Group Games for Teenagers : 35 Best Games to Try

Gokula Krishnan D
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Teens tend to party in two ways. They either go buck crazy when parents aren’t around or they sit segregated by gender on different corners of the room, looking at each other.

If you’re arranging a celebration maybe it be a teen birthday party or any other celebration for your teen child, you’re probably aiming for something in the middle.

Group Games For Teenagers
by Sincerely Media / Unsplash / Copyright ‘2020’

1. Does Group Games Suit Teenagers?

Absolutely yes! A few group games for teenagers’ fun can help get the ball going, the hormones simmering, and the lovely young turtles coming out of their shells. You don’t have to be hesitant to allow your teens to have a get-together.

There are a million things they can do except raise your blood pressure, and even if they are no longer our little chicken nuggets, teens are still like children, which means they may lose their heads over a good and fun game.

When your children are among their pals, all they want to do is have fun. So if they keep begging for a party, give them this list. It could help keep them on the right track probably.

Group Games for Teenagers : 35 Best Games to Try 1
by Chang Duong / Unsplash / Copyright ‘2017’

2. Group Games for Teenagers

2.1. Never Have I Ever

This simple game could best be played in small groups, where youngsters know each other exceptionally well. The thrill is in shocking your pals. Give each teen a piece of candy.

Each teen takes a turn stating, “Never have I ever…” followed by something they’ve never done, such as “Cheated in the exam” or “Told lies to the parents”. If any of their pals have done that item, they eat a piece of candy.

2.2. Mummify Me

Divide everyone into threes and bring out a couple of rolls of toilet paper. The aim is for each squad to transform their buddy into a mummy by covering them in toilet paper from head to toe.

The first team to create a mummy wins. You can also win if your mummy is extraordinarily inventive.

2.3. Gummy Bear Picnic

Despite its charming name, this game is really a contest that your teens and their pals will undoubtedly love. 10 gummies should be placed in the bottom of a tin pie pan.

Spread them out and then top them with whip cream. When the competition begins, each participant should have a pan in front of them, and the first person to remove all of the gummy bears with their tongue wins! It’s similar to bobbing for apples but more enjoyable.

2.4. Wet Watermelon

Are you planning a pool party for your teenage kid and his/her folks? Give the player alternatives to Marco Polo and chicken. Grab two petroleum jelly and watermelons.

Cover each watermelon in cream and divide the teenagers into two groups. Each individual must swim across the pool with their slick watermelon and hand it over to a teammate who must swim it back. The first team to complete the relay with all of its players wins!

2.5. The Caller Number

This game is similar to hide and seek and this fun game is an old-fashioned game, but much more enjoyable! While the caller is hiding, turn off all lights. The caller can also call members of the remainder of the gang on their phones to provide information about where they are hiding.

It’s up to the remaining players to discover the hider. The hider should also continually be on the move to keep the players on their toes.

2.6. The War Of Balloon

Every party requires balloons, so why not make it a fun game? Teens have to write their names on three balloons, which reflect each person’s lifetimes, as if in a video game. The game’s goal is to be the last balloon standing.

Everyone must attempt to pop one another’s balloons. A crayon is the sharpest tool that players may employ. You can’t conceal your balloons, but you may hide with them.

This is a strategy and silliness game that your teenagers will like and play for hours. This classic game can be played with water balloons as well.

2.7. Stack Them

Make a pyramid out of a number of plastic cups. Divide the teenagers into two groups. Then, have each group hurl a sponge ball at the structure in turn.

The catch is that participants must do it blindfolded. After knocking down the pyramid, the thrower rebuilds it so that the next person may go. The team that uses all of its players first wins.

2.8. Heaven in 7 Minutes

Okay, so this isn’t something a parent should recommend at a teen party, but it’s an oldie and a goodie that’s been passed down for over 60 years. That’s correct!

Your grandparents most likely played this game, which was first documented in 1953. Two persons are picked to go inside an empty room or a closet and do anything they like for seven minutes.

2.9. Escape Room

ICYMI, escape rooms are now a massive craze and we don’t see them going away anytime soon. If you don’t want to lead a flock of teenagers out into the world, transform your house into an escape room.

Set up a specified section of your house as the escape room lair before the teens come. Choose an escape room theme, then sit back and watch your child and their pals spend the evening figuring out how to conquer the game.

2.10. I Am

This is an excellent game for a group of teenagers that get together frequently. Everyone in the room or someone everyone knows, such as a teacher, parent, or celebrity, takes turns mimicking someone in the room or someone everyone knows.

It’s far superior to charades! Everyone draws the person they wish to depict on a sheet of paper. The player with the most correct guesses/most points wins. An award should also be given to the individual who makes the best impression.

2.11. Blind Makeup Artist

Divide the teenagers into two groups. Each team will have one chosen makeup artist who will be blindfolded. Their task is to apply makeup to one of the players while the rest of the squad guides them. The team with the greatest makeup on the model wins.

