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Crystals are known to do a trick or two to souls. Besides souls, they are known to balance your soul, body, and mind. It explains why they are well-sought gems, although that’s the same reason you need to know about the realness of a crystal.
After all, only real crystals offer the benefits they are known for. Real ones will eliminate any negativity within. They are also known for balancing chakras and cleansing.
Unfortunately, their high demands and indisputable magical uses have also led to the emergence of fake crystals. Many people have fallen prey to people who take advantage of those who can’t distinguish the two. Fortunately, this article will ensure you don’t become one of these unfortunate individuals.
Its focus is on knowing the genuine nature of a crystal. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this life-changing topic. You deserve the real gem, and these tricks guarantee that.
1. About Crystals
It is often hard to tell if a crystal is genuine if you don’t know what it entails. A crystal is a mineral that occurs naturally. They result from chemical reactions, heat, and pressure over time. That’s why crystals were formed millions of years ago.
Their major elements are oxygen and silicon. This combination forms quartz, a mineral.
Despite undergoing similar processes, various crystals have different colors. After all, they contain other minerals and impurities.
Crystals are popular among human beings since they are rare and beautiful. Their properties are also undoubtedly unique.
Crystals have different purposes, including decoration, meditation, spiritual practices, and healing.
2. Ways to Know the Genuineness of The Crystal
If you want to know a real crystal, the following tips can easily help you validate its authenticity. So, be on the lookout to ensure you buy real crystals and avoid taking home fake ones.
2.1. Checking Its Temperature
How a real crystal conducts heat differs from its fake counterpart’s heat conductivity. Therefore, it is easy to distinguish the two by checking the crystals’ temperature. If it is real, the crystal will feel cool upon touching it, which is impossible with fake crystals.
2.2. Transparency
It can either be translucent or transparent. Therefore, it will allow light to pass through it. On the other hand, a fake crystal usually has a cloudy appearance and is opaque in some other cases.
2.3. Hardness
It will be hard enough to scratch glass. Typically, it will also be harder than a fake crystal. You can measure the hardness of a crystal using the Mohs hardness test kit to know if it is real or fake.
2.4. Weight
The density of the crystal is relatively high. It explains why a fake crystal is lighter than a real one and vice versa.
2.5. Color
You should see imperfections and natural color variations on real crystals. Otherwise, a crystal that looks too perfect with a uniform color is fake.
2.6. Weird Names
The name can also tell whether the crystal is real or fake. Sellers selling fake crystals often use unusual names. They may sound sweet, but that shouldn’t blind you into buying the fakeness.
2.7. Seller’s Reputation
Better safe than sorry; hence, there is a need to buy crystals only from renowned sellers. They have a great reputation since they sell real crystals. That means you have a low chance of buying fake ones from them.
On the other hand, buying from unknown sellers means you have no idea if the deal is good or fake. Whereas that’s not always the case, why risk?
3. Characteristics of a Fake Crystal
Since you know what to look for to know about the reality of crystal, identifying a fake one isn’t hard either. After all, fake crystals have the following characteristics.
- Fake crystal has an unrealistic or unusual shape
- It also lacks natural color variations and looks too transparent
- Due to their cheap materials, expect them to be relatively light
- These crystals have unusual colors or unnatural brightness since their materials are synthetic.
- They are also too perfect, with neither natural variations nor imperfections.
So, be on the lookout to avoid investing in a useless and fake crystal.
4. Which Crystals Are Often Faked?
Certain crystals are faked more often than others. Again, it is also due to their high demands, and these crystals include the following;
4.1. Turquoise
Despite its high demand, real turquoise is also hard to find. That’s why it is one of the crystals most people fake. People dye Howlite and sell it as crystal. Fortunately, that’s not often a concern for many since Howlite also has healing properties.
4.2. Amethyst
This crystal is known for its vibrant purple hue. It is also commonly faked, but you can tell the difference. If it is real, the crystal will have various hues and shades within its color. On the other hand, the fake crystal’s shade will be even and uniform.
If you measure a real Amethyst on the Moh scale, its hardness is usually 7. So, anything higher or lower than this figure could mean you are dealing with a fake.
4.3. Quartz
First, quartz is a huge family of crystals. Each of its members has various properties that are responsible for its popularity. Common types include Smoky Quartz, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, and Citrine.
The biggest culprit that often fakes all the quartz is the Clear Quartz. After all, its color is similar to that of typical glass. Look out for minute air bubbles under its surface. Their presence indicates you are dealing with fake crystals.
On the other hand, real quartz crystals have blemishes and misty spots. The imperfections of the Clear Quartz and Rose Quartz distinguish them from fakes. Anything perfect or clear is most likely fake.
Final Words
You can tell the crystal is real or fake before spending your hard-earned money on it. All you have to do is look for the characteristics that distinguish the real from the fake ones. Fortunately, they will behave differently if exposed to similar conditions.
For instance, a real crystal has visible color zoning, whereas a fake one doesn’t. It is also transparent, allowing light to pass through, and its patterns are abstract. They have natural inclusions and are cold to the touch.
They interact differently with light, including pleochroism, chatoyancy, asterism, scattering, dispersion, reflection, and refraction. A real crystal won’t melt. However, if it isn’t fire-safe, it will crack but won’t melt.
So, once you can distinguish real crystals from fake ones, you won’t fall prey to fraudsters. The bottom line is confirming whether the crystal is real or fake before buying one.
Last Updated on by Ananya_Sreen