How to Get Rid of Face Fat: 7 Best Effective Ways

nithya shri k
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Want to know how to get rid of face fat? Keep reading!

A little extra fat in our face may lessen our confidence until it is to the rhyme,’ chubby cheeks and rosy lips. If it gets a little extra, this is the sign for you to keep yourself in good health.

These are not a healthy weight cause they are made up of unwanted fat. The fat may give you an oily feel, pimples, and a storage home for bad fat.

Generally, if you are gaining fats around the face, it means you are gaining fats around the rest of the body as well, and that, my friend is an alarming sign.

But don’t worry, you can prevent excess facial fat. All you have to do is follow the secret weight loss strategy and slay.

But before getting into how to get rid of face fat, first, lets’ understand facial fats and what causes these fats to accumulate.

Facial fat

Face fat is directly proportional to body fat. Weight gain leads to excess facial fat.

It leads to fat in cheek muscles, jowls, under the chin, the double chin, and the neck area. 

But what causes facial fats to accumulate?

Causes for facial fat

What causes face fat?

Our lifestyle and addiction affect our overall health. Let us see the primary cause of excess body fat and face fat.

1. Water

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Drinking less water

Staying dehydrated and not taking the formula of eight glasses of water a day affects the metabolism process and removal of waste materials from our body.

Hence water retention in our body leads to excess body fat.

Drinking a lot of water

Drinking a lot of water may lead to the storage of water in the body between the tissues and blood vessels.

Other factors

The quantity of sodium and carbohydrate intake, the weather, hormones, physically inactive, medications, and the mensurational cycle also result from the accumulation of water in the body.


Excess water intake may lead to an increase in body weight of about 2 pounds.

The excess of fluid retention might be a symptom of heart and kidney dysfunction.

2. Alcohol consumption

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By: Syda Productions on Shutterstock

Dehydration happens with alcohol consumption. The face gets puffy and bloated.

The frequent consumption and addiction to alcohol consumption results in body fat.


Alcohol consumption may lead to intrinsic aging, dry skin, saggy skin, and wrinkles.

3. Processed foods

Study shows that the major reason for body fat is junk foods and ready-made food products. Refined carbs also affect eating behavior which has more calories, leading to obesity.


The high amount of sugar, sodium, or salt in processed food affects overall health.

4. Sodium intake

Less sodium intake for a prolonged period may stop the conversion of fat into energy in the body. Hence, the fat gets stored in the body.

The excess fat retains the water in the body, which gives a swelling look to the body, especially giving facial puffiness.


Too much sodium might lead to thyroid problems. A swell in the neck region.

5. Sugar

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Sugary beverages have more liquid calories. The sugar is in the form of fructose, which is watery sugar calories without nutrition value.


This beverage increases body fat and increases the chance of diabetes, heart disease, and skin breakdowns.

6. Lack of sleep

Sleep deprivation leads to malfunction. The fat gets stored in the bloodstream; because of this, the bodyweight accumulates.

You feel more hungry because of sleep deprivation. Even after a heavy meal, you will feel dissatisfied.

It also disturbs your spontaneous movement.


The lesser you sleep, the more it affects the capacity for attention and slower reaction.

Now that you know what causes facial fats let us see the various ways in which you can lose fat.

How to Get Rid of Face Fat

Losing facial fat can be made easy with a few changes in your daily routine and lifestyle. Once you lose weight, you will also have a slimmer-looking face.

So, let’s get going.

# Stay hydrated

How to lose face fat
By: Simeonn on Shutterstock

Drinking water whenever you are thirsty and otherwise will help you feel fuller. This, in turn, can help reduce the calorie intake in a day.

Thereby, it can eventually help you to lose weight. Proper hydration helps to achieve a healthy body.

According to a review done in 2016, high water consumption also promotes lipolysis, a condition in which the body breaks down the fats into fatty acids.

So, drink 1-2 liters of water per day.

