Madhura Girish: Aiming for One Healer in Every Household

Rabiat Singh
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Madhura Girish is a life coach and a healing specialist with a mission of creating ‘One healer in every household’.

By profession, a post-graduate in food and nutrition, Madhura is passionate about transforming other’s lives. She helps people shift their mindset from negative to positive.

Having launched more than 40 courses in healing modality and above 3000 people learning it.

Icy Tales is in conversation with Madhura Girish about healing, energy, affirmations and how she has been helping people with their goal.

Q) Was there one specific point in your life which made you become a life coach?

Madhura Girish- It was because of many things that were piled up from many incidents in the past. I kept asking myself why me? why like this? why this problem?.

When you have a lot of questions and you keep hunting. I came across a person who told me I am a Reiki healer.

When she started explaining me about Reiki I was like this has answers to all my questions that I have been hunting the answers for a very long time.

Pictures by Madhura Girish

I will give you few examples, when you do good you get good, you are happy and when you do bad and you still get bad, I think people are still comfortable because they feel like anyway I have cheated and I got cheating.

The problem starts when you do good and you don’t get good in return. That’s when the questions in the mind start that why, I have been always nice everywhere but why am I not getting the fruits as I have worked hard.

People around me are growing so why I am not growing. So, when I met the Reiki healer and she taught me.

I understood that there could be blockages or reasons as to why I was not growing the way I should have or the way others were or why I wasn’t attracting certain aspects in my life.

I realized that the entire mistake was only with me. It was in my mindset, everything related to me. That’s how I started learning.

Reiki was the first thing I learned after which I learned 40-50 more courses. I understood they were all very much related and that’s how I started transforming.

Q) People are getting more and more attached with machines and distant from one another. What’s your take on that?

Madhura Girish- You know why’s that because when you use a laptop, or any technology it listens to you. It follows your instruction.

It doesn’t argue back or say no or give it’s own feedback, that’s what happens with human beings. Like I tell you something, then you tell me something, then I tell you and I feel like this is going into an argument.

Rather let me go and see some reels and that’s going to entertain me and give me some happiness and peace. This is why they are running after technology.

Because in the hunt of peace and in the hunt of happiness and relaxation they have found that the technology doesn’t argue back.

Technology doesn’t give advice and it doesn’t necessarily give you that Gyaan ( knowledge) that is helping you grow.

One more thing is as the generation keeps evolving like human beings evolved from monkeys, it seems with every generation there are certain new evolutions that is happening and the current generation has a very less emotional quotient.

It’s very true. They do not connect very easily by default, from the time they are born they have a little bit of less I.Q. This is what research says.

So, that is one of the reason they are not willing to communicate and have some emotional connection with human being as much as our generation or much before that. They use to value relationships.

Pictures by Madhura Girish

So, the first reason they love technology is that it doesn’t argue back or gives any advice. It gives a lot of pleasure and entertainment and having no limitations on so many things.

You can accessible to entertainment at any time in just your hand. The second thing I feel is since their emotional quotient is less they don’t like to be connected to people.

This is also because the generation has got the internet world access very easily. At a very less price, they find it better.

So, my take on it is a balance in life is good for everything whether it is relation or whether it is technology. Use it in the right way and it becomes your strongest tool.

Whether it is love, technology, money, or relationship. When used in balance it can be your strongest strength. And when not used in balance it can be your biggest weakness. Anything and everything.

Q) What’s your coaching process is like?

Madhura Girish- I have multiple courses. Some of them are for beginners and some of them are for someone who has already understood energy healing, energy vibration, energy frequency and wants to take it a level forward.

In the beginning for beginners I teach them what is energy frequency, vibration, what is an aura, chakra.

Why this energy and how can they manipulate it in their support, how can they use it for their growth, how t clear blockages, how to attract what you want in life.

That course is known as heal yourself. Heal yourself is a course where I tell people how they can clear their past.

Generally, people are stuck in their past. Whether it’s a breakup, whether it’s a money problem they have had in the past or failures they have had in their past, they are always stuck from something that has happened in the past.

Pictures by Madhura Girish

Then I tell them how you can balance yourself currently. Then I teach them ways to manifest their future.

I give them goals wherein, what is it that you want to look physically, what is it you want to be mentally, what is it you want to learn now.

Everything mentally, physically, spiritually, energetically, emotionally, what is it that you want your life to look like. What kind of house, job, car, salary or what kind of mindset.

And to achieve that, what is the energy that you must have and how could you raise your vibration.

Pictures by Madhura Girish

Then the advanced courses include a lot of other stuff. Which a person can understand only if they understand energy.

So, I have a lot of variety. They can find the courses and choose as per their requirement. And definitely I have kept them affordable so that everyone can afford them.

Money should never be the reason they should not purchase something and learn healing.

Once they heal themselves I want them to become professional healers and coaches so that they can spread the knowledge of healing everywhere.

Q) How does positive affirmations work?

Madhura Girish- Anything that you want or have in your life today like the kind of clothes, hairstyle you have. Let me give you an example of a hairstyle, you cannot jump into a place and say I want this hairstyle.

You would have seen it somewhere either someone has had that haircut or you would have seen in magazine. Once they see that they keep it in their mind.

That when I find the right time, the right person and place I will get this haircut done. When my mom agrees or my husband agrees or have that length, I will get this cut or hair color.

So, it is there in the mind and then they go and do it. If somebody wants to study something, first they have seen somebody achieve something from that degree and then they want to get that degree.

Whether they want to buy a car they must have seen it somewhere, really loved it and then they say ok.

Pictures by Madhura Girish

Everything that we have in our life first comes in our mind and then we work towards it and try to achieve that.

So, if we have shit in our mind, we will have shit in our life. If we have negative thoughts in our minds, we will have negative life.

The day you start your day with a  mindset of oh my god nothing is working in my life, I am so tired and all of that. You are getting up in that mood the whole day will be messed up.

Whereas somebody wakes up with gratitude that oh my god I have been blessed with so much nice, I am so happy and grateful, lovely relationships and comfort.

Today I am so healthy and I am feeling better. The whole day starts being more easy and better.

So, the way how your mood is, the way your day is. But if you learn to create your own mood, if you learn to  create your mindset that can be magic.

That can happen through practice. For which there are certain tools. When you say affirmation, it is one of the tool.

When we start saying that, we start listening to it, it starts to rewire our brain. Our brain also supports us eventually after a particular time then it starts manifesting whatever we want.

So, it is a science. It is not just random thoughts which becomes things. So, it is a planned process, a particular way of how you think.

That it can become a thing not just like you think about it today and then you leave it, then it becomes a thing, no. It happens repeatedly.

Your thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, everything when put together and the universe supports you, there is an alignment and manifestation happens.

Pictures by Madhura Girish

Madhura Girish has helped thousands of people achieve their goal and shift their mindset towards positivity. She shares content related to healing and the courses she offers on her instagram.

Check out this very informative and valuable conversation with Madhura Girish on our YouTube Channel.

Last Updated on by kalidaspandian

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Rabiat Singh is a third year architecture student pursuing her degree from D.Y patil Kolhapur. She is quite passionate about writing. She have been writing poetry for the last two years. She also have a keen interest in film making. She wrote articles on living life.