?

Deepika Dixit –  I am a mother of a seven-year-old son named Ayan. After my marriage, I became a mom blogger and a digital creator. I am an M.B.A., and I have worked at corporate, and I have also worked as an educationalist.

I am a well-known name in Mom Blogger Community. I make content on parenting positivity, comfortable fashion, and traveling. I have collaborated with more than 150 national and international brands.

Deepika Dixit

Q) How has your experience been so far as a blogger? Do you feel social media anxiety? If yes, then how do you overcome it?

Deepika Dixit- I am very positive and have clarity in my mind. I am a firm believer that what you want to see around you, you will see that. If you want to take it, you will see it. Social media anxiety is on you.

I have also faced that anxiety, but I know how to manage my time and overcome that. I am more focused on my content than on social media anxiety. I am here to share my stories and not take the pressure. I take the positivity from social media.

Deepika Dixit

Q)  How can mothers inculcate good habits in young children without making them rebellious?

Deepika Dixit- Instead of giving them instructions, you must set an example because kids observe more. They do not observe you and then follow you. They will feel curious about it, and after some time, they will want to do the same thing. So if you want them to pray every day, you need to pray every day to set an example.

So setting an example is the essence of making them inculcate any habit. Suppose you want them to read the book. Then having an environment in the home itself, such as a home is full of books and the parents also read. Such an environment helps kids to do the same thing.

Deepika Dixit

Q) You are among the “Top 100 influencers” as per the Child Prodigy Magazine. What do you think is the kind of influence that today’s mothers need?

Deepika Dixit- I believe that a child needs a happy mother. He deserves a mother who is happy and confident from the inside. Instead of a 24 hours available mother, she is not happy from the inside. Mothers should understand that they might not be able to give their 100% daily.

Sometimes, they might give their 80% and sometimes less. They should accept that and be okay with it. They need to be happy from the inside because a happy mother is the main back backbone of a happy child.

Deepika Dixit

Q) Was there something your parents did when you were a kid that you swore you’d never do with your parenthood style?

Deepika Dixit – Every parent is different. Every parent wants to do their best for their kids in their capacity. It is all about the matter of time and situation that led them to do such things, which a kid doesn’t take positively.

Certain lines had a long-lasting impact on me. I am not going to do that with my kid. I will try my best not to say such things in his early childhood because certain things remain in your subconscious.

It is not that you say something because of a situation that makes you a bad mother. It is because of a situation. It doesn’t mean they want bad for their children.

Q) Who has been your biggest cheerleader and support?

Deepika Dixit- If I say who has been my inspiration my entire life, I would say my mother. My mother was a strong and confident lady. My kid and my husband have always been my biggest cheerleader.

My husband has always been there for me. I do not believe in the line that my husband has always supported me because we both are parallel members of a family.

We are both there for each other. But yes, he has always been my cheerleader, and he has always motivated me.

My son has given me a lot of strength. After becoming a mother, I realized that I could do anything and there is nothing such as “impossible.” I can do anything, if not today but someday.

Deepika Dixit

Q) What is your best advice to moms of little kids?

Deepika Dixit – Talking about my son, he is now 7+ and exposed to an external environment. We try to give him his space. Caging anyone doesn’t work. If your child needs to spend alone time, let him do that. Remember that at the end of the day, it needs you. Always be a listener.

If your child is sharing something, let them complete it and ask if they need any advice or help from your side. Give them space and let them grow. Dont force anything on them and let them experience things on their own. Let them understand on their own.

Deepika Dixit

Q) What would it be if you had to choose one parenting mantra?

Deepika Dixit-  I have already mentioned that a happy mother is a key to happy parenting.

Q) Motherhood is a full-time job, but mothers are not appreciated enough for what they do. Do you think it’s true? If yes, how can we bring about a change?

Deepika Dixit- Yes, I agree. Women have to fight a lot for their position. It is not only in Indian society but in the whole world. We have a long way to go for society to realize that.

I have realized that women do not appreciate other women. I believe that the first thing we can do is support each other. Women should be proud of themselves, and the world will be proud of them someday.

Deepika Dixit

Deepika Dixit is doing an amazing job of sharing moments of her personal life which shows the beautiful relationship between a mother and her child. Her content influences people to learn how to take parenting positively.

Last Updated on by Sathi

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