2.12. The Human Knot

Teenagers have likely played this good game before, but it’s one of those pastimes that never gets old. Have everyone stand in a circle, put their right arm out, and clasp someone else’s hand.

Then instruct them to repeat the process with their left hand. They must use their communication abilities to unknot themselves, which can be messy and a lot of fun.

2.13. Wink Assassin

There are various titles for this whodunnit-inspired game, such as Killer, Wink Murderer, and Wink Assassin. All you need are four or more participants who sit in a large circle for this group game.

Make a hat draw with folded pieces of paper to choose who will be the murderer. Nobody is authorized to show their identity.

Everyone must make eye contact with the other participants as the game begins. The killer will wink at only one person, who must wait five seconds before announcing their death.

There will be a conversation once someone dies. If live players know who the murderer is, they can accuse someone. Only one individual can be formally accused in each round.

If the murderer is apprehended, the citizens win and the game is done. If they guess correctly, the game ends.

2.14. Sock Wrestling

I understand that it sounds ludicrous. But hear me out. It’s actually more interesting than it sounds. Two players have to sit on the ground in their socks. The first person to remove both of their socks without using their hands wins.

You can even invert the game by tasking players with putting on their socks by simply using their feet. None of this is simple, and that is precisely the purpose. It seems stupid, but the teens will broadcast the battle all over Instagram, believe me.

2.15. Dance To The Tune

Dancing is enjoyable for teen groups. Then why not a delightful dance game? This dance game requires no extra preparation and is very easy to play.

You only need a solid assortment of popular adolescent dance music and a bowl full of chits with the players’ names. The teens need to form a circle, giving enough room for them to stand and walk about.

Then the bowl with the names of the players must be shaken and one chit must be assigned to each participant. Then call out the name from the chit and play any random dance tune.

The teen must execute the dance track. The game continues until just one name remains in the bowl.

You may also select the greatest dancer based on everyone’s votes and surprise him/her.

2.16. Speed Stacker

You purchased a thousand Solo cups for your teen’s party, didn’t you? So, excellent news! They can also serve as entertainment.

Each participant has one minute to stack as many party glasses as possible. The player with the most cups is the winner. The simplest ideas are sometimes the finest.

2.17. Wacky Duck

This game allows teenagers to be silly while also getting close to each other and, let’s face it, their crushes. Everyone sits in a circle, with only one person in the center blindfolded. As everyone else switches seats, the blinded individual is whirled around a few times.

Once everyone has found their new place, the blinded player uses a wooden spoon or something similar to feel the other players. If they come to a halt, they will sit on the person’s lap, forcing them to quack like a duck or speak anything in a strange voice.

The blinded player attempts to identify the quacker. If they do it correctly, they get to sit down. Otherwise, the game continues.

2.18. Name That TikTok Meme

I may have made this game up, but I’m confident that any TikTok-obsessed youngster would like this take on Name That Tune.

Some well-known TikTok memes may make for a fun competition to see who can identify them the quickest.

Who knows, maybe, it may even lead to an evening of A+ TikTok parody that ends up on TikTok.

2.19. Spin and Dare

After the teen years, spin the bottle loses its allure, and truth or dare is best performed with the appropriate company. So, what should a teen do? Combine the two games for a thrilling spin-and-dare experience.

You spin the bottle and read a quirky or amusing dare from a dare bowl in the center of the room. The end outcome should be amusing and engaging.

2.20. Selfie Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt, but with the activity that teenagers love the most: snapping selfies. You may have them take photos with things or around the neighborhood areas.

2.21. Sardines

Consider this the inverse of hide-and-seek. You’ll need plenty of room. Only one person hides, while the rest of the group divides off to locate them.

What’s the catch? When someone discovers the hider, they hide with them. When the final player discovers the group, the game is ended.

2.22. Taste the Rainbow

Dump Skittles and place them in a bowl in the center of the table. Provide each participant with a straw and a cup.

Everyone must suck up Skittles using their straw. The winner is the first person to gather each color Skittle into their cup.

2.23. The Sleeping Beauty

The sleeping beauty game is equivalent to the fun game saying, “Honey, if you love me.” One individual should lie down and appear to be asleep.

Everyone else must make an effort to make him/her wake up by making them laugh or smile. No touching is allowed in this sleeping beauty game!

2.24. Suck And Blow

Doesn’t it sound filthy? It is, nevertheless, pretty innocent. Make a circle with the teens and give each of them a playing card to hold using only their mouths.

They’ll have to contribute to keeping it continuing. Pass the card back and forth until it reaches the opposite end. Anyone who drops it is out, and the card is reset to the beginning.

2.25. The Scavenger Hunt

We’re sure you’ve seen grinning kids racing from one store to the next, evidently on a mission. Assume the role of the mission giver. Make a list of entertaining items for them to look for and either buy or photograph.

“The prettiest employee at Zumiez” is one good example. You may scout the mall ahead of time to discover something particular, or you can be vague and let the quest lead them wherever it may.

