Think she might be the one, and you wish to seize this golden opportunity? Well, fret not; you have arrived at the right place to seek advice. You are probably wondering what makes this article different from the rest?
Here’s the catch: unlike other influencers, “alpha males,” relationship gurus, and dating coaches where the common “advice” seems to be revolving around two ludicrous rules –
Be attractive
Don’t be unattractive.
Not every time; it’s about the chiseled jawline and a toned chest. Sometimes all it takes is sound advice (look no further) mixed with a little effort, and voila, you have achieved what you thought was impossible– to get the girl of your dreams to like you.
In this article, we will go over the top TEN tips you need to know on how to get a girl to like you. There’s also a bonus tip at the end.
Here’s How to Get a Girl to Like You:
1) Being Self-Aware:
Generally speaking, nothing is more impressive than someone being self-aware of their strengths and shortcomings. Self-awareness enables you to play to your strengths while also acknowledging your limitations. This also makes the girl think you have a strong sense of self and are committed to self-improvement.
A fine example of what I’m trying to communicate here is that, being a socially awkward introvert, I find it difficult to approach people, especially a cute girl. So, I would do what introverts are best for knowing, i.e., texting.
I would start a conversation with her through text and then gradually take it in person. Women tend to find you more approachable if they have a sense of familiarity with you previously.
2) Confidence Is Key:
The most simple thing most guys forget when it comes to a girl to like you is having self-confidence. Women love men whose body language ooze self-confidence, and nothing screams self-confidence better than firm eye contact.
Maintaining eye contact can be tricky for most guys; if you keep staring at her dead in the eye can make her uncomfortable, and she’ll think of you as a creep. A good way to maintain eye contact that I have found useful is
Break your gaze after a short interval (say 5 seconds).
Create an imaginary area around their face (nose, mouth, chin) you can look at without staring intensely in one place.
The rule of 50/70 can give you a good idea of how long you should maintain eye contact– maintain eye-contact 50% of the time when you are speaking and 70% of the time when she is talking.
But tread carefully because there is a fine line between self-confidence and arrogance, and most girls can tell if your body language signals that you are self-centered. This will eventually ruin your chances of making a girl like you.
3) The Eye Candy:
Once a wise woman said, “Two things remain irretrievable: time and a first impression,” which I wholeheartedly agree with. A girl likes a guy who is well groomed and takes care of their hygiene.
Sadly, the bar is set so low that not everyone understands that to stand out from all the other guys, you need to maintain a decent hygiene regime; you aren’t going to be able to attract women with bad breath and unkempt hair. Things you can do to improve your hygiene:
Dental Hygiene:
- Make sure to brush your teeth twice a day and floss if possible
- Clean your tongue
Personal Hygiene:
- Use a body soap with a pleasant fragrance
- Use deodorant for body odor. Also, one common mistake guys seem to make is not understanding where the deo and perfume go; deo is always for your underarms, whereas perfume is used on pulse points of the body (wrists, neck, behind the ear)
- Take skincare seriously. It needn’t be complicated(unless you are that dedicated); wash your face twice a day with a decent face wash, apply moisturizer, and if you are going to be out in the sun for a long period, use sunscreen. Nobody can resist that “Glass Skin.”
- Don’t be afraid to experiment with your hair, and it’s not necessary that just because one haircut looks good for someone else needs to work for you too. Different haircuts suit different face structures. But don’t get carried away and go for anything funky. Keep it subtle and neat.
Fit Clothing:
- So many fail the first impression test due to this one main reason, it’s either close-fitting or baggy; there seems to be no in-between. Always get clothes that fit you and are comfortable.
- Improving your dressing sense can make a difference in creating an impression. Not to mention how tremendously it can improve your body language. The rule of thumb I always follow when getting the right fit is that the bottom hem of the shirt should lie on or just below the crotch.
Good Posture:
- A good posture is another important aspect of confident body language. She’ll associate you with being timid and wimpy if you don’t have a good posture.
- A simple set of push-ups or pull-ups daily can help you achieve good posture if you can’t afford to go to the gym.
Most women find it impressive when you spend time grooming yourself to look presentable, even if you are an average-looking guy. Following these fundamental suggestions can improve the factors determining your chances of making the girl fall for you.
4) Art Of Listening:
One of the most simple yet effective tips in “how to get a girl to like you” is being a good listener. When she’s talking to you, just listening to her will make her think of you as a good friend she can confide in. Some good tips to be a good listener are:
When she’s talking about something she’s interested in or passionate about, she’ll feel you are genuinely interested in listening to what she has to say.
Ask her questions and let her know you are curious about her. These questions can be simple: how she’s feeling or her likes/dislikes. It’s also a good way to find common interests between you two.
