How to Tell If Eggs Are Still Good – 6 Easy Ways

Siddhi Arya
12 Min Read

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Eggs are a staple in many households and are used in many delicious recipes. It can be used as a breakfast food, added to salads and sandwiches, or as a snack throughout the day.

How to tell if eggs are still good? Do you ever think about how long they stay safe enough to eat? Or a way to tell if eggs are still good after being stored for 14 days? Well, this article is for you!

Hello everyone! This post is about eggs and how to store them properly. I want to explain what happens to store-bought eggs as they age and whether these bad eggs can affect your health.

Everyone loves to eat eggs, and we often buy them in bulk, which is stored for a long time. So, how to tell if eggs are still good? Let us have a look: –

How to Find out If Your Egg Has Gone Bad?

Rotten eggs are a real pain. You crack them open, only to be met with the rank smell of sulfur.

Though, eggs can get spoiled before you can eat them. You would like to understand a way to tell if eggs are still good.

How to Tell If Eggs Are Rotten

You’ve probably heard the saying, “When in doubt, toss it out.” When it comes to eggs, that’s the best policy. Eggs can pose serious health risks if not fresh, so it’s always better to stay cautious.

You must time them to know when eggs are good to eat and cook. Store in the fridge for 1-2 weeks after the sell-by-date. The more the storage period prolongs, the quicker its quality declines.

For how Long Do Raw Eggs Stay Good in The Refrigerator?

Unopened raw eggs will last for seven days in the fridge. After that point, it becomes unsafe for consumption due to bacterial growth and deterioration of quality and taste.

And to prevent any bacteria from forming, always store them in their original carton and use an egg-shaped holder or egg rack.

If You’re Wondering how Long Eggs Last at Room Temperature, Here Are Some Guidelines:

An egg stored at room temperature for more than a month will not retain its shape and will be more likely to be brittle when cracked.

Also, if you leave the eggs out on your countertop for more than 14 days after purchasing them, they may develop a greenish-brown color due to oxidation (the process of turning brown).

The discoloration is normal if the egg is about a week old, but it does not mean it is rotten.

Hard-boiled eggs can last 7 days in the fridge or even longer if they’re kept cool and dry after cooking. A hard-boiled egg will still smell good, even if it’s a little on the green side.

How to Tell If Eggs Are Still Good - 6 Easy Ways 1By neelsky | unlimphotos

Is It Safe to Eat Eggs When the Date Is Up?

An egg is a primary component in many people’s diets. They’re cheap, easy to cook and come in various colors. But what if the date on the carton has expired? How to tell if eggs in the carton are still good? Is it safe to consume eggs after that date?

Yes, it is safe, as the eggshell will protect the egg from bacteria for up to three weeks after the expiration date.

Generally, eggs are safe to eat for several days after the date on the package. The most common way to tell if an egg is still good is by looking at the packaging. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) recommends using eggs within a month of purchase, but many people keep them in the fridge for longer periods.

However, it is important to check the eggs before use. If you notice any abnormalities or orders, throw them away immediately. Avoid using eggs with cracked shells or bloody or discolored egg whites.

It is essential to know that older eggs are no longer edible, so you must avoid ingesting harmful bacteria that can also cause food poisoning. The most common way to tell if eggs are safe to eat includes the “sell by” date.

What Is the Shelf Life of An Egg?

The shelf life of eggs depends on the type of egg and the storage methods. The following chart outlines the approximate shelf life for various types of eggs:

Uncracked Eggs: 14 days at room temperature

Cracked Eggs: 56 days at room temperature

Frozen Eggs At 40°F for 5 months

Refrigerated Eggs At 40°F for 7 days or less (Can Be Eaten If Stored Properly)

Eggs - Storage & Shelf Life | Tips & Tricks | The Foodie

6 Ways How to Tell if Eggs Are Still Good

There are a few key factors to consider when it comes to determining an egg’s freshness:

When an egg is cracked open, or the yolk is removed, it has a set expiration date. These dates are usually printed on the packaging, although they may be in the product itself. Most eggs will remain good for seven to eight days after being cracked open. If you suspect that your eggs have expired, there are certain tests you can perform to determine if they are still fit for consumption.

