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When you are looking for a good rental property, you do not just evaluate the rental site, but you also see if the landlords are a good match for you or not. Just like this, the landlords also size up your potential to be a reliable tenant. You can do so by doing ample research, such as by searching for a Rent house in Seskinore.
Where proper documentation is an important factor in the application process, there are certain characteristics required in the tenant that become the reason for fast approval.
In this article, we will discuss the things or characteristics that landlords look for in prospective tenants.
Most landlords find it important to evaluate the employment status of prospective tenants to see if they are financially stable and can pay the rent on time. They basically want to check the patterns of income to see if you have a reliable source of income. Some landlords want their tenants to be able to earn double or triple the year’s rental amount.
Most of the time, you can even persuade your employers to send a recommendation letter to your landlords to ensure them of your financial stability.
Criminal Record
Criminal convictions of prospective tenants usually discourage landlords from renting their property to such individuals. However, the arrest that did not lead to convictions is typically not a basis on which landlords deny. But, many landlords want renters to be free of any past criminal activity.
Appearance and Attitude
The credit score is undoubtedly a factor that makes or breaks the chances of your rental application approval but the first thing your prospective landlord is going to see is your appearance and attitude. If you fail to create a good impression on the landlord, even a good credit score will lead you nowhere.
The key to maintaining a good demeanor is having professional behavior. You can wear a polite smile while meeting with your prospective landlord, followed by a firm handshake if you get more friendly vibes from them. Maintain good eye contact but not too intense, which could give you off as someone dominating.
The people-to-house ratio
Many landlords would want to know how many members will be moving into the house to see if the size of the rental property is enough to accommodate them. Many landlords prefer two persons per bedroom, so if the rental property has two bedrooms, they would allow only four members in the house.
If you are a family, they would want to know how many kids are there in the family because some landlords do not allow many kids for fear of wear and tear on their property. Be clear and honest on this because if you lie to your landlords, then you will increase the chances of getting evicted, which will damage your profile for future rental applications.
These were the most common things a landlord looks for in his potential tenants. If you think you possess all of the right traits to be a good tenant, then Find Houses for Rent on FirstKey Homes.
Last Updated on by Himani Rawat