# Reduce excessive alcohol intake

Cut the alcohol consumption and replace it with water.

The frequent urge of peeing after consuming alcohol leads to dehydration, which causes the body to retain water, and in some cases, it can cause water retention in the face as well, which makes a face look puffier.

Alcohol contains empty calories, which may very well lead to weight gain, and as you know, weight gain leads to facial fats.

Alcohol also suppresses certain hormones in the body that make you feel full, eventually taking in more calories and gaining weight.

So, try to drink as little as possible. Maybe, not at all.

# Maintain a healthy diet

Plan your food intake filled with heath and be conscious about the calorie intake.
Eat fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. Monitor your salt intake as well.

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Supplement the sugary drinks with fresh fruit. Try preparing your meal with fruits and vegetables in place of processed foods.

A balanced diet should be maintained. Stop eating snacks, cold drinks, and refined carbs or snacks. These are not the best energy intake. They have high calories without nutritional benefits leads to obesity.

# Enough sleep

Schedule your sleep time. Getting enough sleep helps you from overeating, keeps you away from a stress hormone.

It also helps prevent weight gain and keeps you active for the day.

# Losing weight by exercise

Cardio exercise

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Cardio exercise can be a simple physical activity like walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, rope jumping, burning fat.

The more weight you will lose, the slimmer your face will look. So practicing cardio exercises will be of great help.

You need not spend your money on the gym. Instead, purchase an exercise mat and do your crunches and other exercises at home.

You can do full-body exercises like lunges, high-intensity interval training, push-ups, and burpees, with warm-up sessions before starting.

Start with fewer exercises and gradually increase the number day by day. This saves you from body aches.

Weight loss can be achieved with fun activities like aerobic exercise and Zumba dance.

# Facial muscle exercise

8 Effective Exercises to Slim Down Your Face

Fat stored in the face can be reduced with magical facial exercises. Exercising your facial muscles can help you reduce your facial fats.

For warming up, you can do this simple facial exercise: pronounce the vowels of the English alphabet. which is a,e,i,o,u. Sit with your back straight and sing the vowels.

The following exercise will help you to lose facial fat. This exercise will also help tone your face and make it youthful.

Lower lip lift

  • For this exercise, sit down with your back straight.
  • Tilt your head back and imagine that you are reaching the ceiling with your lower lip.
  • Stick out your lower lip as far as you can
  • Hold in this pose for a maximum of ten seconds.
  • You can also take a break in between.

Chin lift

  • For this exercise, you have to stand straight.
  • Crossing your arms over your chest, slowly raise your chin.
  • Take a long deep breath and count to ten.
  • Release. Return to the starting position.

This is an effective exercise to get rid of a double chin, and you will achieve prominent jawlines.

Lips down pull

  • Keep your face straight.
  • Pull down the corners of the lips and return to the starting position.
  • Do this for another ten seconds.
  • Suppose you feel the tension in your muscle; keep going; you are doing it right.

Head tilt

  • Tilt your head to the right, like trying to reach the shoulder with your ear.
  • Press your right hand against the right side of your head, while resisting with your head and neck.
  • Switch to the left side once you are done, do it for ten seconds on the right side.
  • This is great for the neck muscles and other facial muscles.

Fill in the air

  • Take a deep breath and close your lips tightly.
  • Fill your mouth full of air. Put your hands on your cheeks, similar to covering your ear.
  • Start pushing against your cheeks. This will create resistance with your muscles.
  • Hod this pose for ten seconds. And release.

This exercise is good for cheek muscles, helps to achieve beautiful cheekbones, and builds elasticity.

Chin Pushing

  • Open your mouth and cover your teeth with your lips.
  • Move your lower jaw forward and push against your chin with your finger.
  • Resist your finger with your facial muscles while contracting and relaxing them.
  • This exercise will help to work with jaw and chin muscles.

