Food is the center of life; I mean, who on earth doesn’t like eating good food or their favorite meal? There are an endless variety of good food to know about and countless dishes made to taste and if you have decided to contribute to the food world by becoming a food blogger, then let me tell you that you’re one of the best person on earth decided to do one of the best jobs.
Good food is no less than any magic wand which can do wonders. if you have some basic question in mind and is looking for some great advice than just scroll down to read the “how to start a food blog; 20 important things to do” section.
People are generally doubtful when it comes to blogging since video content has gained more popularity but let me remind you of the fact that we got television decades ago but it has never led to the shutting down of newspaper and magazines company.
Earlier, we wrote things on dried leaves, tree skin, and stones. Then the paper came, and now technology, you see only the medium has changed.
Reading and writing are life skills and evergreen exercises which can never go out of fashion and so will blogging.
And becoming a food blogger is one of the best decisions because food can never go out of fashion because it’s the most basic necessity of every living being.
It’s quite easy to eat whatever you want and cook in whatever way pleases you, but when it comes to owning a blog there are some basic rules to know and some beginner’s guides for food blogging, the point stated below will help you in starting your for food blogging and tackling the problem throughout.
How to Start a Food Blog; 20 Important Things to do
1. Know Yourself:
Those who don’t know how to use their voice get lost in the buzz; with that I mean there is something unique about every human which makes them stand out in the crowd, and to find that one thing you must be self-aware.
Self-awareness comes from looking within, analyzing your liking and disliking, and finding that one special thing about yourself that is interesting otherwise, you can simply copy other food bloggers and get lost in the crowd.
Don’t look for any target audience but look at yourself, blog about the food which pleases you the most, and tell the behind story to give it a personal touch.
Don’t just make up stories for no reason but be authentic to yourself and honest with your work.
2. Decide Your Platform:
You must have noticed that in no time, social media has advanced to a different level, so you must level up too and know that one kind of content doesn’t work for all social media platforms.
If you decide to write know the writing platforms such as WordPress, Facebook, and Twitter, they are known for writing but among them, WordPress works the best because the website can be built easily, has advanced plugins, and later the content has the chance to get monetized after your site has gained good audience attraction. Remember, free blogs on WordPress don’t get monetized.
If you decide to create video content, then you have YouTube as well as Instagram, where videos work the best.
Just know what kind of content pleases you the most like homemade food, junk food, vegetarian food, or non vegetarian food and what kind of food blog you wish to create.
3. Study The Platform:
As per your wish after the platform is decided for your food blogging, register as soon as possible and start studying.
By studying I mean observing the other food-related content which is on hype, created every day, talked about most, on that particular platform, and start making note of things.
Follow the other food bloggers and community pages doing good on that particular platform, look at the page and notice all the minor and major details like post style, stories, highlights, pinned posts, audience reaction in the comment, their ongoing activities, and everything. Stay invisible for months to study these things before you begin running your food blog.
4. Start Planning for Your Food Blog:
After you have studied well and made a note of all the important things to be taken of in food blogging, now is the time to begin planning your food blog.
When you start planning for your food blog, keep the purpose in mind and give your blog a suitable and captive name.
Think about the kind of food content you would like to post such as salads, fruit recipes, snacks, juices, fried foods, etc.
Know your specialization and start working accordingly.
5. Prepare Your Posts in Advance:
You must have noticed that regular posting is one of the essential features of all social media platforms, so prepare one month’s posts in advance.
It helps keep the blog active and take off the burden of planning post every day, also you must remain active for a long time before you stop to analyze your progress.
Advance preparation will help you further process, get new ideas, create new blog posts, and make necessary changes.
6. Kickstart Your Food Blog:
After your blog has been purposefully named and the posts are ready, make sure to put your content in the public domain.
Update your bio, advertise your blog among your contacts through personal messages and stories, and use the necessary features like hashtags and location to attract the target audience when you post and start engaging.
The name of the blog should be related to food, eating, cooking, or recipes; the purpose should be defined in the name itself.
Don’t just stay active, like doing the job and getting lost but stay reactive to constructive criticism, suggestions, and appreciation.
7. Schedule Your Blog Activities:
I believe and it is popularly seen that every purposeful activity has a schedule.
I know people who eat brunches and have midnight cravings but still, we all know why breakfast is called breakfast and dinner is called dinner because every kind of food has got its discipline.
So, you must have days and times decided for your food blogging activity but be flexible enough to surprise your audience during popular days and festivities.
8. Experiment and Learn:
It is a life lesson when we grow up that practical activities differ from theoretical knowledge.
Everything which has been studied, noted, and planned, must be executed but just like our thoughts, things on social media are always in motion, changing, and evolving.
So you must experiment with your blog posts and don’t be hesitant to try your weird match mixing food ideas and learn from the outcome because these lessons will only help you in deciding the future of your food blog and if you do it with sincere honesty then everything will be worth it at the end.
