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A story of lives lived in the shadows of the spotlight, frittered away in a haze of harsh lighting and loud music until what remains is just a broken shell of the original.

Dazzling lights in rainbow hues,
Music soft steps right on cue.
Bodies swaying – gentle brushes, halting touches;
A lingering glance, movements in a trance…
Melodies sweet, soft lights enhance,
Painted lips and powdered charm.
Sparkling fabrics adorn anorexic frames,
Vibrant smiles and anonyms;
Alluring words and curtsies disguise,
Shifting glances, lifeless eyes.
Crimson fountains flowing full;
Into blissful oblivion, all senses pull.
Painted dolls in rooms of glass,
Keyed to smile, simper, laugh;
Kaleidoscope beams the shadows chase–
Bodies move in a euphoric haze.
But when with the dawn, darkness descends,
Nocturnal angels, into the shadows, fade.
Last Updated on by hamna
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