Chin exercise

  • Put both fists under your chin and press your tongue against the bottom of your mouth beside your lower teeth.
  • Push your chin up with your fists. At the same time, resisting that pressure with your tongue.
  • Do this for thirty seconds.


The important exercise you have to do every day, whenever and wherever is possible, is to smile.

Smile as much as possible and look young and gracious.

# Face yoga exercises

10 Face Yoga Moves To Do Each Morning

This facial yoga technique will help to tone your facial muscles and prevent from saggy look. Follow these facial exercises and achieve a flawless look.

Kiss the sky

Look up the ceiling and kiss. You can feel the tension underneath the chin. It is a simple kiss exercise.

Smile smoother

Place the index finger on your chin, move your head towards the upward direction, and return to normal position.

This is a good exercise for your neck region, around the cheek region, and the mouth.

Swan’s neck

Turn your head to the side and tilt to the back. And repeat the same to the other side.

This exercise is good for your inner cheek muscles.

Giraffe pose

This pose is simple as making cupcakes. Place your fingers on your collar bone and tilt your head backward with your lips pointing outward.

This exercise is for the neck.

Performing facial muscle exercises will help to reduce facial fat.

# Facial massage

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Facial massage helps achieve skin rejuvenation, free from wrinkles, anti-aging, sinus, acne, and glowing skin.

Use some cream or oil like wheat germ oil before giving a good massage.

Always give an upward stroke and be gentle with your fingers.

Massage your forehead with your four fingers in a sideward direction.

Massage your chin with upward strokes.

Massage your cheeks with three fingers. Moving from the corner of the lips to the ear.

Massage your neck by tilting your head upward and giving strokes upward.

This massage will help in blood circulation. Always remember that your thumb finger makes a strong pressure. Be gentle.

On-trend facial fat loss techniques

Facial rejuvenation is another option to go for a slim facial look. It will give you a wrinkle-free look.

Facial aesthetics is a treatment for achieving facial definition. There are various aesthetic treatments like Dermal fillers, thread lifts, and chemical peels. Choose yours wisely.

Through facial aesthetics, you can remove facial fat and get treated for wrinkles, moles, skin decoloration, and unwanted hair.

This process in enhancing facial aesthetics is a wild and good option to opt for without any hustle.

Chewing gum could be another exciting exercise for your face muscles without a sweat. Helps in removing double chin and to get prominent jawlines. Chew the gum for at least twenty seconds.

Facial fat notes

To get rid of the fluid retention in the body, which causes weight gain, eat calcium-rich food like broccoli, sesame seeds to reduce fluid retention.

You can drink water with added substances like jeera, cut fruits like lemon, orange, amla, dry grapes, cucumber. This will make the boring drinking water interesting.

If you are new to the exercise club. Start with warm-up and do it in less duration. And increase the count day by day.

You can use a facial muscle exercise device to lose face fat.

A healthy diet plan is necessary to achieve healthy skin, body and be free from face fat. Eat more fiber-rich food products.

The collection of fat under the skin is called angioedema.

Suck your cheeks inward and do a fish-like face. This will help in reducing cheek fat.

The facial massage and facial exercises will help tone the face and strengthen facial muscles.

Genetics hand in facial fat cannot be changed with exercise, food habits, or controlled alcoholic consumption.


Along with facial exercises, you should do physical activity and perform a well-balanced diet.

We should lose weight in body to lose face fat. With a healthy body, we can be in good health, give a tough fight against disease, can be active.

Physical fitness is also important as mental health. Follow these tips and ideas to lose weight. All shape is good shape, and all imperfection is perfectly normal. Instead of targeting flawless, try focusing on good health and a healthy diet.

How to Get Rid of Face Fat: 7 Best Effective Ways 8

Get on your workout playlist and do your favorite cardio exercise or facial yoga. Have a healthy body and a slimmer-looking face.

Click here to read more.

Last Updated on by Laveleena Sharma

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