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Bengalis are some of the most fun people around! Apart from their beautiful language and amazing personalities, these guys are filled with talent and never fail to have a good time. You will always have fun being around a Bong but if you happen to be friends with one, the benefits come in plenty!
Why should one have a Bong friend? Reason 1 is food, reason 2…food and reason 3? Well, you guessed it, Food!! Bong people love their food. They will provide you with an unlimited amount of Bengali cuisine. You will get to eat a variety of dishes prepared using fish, some of the tastiest biryani and let us not forget all the sweets ranging from Mishti Doi to Rosgolla! Not only would you get all the tastiest homemade food but get to accompany them around the city to various eateries as Bengalis are complete foodies!
Bongs love to travel. If you think about it, you would always find some Bengali family or a bunch of Bengali college students wherever you travel. This is because travelling is a hobby shared by the entire Bong community. They love to go to the most exotic places and explore them. Therefore, having a Bengali friend, will give you the chance to travel the country or maybe exotic foreign countries with them!
Bongs, as people, are very funny, talented and fun! The people of this community love to talk and also crack some of the best jokes in the group. They can also be sarcastic because of which, conversations with a Bengali will always be fun, interesting and witty. Their love for books and intellectual nature make them very interesting to talk to. You will fail to feel even a bit of boredom when around your bong friend.
Bongs are extremely talented with a very deep love for art. Having a bong friend means that you get a chance to go to various theatre plays, concerts and dance musicals. You will fail to ever get bored as a bong has a very rich and good taste of art forms as their culture is filled with it! Bongs are filled with talent and if you ask, your Bengali friend might even teach you some of her dancing or singing skills!
Bongs are intellectual and opinionated. They have a view about everything and therefore you could debate as well as have discussions with them about, basically, everything! They give valid points and can easily prove themselves to be correct.
Bongs have a great sense of style. They also happen to know the best places to shop at and can thus, make the perfect shopping partner! Bengalis have an excellent taste in clothes and accessories and due to their honest, straight-forward nature, will clearly tell you if something suits you or not.
Last Updated on by Himani Rawat