Neurological treatment in Germany

Icy Tales Team
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Neurological diseases1 are extremely difficult to treat. Many of them not only reduce life expectancy but also drastically worsen its quality, causing chronic pain and disability. You can undergo neurological treatment in Germany to stop the progression of the disease, eliminate symptoms and return to your usual life. Booking Health website offers updated information on neurology in Germany, providing visitors with the list of the best neurology clinics in Germany, available therapeutic procedures and treatment costs.

What diseases are treated in Germany

In Germany, successful treatment of any neurological disease is possible. Most often, foreign patients come here with such pathologies:

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Polyneuropathy
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Diseases of peripheral nerves
  • Consequences of strokes, craniocerebral injuries, neurosurgical operations

In addition to the international therapeutic protocols with proven efficacy, German neurologists use their own medical developments and offer participation in clinical trials.

Diagnosis of neurological diseases

Neurology2 is one of the medical areas with the highest percentage of diagnostic errors. This is especially true in developing countries, where hospitals are poorly equipped and doctors are not well-trained.

As a result of misdiagnosis, some patients are treated for non-existent conditions for a long time. Others, on the contrary, do not receive sufficient medical care while the disease continues to progress.

In Germany, the accuracy of diagnostics is at a high level. The most modern diagnostic tests are available to help the doctor not only in making a diagnosis but also in clarifying the nature of the disease and choosing the best therapeutic tactics. German clinics use MRI, CT, PET, dopplerography, functional and electrophysiological studies. If necessary, a muscle biopsy, a brain biopsy, a study of cerebrospinal fluid and other diagnostic procedures are performed.

Treatment methods in Germany

In Germany, conservative and surgical methods of treatment are used. The basis of the treatment of many neurological pathologies is drug therapy. For the treatment of many pathologies, conservative methods are quite effective, such as physiotherapy, local anesthetic sympathetic blockades, and physiotherapy. Some hospitals in Germany use stem cells. Surgical interventions are effective for the treatment of a number of neurological pathologies. 

Effective treatment of neurological conditions in Germany is ensured by the cooperation of doctors of different medical specialties. If necessary, neurosurgeons, endocrinologists, oncologists, orthopedists and spinal surgeons, rheumatologists, rehabilitation specialists and other specialists are involved in the therapeutic process.

If a neurological deficit develops after the intervention on the brain or spinal cord, it is possible to undergo rehabilitation. Goals of a rehabilitation program are selected for each patient individually. In most cases, rehabilitation measures allow restoring the ability to self-service, work capacity and professional skills.

To undergo neurological examination and treatment 3in Germany, you may use the Booking Health services. On the company’s website, you can compare the availability and cost of medical services in different clinics and book the necessary medical care programs at favorable prices. Booking Health experts will help you choose the best healthcare facility and doctor, as well as take care of the organization of treatment in Germany.

  1. Borsook, David. “Neurological diseases and pain.” Brain 135.2 (2012): 320-344. ↩︎
  2. Wilson, Samuel Alexander Kinnier, and A. Ninian Bruce. Neurology. Vol. 1. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1940. ↩︎
  3. Stone, Jon. “Functional neurological disorders: the neurological assessment as treatment.” Practical Neurology 16.1 (2016): 7-17. ↩︎

Last Updated on by Namrata

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