Start talking about the common interests.
While you are getting to know her the same way, let her know what you are passionate about, your likes and dislikes. She’ll feel more connected when you are having a great conversation.
Try not to talk to other girls when you are talking with her. Otherwise, this might send her mixed signals, which will make her think you are just every other guy.
5) Building Friendship:
This brings us to our next tip– building friendship. When you sexually treat women, with all the corny tips you learned from that dating coach on YouTube, it will doom your chances of getting a girl to like you. Instead, start by being just a friend to her; she’ll think you genuinely care for her.
So many of you don’t understand the importance of this stage and misunderstand it as a precursor to getting a friend zone. One of the best methods to build mutual attraction is to make her your best friend. This also proves beneficial in the long run if you end up in a serious relationship with her.
6) Have A Goal In Life:
Nothing will attract women more than an ambitious guy. Nobody wants to date a guy with a boring life with no passion or interesting hobby whatsoever. If a girl thinks you don’t have your own life, your chances of getting the girl to like you will plummet astronomically.
Take up an interesting hobby that would make you look more desirable to other women if you don’t have one. Spend time pursuing your passion. This has double benefits; it will improve your chances of getting a girl to like you and inevitably improve your personality and body language in general.
7) Polish Your Humor:
Studies have proved that having a good sense of humor is linked to higher intelligence. Not many realize, but a good way to instantly get a girl to like you is by making her laugh (not at you, though). She’ll associate being happy with you when she’s laughing and will make her highly comfortable in your presence. Bonus points if you tease her sometimes, but be careful not to overdo it.
Don’t worry if you don’t inherently possess quick-witted; this trait is something one can achieve through trial and error. For example, back when my jokes were terrible, I would resort to the good ol’ knock-knock jokes, which are not only perpetually funny but also a good conversation starter. If she laughs even at your terrible jokes, then kudos, you have cracked the code to get a girl to like you.
8) Psychological Persuasion:
What if I told you that you could seem much more desirable by using simple psychological hacks? I will be listing down the two I have had success with which don’t require too much mental gymnastics:
The Benjamin Franklin Effect:
You have probably heard of this term before; if you haven’t, don’t worry, I got you. It essentially states that when you ask a person to do a favor, they naturally develop a fondness for you. The favor could be as small as borrowing a pen or helping you with homework. But don’t ask elaborate favors from the get-go; use this technique wisely. Don’t be afraid to try it to get a girl to like you next time.
The Similarity Attraction Effect:
The similarity attraction effect hypothesis states that a person tends to be attracted to someone similar to them in some way or another. This similarity could be anything; something that I have found easy and convenient is finding similarities in music taste. It has worked like a charm for me on several occasions.
9) The Physical Touch:
If you have made it this far, this tip is the make-or-break moment. If she’s comfortable with you enough to the point that she lets you in her personal space, all that needs to be done is add finishing touches (no pun intended).
Small touches can significantly help you build a deeper bond with her. These small touches can be anything from brushing your arm against her to placing your arm on her shoulder. But before you proceed with the touches, ensure the girl is comfortable with them.
10) Stay True To Yourself:
One of the most important tips on this list, in my opinion, is staying true to yourself. You shouldn’t change yourself to the extent that you feel alien in your skin just because one of the influencers said, so you don’t go around cosplaying the bad boy even if that’s not your identity, don’t pretend to enjoy anime to impress her.
Manifest your true authentic self to her, be completely honest about yourself, and be the real you around her. Even if she disagrees with something, she’ll respect you for your candidness.
If you find yourself mentally disorganized even after all the effort you put in, ask yourself if she’s worth the hassle, to which the answer most often is– NO. In that case, you move on.
Losing yourself while chasing her will not only mess with your identity but also make you seem desperate. You can be a great boyfriend only when you are what you claim to be.
Bonus Tip: Even after following all these tips, do not flip out at her if you get rejected or don’t get a girl to like you. Always be kind, gentle, and respectful towards her. Being able to take rejection in a mature way makes you appear as a good guy and keeps the future doors open in case the opportunity arrives.
Next time before you send that long cheesy pick-up line your single guy friends suggested to you, be sure not to think about it because you shouldn’t listen to them in the first place. All the “coaches don’t play” stuff is rubbish; this ain’t no football field. I can’t believe I have to mention this but before executing all these tips, please make sure she’s single.
The evolution of dating apps has made the culture around them toxic, resulting in low self-esteem and taking a toll on mental health. Remember that we are all visible embodiments of flesh and bones looking for a deeper social connection at the end of the day.
Last Updated on by Steffy Michael