How to Use Gels & Creams to Help You Deal With Neuropathy

Icy Tales Team
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Neuropathy is a condition that affects millions of people around the world. It can be excruciating and can significantly impact your quality of life. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help manage the symptoms of neuropathy. One of the most effective ways is to use gels and creams. Let’s look at what these products are, how they work, and why they’re so helpful.

What is Neuropathy, and What Are the Symptoms?

Neuropathy is a condition that affects the nerves in your body, causing pain and discomfort. It’s most commonly caused by diabetes, but chemotherapy, autoimmune conditions, vitamin deficiencies, physical trauma, or exposure to toxic substances can also cause it. Neuropathy symptoms include tingling and numbness in the extremities, burning sensations, extreme sensitivity to touch, and loss of sensation in the hands and feet.

Gels and Creams: What Are They? 

Gels and creams are topical medications applied directly to the skin to relieve neuropathic pain. These products contain active ingredients like menthol, camphor, eucalyptus oil, capsaicin, or even CBD (cannabidiol). These ingredients work together to relieve the burning, tingling sensation of neuropathy.


Menthol is known for its cooling effect, while camphor is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Eucalyptus oil helps soothe the skin, while capsaicin blocks signal that cause nerve pain by desensitizing them. Finally, hemp-derived CBD is known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.


These products don’t require a prescription and are easy to use. However, it is vital to research the ingredients in any product you consider using to make sure it is safe for your skin. When buying DSC Hemp Cream For Neuropathy, it is best to purchase from a reputable source that also provides a certificate of analysis from a third-party lab. Read customer reviews, if available, to get an idea of the product’s effectiveness. Shopping for the best deals and taking advantage of discounts is also essential.

How To Use Gels and Creams 

When it comes to using gels and creams for neuropathy, the key is consistency. It is crucial to apply them as directed. The instructions may vary depending on the particular product you are using, but they should be applied several times throughout the day. Make sure you apply a thin product layer and wait at least 45 minutes before touching or using the area again to avoid discomfort. Most gels and creams will provide temporary relief, so reapplication is essential if you are trying to manage your neuropathy long-term.


It is important to note that these products are designed to be applied directly onto your skin’s affected areas multiple times daily. However, it’s essential to read all product labels closely before using any gel or cream – some may contain ingredients that could cause further irritation or allergic reactions if misused. Additionally, you should always consult your doctor before using any topical product on your skin.


How These Products Help With Neuropathy Relief 

Reducing Inflammation

For those suffering from neuropathy, topical gels and creams can offer some relief through their anti-inflammatory properties. These applications contain ingredients that reduce inflammation, allowing for increased blood flow to affected areas for improved oxygen delivery and soothing relief. Additionally, by enhancing circulation, gels and creams can improve skin health in affected areas and reduce uncomfortable episodes of ongoing tingling or burning sensations.


Improved circulation also helps boost immunity which can be beneficial for those living with a chronic illness like fibromyalgia or diabetes, which are often linked to neuropathic conditions. Gels and creams are the perfect choices for those seeking natural solutions for their neuropathy symptoms, offering a safe and effective way to find relief.

Pain Relief

Gels and creams provide temporary relief from the pain caused by nerve damage. By utilizing active ingredients like menthol, camphor, and CBD, these products block the transmission of pain signals to the brain providing temporary relief from discomfort. This can be especially useful for those suffering from chronic neuropathy symptoms. Additionally, some products contain ingredients that can improve the health of the nerves in affected areas, reducing the intensity and frequency of painful episodes.

Improving Skin Health

By moisturizing the affected areas of your skin and restoring its natural barrier function, these products can reduce dryness and roughness around nerve endings, leading to increased sensitivity in those areas. The moisture also helps to keep the affected area soft and more comfortable while protecting it from further damage. Additionally, by using ingredients like aloe vera and vitamin E, these applications can help improve the overall health of your skin, allowing it to heal faster from any existing damage.

Reducing Numbness

Gels and creams can also relieve the numbness associated with neuropathy thanks to their ability to stimulate nerve endings. By utilizing natural ingredients like capsaicin, these applications help activate dormant nerve endings, reducing numbness and improving circulation in affected areas. This can help dull any sensations while providing temporary relief from discomfort. Additionally, they may reduce the risk of further damage by keeping the affected area hydrated and preventing further nerve damage.

Who Cannot Use Gels & Creams for Neuropathy?



Although gels and creams are generally safe to use, there are certain individuals who should not apply these products. Those with allergies or sensitivities to any of the ingredients in a particular product should avoid using it as it may cause further irritation or allergic reaction. In this case, it is best to use other alternatives for neuropathy relief


Additionally, those with open sores, wounds, or cuts should avoid applying these ointments as they may cause further irritation. It is also important to remember that these products are intended for topical use only. Do not ingest or apply gels or creams directly into the mouth, eyes, ears, nose, vaginal areas, etc. Doing so could result in severe discomfort and even medical complications.


Gels and creams can be effective for those suffering from neuropathy symptoms. By providing temporary relief from inflammation, pain, and numbness, these products can help improve the overall quality of life of those living with nerve damage. Additionally, they offer natural solutions to managing chronic discomfort while improving skin health in affected areas. For best results, read all product labels and consult your doctor before using any topical application on your skin. It is important to remember that these products are not intended to cure neuropathy but rather provide temporary relief. Thus, the ongoing application is essential for lasting symptoms.

Last Updated on by Icy Tales Team

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