Do Praying Mantis Bite? 5 Amazing Facts!

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If you are a person who is into informative channels which showcase the wildlife, then you must be aware of that one hardcore insect, the one which is a popular ambush creature that uses techniques and strategies to hunt down its prey. They are considered the perfect predator despite their size. We are talking about the Praying Mantis.

Praying mantises are one of the most interesting insect groups in the whole world. A popular query circulating on the web related to this species is do praying mantis bite?

The species is famous for its posture which includes its front legs well bent towards its body into a praying position, hence the name. Praying mantises are originally from the tropical and temperate areas of the world.

These insects have a unique triangular-shaped face structure. Some of the insects belonging to this group fly and some don’t. The praying mantis is the owner of two strong front legs which are only exclusive to their insect group. These insects get great command over their attack or grip through these legs.

do praying mantis bite
Photo by Frank Cone from Pexels
Copyright 2021

1) Do Praying Mantis Bite?

The praying mantis is well-known for its ability to hunt down its prey. There is a huge list of creatures that this insect group hunts down. Some of them include bugs, spiders, worms, and larvae. It is quite interesting to know that the praying mantis is a creature that has powers that are unmatched by its size. It has a tremendous amount of energy and strength to even take down small lizards and amphibians. The list doesn’t end here.

The creature surprises us with its hunting ability which can be used to take down even small birds and mammals when they are at their weakest form. It is quite splendid work for an insect of that size. Now, all these prey creatures are primarily attacked by the praying mantis by getting attacked through its legs and lastly getting bit intensely and consecutively. This insect group is not venomous, but it has tremendous power. We have now, laid a foundation for the famous question Do praying mantis bite?

The answer is that it is highly unlikely for a praying mantis to bite humans. They are ambush creatures, and they are well-known for their ability to strategize different plans for taking down their opposition. They are technicians when it comes to hunting. Praying mantises bite with unique precision with the motive of taking the life of their prey as soon as they can.

do preying mantis bite
Photo by Helena from Pexels
Copyright 2021

Now, an insect species with such tremendous ability to hunt prey and win combat will not mistake a human as its prey. It is an intelligent species to be precise. Humans are very huge when compared to the average prey animal list of the praying mantis. So it will identify you as a factor that it could not even approach. It has a clear vision which will enable it to see things from long distances. So, it is a very rare condition for you to get bitten by a praying mantis.

But we still have the chance of getting bitten when the insect feels threatened to its maximum level. Praying mantis bites are considered to be somewhat more painful than other insect bites. The praying mantis does not belong to the list of aggressive insects. They start attacking only when you do something which proves to be of hostile nature to them.

1.1) What Should You Do if A Praying Mantis Bites You?

It might be a beautiful day when you decided to take a walk in your garden. A few moments later in the garden, you feel pain near your leg and see a praying mantis biting that portion. There is nothing to be worried about in this situation because these insects are not venomous. They do not sting people, they just bite. The worst you can experience here is the acute pain caused by the attack.

Now you can treat this by just washing off the wound with warm water and soap. They don’t leave any toxins on your skin when they bite. So there is nothing to be afraid of. This can be avoided the next time when you start using appropriate gardening gear like gloves and boots of the rubber kind.

2) More Facts About Praying Mantis

Do praying mantis bite
Photo by Ahmet Arslan from Pexels
Copyright 2020

2.1) Praying Mantises Have Various Meanings in Different Cultures

The insect group of praying mantis is quite different from other insects. They are considered to have a symbolic nature, like that of a moth or a butterfly. Now, these insects have heavy references to a lot of theories, practices, and schemes of different cultures.

The praying mantis symbolizes calmness, stability, focus, precision, and awareness in modern culture. Praying mantises in china are considered to be the beings of focus. Praying mantises are somewhat associated with the trait of meditation and mindfulness as well.

2.2) Mating Ends Unfortunately for The Male Praying Mantis Group

Mating is a very important stage for a praying mantis in its life. The mating season of these insects usually happens during the autumn season. The male praying mantises go on a search for female mantises during this mating season. The reproduction process goes well and the female praying mantis will start to lay its eggs. But there is a catch here for the males.

The female praying mantis will begin eating the male praying mantis with which it started to mate. It starts by taking down its head and slowly feeds on the other parts of the male’s body. Now, this process is called sexual cannibalism which has been exhibited by only a few creatures. The purpose of this is believed that getting bit will improve the chances for the male praying mantises to impregnate the female ones.

2.3) Praying Mantises Can Take Down Huge Creatures

As said before, the praying mantis is considered nature’s perfect predator. apart from hunting down fellow insects and creatures of its own size, the praying mantis is well known for its ability to take down creatures of huge forms. A lot of praying mantises take down creatures that are more than thrice its size.

About 14 species of the praying mantis have been known to kill creatures which are of huge sizes. Most of the huge prey include lizards and even birds. An observation made in the United States of America tells us that praying mantises are most efficient in taking down birds that are quite small in size. Especially, the bird group of hummingbirds has been the most hunted bird species by the praying mantises.

2.4) Female Praying Mantises Can Lay up To 400 Eggs at A Time

After completing the process of reproduction, the male has a very lesser chance of escaping. After either letting the male one escape or finished feeding upon it, the female one focus on finding a spot to lay its eggs.

After a few days, the female praying mantis will start to lay its eggs. It has the capacity to lay nearly 400 eggs at a single time.  These eggs will start to hatch in about 3-6 weeks depending upon the species. Larger species take more time whereas the smaller ones require only less time.

These eggs are protected by the layers and the outer shell on the surface. But it will still be focused upon as a target by other predator insects such as wasps. So till the time the eggs hatch, the mother praying mantis will defend and protect it.

2.5) Praying Mantis Have a Very Poor Sense of Hearing

A lot of insect groups have a sharp sense of hearing, enabling them to dodge threats that come at them. But in the case of the praying mantises, it is not the same. This insect group does have a hearing sense. But it is quite poor when compared to that of the other insects. So instead of depending upon its hearing sense, the praying mantis will rely upon its ability to identify vibrations made by things that approach it.

Even highly pitched tones can be identified by the praying mantis if it uses its senses correctly. Like every other predatory insect species, the praying mantis is gifted with a unique hearing component under its body. This organ with the help of its sharp vision is the only thing that helps the creature to be aware of its surroundings.

do praying mantis bite
Photo by abian eki from Pexels
Copyright 2011

These are some of the interesting facts which are associated with the insect group of praying mantis. I hope that you found the answer to your question Do praying mantis bite? I hope the content was informative. Feel free to check out one of the related content “Exciting facts about Cicadas” brought to you by Icytales.

Also check out, Interesting Facts About the Nervous System

Last Updated on by Himani Rawat

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