How to Tell If Eggs Are Still Good - 6 Easy Ways 2
By Sorapop | unlimphotos

If you’re not sure whether your eggs are good, there are a few ways how to tell if eggs are still good-

  1. First, check the pack date on the egg carton. This is the first and most obvious indicator to determine whether or not an egg is still good. If the egg is past its expiration date, it’s best to throw it out.
  2. Second, the color of an egg. Crack an egg into a bowl, cut a hard-boiled egg in two, lay it on a clean plate, and examine the color of the yolk and egg white. The fresher egg will have a bright yellow or orange yolk, while an older egg will have a duller yolk. You can also tell an egg’s freshness by the texture of the egg white. A fresh egg will have a firmer, more cohesive egg white, while a bad egg will have a thinner, more watery egg white.
  3. Third, Sniff test. Fresh eggs should have no scent. They’ve gone bad if they have a sour or unpleasant odor.
  4. Fourth, do a Float test. Fill a bowl or a glass with cold water and gently place the egg. If the egg sinks, then it’s fresh. If it stands on its end at the bottom, it is still good to eat but not as new. If the egg floats to the top, it is no longer fresh and is inedible.
  5. Fifth, Shake the egg. If the yolk is still centered, the egg is fresh. If you hear the sloshing sound inside, it’s probably not good.
  6. Sixth, look at the shell. Fresh eggs have smooth, unblemished surfaces. The egg is probably not fresh if the body is cracked or discolored.

These are simple ways to tell if your eggs are still good and edible. But if you’re still unsure, the best thing to do is throw it away and buy fresh eggs.

How to tell an egg is fresh - Delia

Best Storing Practices for Eggs


Now that you’ve learned how to tell if eggs are still good, it’s important to know how to store them properly. Here are the few best-storing practices for eggs:

  • Fresh eggs should be stored in the refrigerator in their original carton. The egg carton helps to protect the eggs and keeps them from absorbing strong smells from other foods. Eggs can be kept for three to five weeks in the fridge.
  • Store eggs in the main compartment or the door as the door is subject to temperature fluctuations, which can cause the eggs to spoil more quickly. If you choose to store them in the door, put them in a carton, so they don’t roll around and get damaged.
  • Wash your eggs only when you want to use them. Washing them will remove the natural protective coating, which can shorten their shelf life.
  • Use eggs within a month of buying them. They are at their best when fresh, so it’s best to use them sooner rather than later.
  • As per the expert advice, the USDA says eggs can be safely stored at room temperature for up to 1 week or in the fridge for up to three.
  • Refrigerated eggs should be stored at 40°F or below to keep them fresh.

Hence, the best place is to store your eggs inside the refrigerator. You can also store them at room temperature, but they will spoil more quickly. If you want the longevity of your eggs, put them in the fridge.

Following these simple storing practices will help to ensure that your eggs remain fresh and safe to eat.

How to Tell If Eggs Are Still Good - 6 Easy Ways 3
By Fabrikasimf | unlimphotos

Final Note

I hope you found this article helpful! To conclude, these are three expert tips on storing eggs properly and the benefits of freezing them.

There are two different types of eggs- fresh and frozen. If you don’t think you’ll use them all within that time frame and by freezing them, you can extend their shelf life.

How to Freeze Eggs | How to Thaw & Cook

To freeze eggs, crack them into a clean bowl and whisk until the whites and yolks are combined. Then, pour the mixture into an ice cube tray and freeze for up to 12 months.

The benefits of freezing your eggs are that they will stay fresh for up to 12 months, and you can plan for your family accordingly.

Last Updated on by Sathi

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Siddhi simply loves exploring different niches and constructing them creatively on ICY Tales. She is a writer who has a good knowledge of food and beverages. She believes in making things easy and that's why shares remedies and suggestions for a general lifestyle. She is admitted to helping her readers with a good description of every niche she chooses to write on.