9. Stay up To Date:
Whether you post or not, stay up to date with the latest social media trends on food and the most popular food around the internet.
These things can help get new ideas for your food blog, make innovations to your recipes, and drive new engagements in the future.
Staying up to date also means adaptability to changes, meeting audience expectations, knowing the competitors, etc. to stay stronger in the long-run race of food blogging.
10. Have Fun While Blogging:
When you start having fun with your activities tasks becomes easy.
There will be days when your posts won’t meet your expectations but there will be days when your posts will have a higher reach and maximum engagements.
Generally, bloggers start growing becoming impatience with the outcome, you won’t become world famous food blogger overnight but remember hard work always pays off.
Difficulties shouldn’t stop you from loving food, so be courageous enough to continue blogging.
11. Always Have Less Following:
The time you register on the platform for studying, only follow active and authentic food bloggers and communities; otherwise, everything will be confusing because everybody has their way of food blogging.
Take lessons from them by being their audience and regularly interacting through comments, DMS, and stories because this will make you one of their known audience.
Becoming the audience of big food-related pages will help in future collaborations and audience gain.
12. Always Have Categories:
Do not make your page look like some undefined “Sabji Mandi” (vegetable market) instead, use the features given appropriately to categorize things in different sections with proper title highlights, just like You tubers categorize their videos on the playlist section so that the visitor doesn’t feel lost.
Just like in the hotel’s buffer system, eating posters are displayed for the correct identification of various food items like starters, main courses, desserts, snacks, and drinks.
The organization makes your blog look aesthetic and professional and has the chance to revisit and give preference over other food pages.
13. Play with The Platform Features:
You must have seen that social media platforms keep getting updates, and new features are launched before you know.
You must be aware of these changes happening, learn the new feature and use it to your maximum benefit; the sooner, the better to have better engagement. Ignoring such important alterations can lead to slower growth.
Look at it as some awaited opportunity to make your cooking look more interesting and your blogging fun.
14. Choose More than One Blogging Platform:
If you’re serious about your food blogging and content making, you must be registered on multiple platforms or more than one.
This will help you in your food content backup and strong audience connection and save you from disappearing completely if you face any cyber security issue or technical problem since we work in a metaverse full of technicalities.
People in the past have had such accidents of losing their platforms in one go without having any content backup and starting from scratch, such as Tiktokers.
15. Know the Categories of Food Bloggers:
Food blogging isn’t only about cooking, food representation through photography, or eating, but people on the internet are doing various activities related to food. There are cooks, food reviewers, food guides, food challengers, recipe inventors, cooking teachers, etc.
So before anything, get the knowledge of all the categories of food bloggers, know the activities and possibilities available, know your specialty by trying different things, learn and then decide.
16. Pleading and Begging Won’t Help:
Publicity and advertisement are part and parcel of blogging, but too much pleading makes you look desperate, and tactics like following for following back don’t help in the long run.
Look at the bigger picture, do the job properly and let the audience decide if they want to follow you; too much pleading sounds like you’re desperate enough to grow faster but don’t want to work up to your full potential.
Such activities ruin the reputation and throw a bad expression on the public.
17. Learn Food Photography and Videography:
Pictures add life to your blog, and when you add self-clicked images, it gives real personal touch by showing your effort and creativity simultaneously.
Since we live in the age of smartphones, learning to click the good picture isn’t such a hard task because there are so many food photography pages on Instagram and a bunch of YouTube video tutorials available to teach you from the basic to the advanced level.
These small efforts and extra creativity will differentiate you from other food bloggers.
18. Don’t Compare with Experienced Food Bloggers:
Planting the seed of insecurity by comparing too much and watering it every day with negative self-talking will lead to the growth of bigger insecurities. Comparing yourself with the bigger pages in the beginner’s stage is foolishness; they must have had their share of struggle to reach this level.
Thinking that you have fallen for a scam idea and chosen the wrong job for yourself, it is just going to be like this isn’t true.
Believe that you can make it happen and compare only to improve, make necessary changes, and learn further about food and blogging.
19. Take Breaks and Start Your Food Blogging Again:
Taking a rest and deciding break period is necessary for recharging and gaining energy. It provides you with mature insight and wisdom, which you can use to plan and create more content for your food blog.
Unnecessary worrying, giving too much thought, and counting your downfall, will only drain your mind and make it sick.
So, you must take a break, plan for upskilling by taking food blogging lessons, do crash courses online, or relax and enjoy the life that also helps.
20. Keep Revising the Basics of Food and Blogging:
When we get a kick start and get successful results, there is one common human tendency to think very highly of yourselves: we know everything.
But remember, things keep evolving because they remain in motion, and so should we.
I have learned from my teachers that one whose base remains stronger builds things strong and reliable.
So, to build a successful food blog you must be revising the basics of food and blogging, and don’t forget to acknowledge your achievements and remain grateful for them.
Happy blogging, you foodie!
Last Updated on by Steffy Michael