Consider creating an Instagram hashtag for the night if you’re social media savvy. Then you’ll have a terrific way to keep track of your child travels while giving yourself more leeway. You’ll also have your memories in one place.

2.26. Yard Twister

If you have nice weather and a little house or if you want your teenagers to run about for a while, this is a terrific alternative. Get some yard paint and create a massive Twister board on the lawn.

It’s very innocuous, but teens always like the opportunity to be near one another.

2.27. Singing Bingo

This game may be played in two ways. You could either build BINGO cards out of overused words in songs such as ‘Oh’ or ‘Baby’ and scan the radio for a BINGO, or you could scan the radio for a BINGO or a favorite song the teens’ choosing can be sung.

Alternatively, you may create flashcards with the same famous words and have teams take turns selecting cards and attempting to perform a song that incorporates the term. You could even limit each team to allowing just one participant from each side to view the card and begin singing to see who can predict the correct keyword.

2.28. Would You Rather?/Would you prefer?

This game is just simple and the title of this game is much enough to understand the game. Some of the examples are: Would you rather battle one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses? Which would you want to walk to the North Pole or the South Pole? Would you prefer to have been born in the 1960s or in the year you were born? Would you rather have a cool automobile that you could only drive on weekends or a dreadful car that could take you everywhere, at any time?

2.29. Medusa

Make a circle with everyone sitting or standing in it, staring down at the ground. Everyone on your go must glance up. When two people establish eye contact, they must scream and pretend to be dead.

This process is repeated until only two persons remain. You may call them the winners, but the real winners are all those who witness their friends’ tragic deaths.

2.30. Pass The Pillow

Pass the Pillow is another fun way of engaging and enjoyable teen party games. While you may already be familiar with it, there’s no harm in reviewing it!

This game is performed in a big group and requires background music. Consider yourself a DJ for the day, and let the music play.

When the music stops, whoever is caught with the pillow is out of the game. But, before they leave the game, they must put on a show for the rest of the players.

You can prepare a bowl of chits by engaging in amusing activities such as dancing, singing, or imitating. The player who leaves the game must choose a chit and execute whatever it says.

2.31. Honey, If You Love Me…

This is another game that improves as your party guests get to know one another. Only one important rule applies no touching!

It must attempt to make any honey (the other teens) grin or laugh by saying, “Honey if you love me, won’t you simply smile?” They’ll labor harder the longer it takes. When someone grins or laughs, they become the next person to do this task.

2.32. Eat The Donut

This game might be a tasty surprise for anybody with a sweet taste. This game needs some work, but the end result is well worth it. You’ll need as many donuts as there are teens at the celebration, as well as a long string.

Tie the line firmly to the ceiling and hang several doughnuts from it. Make sure the distance is sufficient for the children to roam about freely. The donuts must also be at the proper height above the ground in the playing area.

All the players must eat the doughnut without touching it with their hands. The first person to complete the doughnut wins the game. Depending on the number of participants, you can play a single or numerous rounds of this game.

2.33. The Makeover Game

Another entertaining game for a teen girl’s sleepover party is the Makeover Game. You offer the young ladies an opportunity to show off their cosmetics talents and inventiveness here.

Lipsticks, hairbrushes, blush, hair accessories, clips, scarves, hair ties, fragrances, and other items might be used to make the model ready. The winning squad might be chosen based on accuracy.

Such makeover games may provide girls with a pleasurable experience. They can, however, be harmful if improper accessories and beauty products are used.

As a result, avoid providing eye makeup items like as eyeliner and mascara, as well as other accessories with sharp edges.

2.34. The Chocolate Game

You may design an unexpected chocolate game for your teen child and his/her folks. All you need are huge chocolate bars. You can cut the bars into equal pieces and place them on different plates by arranging 5 to 6 chocolate bars on each plate for each teen.

Each person must consume one chocolate piece from each plate without using their hands. The winner of the game is whoever eats their food first. This game can be played in as many rounds as necessary.

2.35. Ouija Board

This may be an easy game for a brave bunch of teens that are into the spooky and terrifying. It began as a novelty parlor game in the 1890s.

Do you want to know the rules of an Ouija board? One of our blogs got you covered there. I would recommend not turning off the lights. At the end of the day, it’s just a game. Personally, this is my favorite game.

Group Games for Teenagers : 35 Best Games to Try 2
by Alexia Rodriquez / Unsplash / Copyright ‘2019’

2. Fun-Filled Teenage!

Group Games for Teenagers : 35 Best Games to Try 3
by Jed Villejo / Unsplash / Copyright ‘2018’
Choosing the best fun games for teenagers is all about providing a lot of fun and excitement. The games and the activities also serve to rethink the relationship between parents and children. They will undoubtedly love these games and activities.

Teenage would be completed without some fascinating and entertaining activities to keep the visitors entertained. They keep the excitement factor high by allowing everyone to participate in some competitive spirit and even have a good laugh.

You may inject fresh life into any gathering by selecting one of the numerous fascinating games listed above!

Last Updated on by Sathi

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