All the emotions reflect themselves, and the ones that are expressed are the only ones we perceive.
But when observed, each has its flip side, which bursts out of its shadow when conditions go bleak.
I’m emotion, and I’m just an emotion.
I’m not all the shades, neither light nor dark.
I am life.
I’m black and white.
There’s been a breach
but nothing’s leaked
no alert is fired
They’re keeping it low
why nobody knows
It’s the King’s call
to handle the situation
on his own
Next morning
the King
asked all his best men
to meet
Everyone bundled
Joy, Love, Honesty, Thrill
also came the infamous best
Anger, Fear, Sadness
All bowed to the King
as he entered
and settled on the
Royal Stone
He then called Surprise
to address all
with the problem
The Queen entered the room
along with Surprise
As everyone moved to rise
She settled them down
with a blink of her eyes
Such was the Kingdom of Life
with Pride, it’s King
and Hope, his beloved wife
Surprise started its tell-all
mentioned the breach
Then came the part
nobody knew
Last night
a few prisoners escaped,
The room
filled up with murmurs
about details
So were announced
their names
Grief, Lust, Pity
and the one’s untamed
Rage, Envy, Agony, Hate
The King worried
will lose Confidence in him
if any of this
goes out
Much that he let out a word
everyone was to
mention the breach
as a security drill
the soldiers were suppose
to capture
and put prisoners back
The Queen assured everyone
when this all ends
Everything will be fine
Months and months
of search
and yet
no escapees were caught
Kingdom was in turmoil
with incidents
of fights and void
Another meeting was set
where King expressed
the stress
this time
Honesty couldn’t just watch
the Kingdom
losing in fog
He insisted
to let the people know
let them understand
and with their
Escapees might not be
able to withstand
But the King
wouldn’t give up
on his word
and Honesty will give away
with or without
his concern
The King
motioned the guards
to arrest Honesty
The King couldn’t
see himself giving up
So he decided to give up
his best man
and maintain the screen
The Queen broke into tears
as she cursed herself
for all the time,
she held the thought
Everything will be fine
Price was paid
Honesty was sacrificed
though it failed
the Kingdom survived
When the King’s days were done
and it was time
to choose his Successor
Of all his best men
he chose none
He introduced a man
it was the prisoner unknown
Lies was his name
and today,
he’s being released without due
Among all cries and roar
the King passed his Throne
Lies, the new King
on the Royal Stone
It wasn’t the end of Kingdom
but the end of Life
though it survived
the Kingdom failed
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian