Know Thyself, Conquer Yourself to Conquer the World

Bharati S R
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Have you ever taken a jaunt into your inner self? Wondered why your thoughts are moving all the time? The answer is “simple.” Unless we complicate it, we are ignorant in recognizing ourselves. For example, let us consider a person possessing the aptitude for a butcher, and what if he turns up as a surgeon without realizing his true potential?! The consequence is obvious. He would end up butchering his patients. Sounds funny? But this is the way know thyself

Many times, without actually knowing our capability, we force ourselves to expertise in some domain either by compulsion or by prejudice (by being judgemental). We do a lot of research and invest our time analyzing the products before purchasing them to ensure their quality. While we give so much importance to the non-living material things, why not spend some time inquiring about the alive “You”?!know your limits evolution

One who fails in judging oneself also fails in realizing the truth and maintains the artificiality of his character created by others. That is the moment when he begins losing his individuality.

It means losing your identity.

This should not be confused with the abstract concept of unfolding one’s spirit. Rather it is analyzing one’s strength and weakness, taste and distaste. It makes us more aware of our moods, our response to the surroundings and improves our decision-making ability. Unless you know who you are and what you are up to, you can’t choose the right path for your life.

Moreover, it reduces the negative influence others could have on us.  It probes into problems in human relationships with others. It replaces self-ambiguity with self-esteem.

self awareness

An aspiring person becomes triumphant when he conquers himself—the victory over one’s self-stands before the victory over others. A famous saying goes as, “Truths are not truths to you unless you realize them within yourself. Without realization, they are just ideas…” Our perception may falter us at times when we are unaware of the truth behind it. The sense of inquiry helps in distinguishing between right and wrong in what we perceive.

You may think why self-awareness is important while people are at a pace with fast-growing technology. The reason is, everything external to the individual is futile when the internal being is dysfunctional. There is a slight difference between what you are and what you ought to owe to a lack of self-discovery.

no yes Our actions are an expression of our own thoughts. Without realizing the self in its entirety, control over one’s actions is merely impossible. To formulate a positive space for introspection of your mind, shed the debilitating ideas that harm the thought process. If you endeavor to relinquish pessimistic ideas, then you will embellish life with satiety and felicity.

Purge your mind for a better perspective inflow of ideas. Optimism combined with vitality rejuvenates the psyche.

This self-realization process is never-ending that renews the spirit and strengthens the thoughts. Self-examination is essential for your enhancement.

To gain control over your thoughts, knowing yourself is of utmost importance. Break the shackles that hamper you from discovering the real you.  If you are still camouflaging, this is the right moment to unmask you!! Let the scale fall from your eyes to brighten life like a sunrise.

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