Each of us, at least once in our life, has thought about increasing the productivity of our activities. Starting from freelance Android developer jobs and ending with specialists in other fields who can’t keep up with everything planned, everyone might use some help with productivity every once in a while.
It would be best if you could honestly answer the following questions:
– Do you know how to set a goal for yourself?
– Do you see ways to achieve it?
– Do you use your time rationally?
– Are you doing what you like?
– Do you know how to restore your energy?
If the answer to most of the questions is “no”, then it’s time to listen to the advice that will help make any activity effective.
Plan things
To start the morning with essential things, you must plan them in the evening. It is unnecessary to write down everything you’ll do in a day minute by minute, only the highlights. So, the brain will be charged in the evening for productive work the next day.
Have a good rest
Be sure to set aside time for rest during the day. It doesn’t matter how many Android developer roles and responsibilities you have. After all, the intense rhythm is exhausting, and it is already too late when the body signals for rest. Burnout is usually already happening.
Always have a backup plan.
Even if you are a real workaholic, sooner or later, you will feel a loss of strength and energy. However, you will be unable to sit idle without a job. In such a case, plan things that do not require much effort and will help you recover.
Consider your biorhythms
Be able to listen to yourself and your body. Plan complex tasks for when you feel the most energized, for example, in the morning.
Do not forget about healthy sleep
If a person sleeps little or poorly, he/she will not be able to work effectively, no matter how hard they try. Poor concentration and loss of attention signal that they sleep less than seven hours a day.
Set a reminder
If you have many things to do, set a reminder for each of them with a clearly defined time for completion. So, you cannot worry that the plan will fly out of your head.
Use deadlines wisely
Self-control and clear deadlines are good because they are disciplined. But if each deadline turns into a new one without a break, it can lead to stress and nervous breakdowns against the background of a constant lack of time.
Do not put off important things
Learn to do the essentials first. Do not postpone them or replace them with other less important things. This skill is a vital habit that forms the effectiveness of everything you do.
The key to success is in your hands
If you work eight hours a day, it’s usually enough to accomplish your planned tasks. And with proper planning, you will be able to work productively and relax and enjoy your day. The main thing is not to try to implement all the tips and life hacks you found on the Internet at once. Introduce changes gradually and learn to replace some habits with others.
And it is imperative to do it with pleasure and not out of compulsion. Remember that no one can plan your day better than you. And only you are the key to your small daily victories. Therefore, motivate yourself for success, no matter what you do. In each case, success can be achieved.
Last Updated on by Icy Tales Team