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What are some of the examples of Math in Nature? “The creator and his creation, the facts and magic, the rules, and the obligation. Our nature presents us with its secret, unknown, and hidden for centuries. In the process of deciphering the codes, we stumble on the artist of the creation himself, with Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio.”
The Golden ratio is a divine rule, a divine ratio that all of God’s creations follow. Its name implies that it is indeed divine, as it has proved with its existence that we can see it in all the beautiful creations of this vast planet.
So before diving into this theory, let me introduce the Fibonacci sequence.
Did you understand what I just did? You start with the number zero, then one, and that’s when the magic begins.
And so on… Technically, you add one number with its preceding number, and you get the next number in the series. What is so special about this?
Look at the way a tree grows. The sequence of the ratio is the same as that of the Fibonacci series. The branches of the trees, as well as the roots, follow this sequence. If this astonishes you, let me remind you that this is only the beginning.

This is nature’s numbering system, and you can find it everywhere in nature: Be it the flowers, the petals, the leaves, or even the human body, it is observed everywhere. Everything in nature grows in the most constructive way possible, and each of these creations has something “golden” in them.
The golden ratio is obtained when dividing a line into two unequal parts and calculating the ratio between the longest and the shortest length and then the total length to the longest length.
It is denoted with the Greek letter (phi), and the ratio is equal to 1.618.
Taking this as a primary beauty measure, all the things around you, even if they are arranged in the most random way possible, have a mathematical order that emphasizes symmetry and beauty.
Most of the frames of paintings are of this measure to enhance the beauty of the picture. If these golden rectangles are arranged in a Fibonacci sequence, then you get the spirals, and here’s how.
The rectangles are arranged inside one another in such a manner that they form the spirals. These initial steps of the spirals are found in most of the life forms starting from the shells of an egg to the complex seeds of the sunflower.
It is also evident in the way the leaves and petals are aligned. They follow a sequence and the golden ratio, which is 1.618, everywhere. The spiders show their artistic skills by following natures path. The petals and leaves follow the ratio and are just perfect.
Math in Nature: Animals
Yes! The golden ratio is observed in plants, shrubs, eggshells, cobwebs, and animals. Your face, a butterfly, your ear lobes, everything abides by this ratio.

The concept of symmetrical beauty is derived from the application of this ratio, the embryo develops by following the same sequence, and somewhere you realize this isn’t magic but a reality of Mother Earth!
Math in Nature: Homo-Sapiens
Do you know that the ratio from your forearm to your hands is in the golden ratio? Your fingers with the bones follow the divine ratio as well; even your DNA which is a carrier of your genetic traits, follows the golden ratio.

Math in Nature: Water
The basic molecular structure abides by the golden ratio, so the tides, hurricanes, and cyclones follow the same pattern.
Math in Nature: The Universe
The golden ratio is followed not only in earth and earthly things but also in the universe.
Having explored the mathematics of creations, let us ponder the probability that our creator was a witty mathematician and held the universe with a crypt. Some secrets are hidden, demanding our distance. Yet, there are certain clues that he has left, deciphering the creations, and the existence has always been in our hands!

This ratio has been extensively used in the famous paintings of the Mona Lisa, the Last Supper, and all of Leonardo Da Vinci’s paintings. Monuments and even Apple iPhones and their logo follow the golden ratio; ain’t the sales golden?
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian