With every leap of advancement, technology is growing too. However, it’s highly crucial to ensure that this technology doesn’t harm the environment that provides for our needs. It is cardinal to realize that the ecosystem of the world should not be disturbed.
Let us now walk through five of some very useful eco-friendly technologies which are going to pave the way for a greener world in the future.
1. Biofuels
We all know that transportation plays a significant role in almost all sectors of life today. And all means of transportation need fuel to run. At the same time, it is important to discern the pollution caused due to the usage of fuels like petrol, diesel, and kerosene that cause heavy air pollution. The best and the most efficient substitute for these fuels are biofuels. Though their existence dates back to the past few decades, they haven’t been used to great extent. The time has come to use the biofuels like natural gas, to reduce the impact of pollution on the environment.
2. Rooftop Wind Energy
Windmills are used in many parts of the world for the generation of electricity. However, setting up these windmills requires large investments, usually only set up on large scales. Hence, wind energy is not utilized to the maximum extent. Research is being done in this field to enable the usage of wind power by every household. We could do this through rooftop projects, wherein the machines installed on the top floors of the buildings and houses will utilize wind power and convert it into electricity.
Cars are the most extensively used means of road transportation in almost all parts of the world. The number of people who use cars as their primary means of transport is increasing day by day. Thus, it is very important to regulate the usage of fuel, which in turn controls the levels of pollution. As an alternative to the cars which run on fuel, cars which run on electricity are going to be major projects shortly. This paves a way for controlling the levels of carbon-di-oxide, lead and many other harmful chemicals which deplete the ozone layer.
Biofuels certainly help to reduce pollution levels. But the investments that are needed for developing biofuel production are enormous. This is because of the complexity involved in the manufacture of biofuels. They require large land areas, and the most extensively used biofuel is corn ethanol, whose reserves are very less because of the complicated procedure involved in producing and storing it. Algae biofuels form the perfect replacements for corn ethanol. This is because; growing algae is easier, and also algae do not need special nurturing to grow. The size of the land required is also less when compared to other crops. Thus, appropriate steps are being taken to venture further into algae biofuel production.
5. Thin solar films
The efficiency of the solar panels is calculated based on two factors
1. The percentage of solar energy is converted into electricity
2. The cost involved in manufacturing solar panels.
If any of the two factors is imbalanced, it means that the solar panel is not efficient. Thin solar films come to our aid in such conditions. These films involve fewer costs of productions and yield more units of electricity. If these solar films prove to be more efficient and economical than the solar panels, it would be a milestone in renewable energy sources.
Let us all pledge to take every necessary step to curb pollution and make our planet green and clean.
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian