How to Write My Paper: A 7-Step Guide to An Amazing Essay

Icy Tales Team
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If you’re struggling to get started on your college paper, it’s understandable – papers can be challenging to write and take some time to prepare. Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can make writing your paper easier. By following this 7-step guide on how to write my paper, you’ll have the outline for your essay in no time at all!


Step 1 – The Motivation

Before you start writing, you have to think about what is going to motivate you along your journey. Being able to push yourself through tough times is crucial when it comes time for writing that essay on a topic you know nothing about. Having something bigger than just grades will give your paper meaning and allow you see why it’s worth your time. Our motivation is simple; we want our customers to succeed because we believe that education gives people more opportunities in life. We are passionate about helping others achieve their dreams and goals, no matter how lofty they may be. When it comes down to it, thinking back on our own experiences in school will help us write with clarity and purpose.


Step 2 – Find the perfect topic

Choosing a topic for your paper is arguably one of the most important parts of your paper. For example, if you choose a topic that isn’t relevant to what your teacher wants, or you don’t develop it properly, then your grade could be in jeopardy. It’s important that you find a good balance between choosing something too broad and something too narrow, so you should ideally have at least three topics in mind before narrowing them down. If there are no topics that interest you, try searching online for inspiration. There are plenty of ideas available to help spark some creativity. Just be sure not to plagiarize! That will get you an instant F.


Step 3 – Topic Analysis

Once you have selected your topic, complete a detailed analysis of how your essay will be organized. Think about whether you will use subheadings or create a flowchart. How will your thesis fit into each paragraph? Will it occur at the beginning, middle, or end? How many paragraphs will be in your essay? What examples will you use and where? Answer these questions in as much detail as possible. This is a very useful step that can make writing your final paper much easier!


Step 4 – Introduction & Background

This is where you’ll explain what your essay is about and why it’s important. It should be written in plain language; avoid using jargon, acronyms, or industry insider terms that would confuse anyone outside of your organization. Define any terms you’re not sure how to describe, and talk about why your audience should care enough to read your paper. Your reader shouldn’t be able to tell which parts are a high priority for you and which are nice-to-haves—everything in here should be considered essential knowledge for anyone who wants to learn more about whatever you do at work.


Step 5 – Sources

Who knew that with such a simple title could come so many things to research and figure out. Your paper needs at least 5 sources of information and they must be credible, relevant and unbiased. (It’s OK if you only use 4, just as long as you follow through.) We want your paper to carry weight in whatever class it is for so we want you to include data from trusted sources that can back up what you are saying in your work.


Step 6 – Outline your body paragraphs

Before you begin, think about what is unique about your topic. What makes it stand out among other topics? That’s where you’ll focus your essay and should also be a major point in each of your body paragraphs. This is also where the theme comes into play, as it will guide you on writing your thesis statement and deciding what information to include in each paragraph. If you’re having trouble thinking of a topic that is unique or valuable to readers, take some time to brainstorm ideas. Writing down all of your ideas can spark some creativity while forcing you to really think through what it is that makes an idea worth talking about.


Step 7 – Conclusion

Use your conclusion paragraph as a summary of your essay. Repeat any key points and ideas you’ve made earlier in your essay here. This should be between one and three paragraphs, depending on how much you want to reiterate. Do not introduce new information here, but go back over your paper again. Put a lot of thought into it; write it with passion! This is where you persuade your audience, so don’t let anything slip through! Remember, if you are satisfied with what you have written and can’t find anything else to add or change on that paper, then it means you are done! Congrats!

Last Updated on by Icy Tales Team

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