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We are all well-versed in the birth of Jesus Christ, but numerous studies and historical evidence prove the contrary. Some of us might even know that the accurate seasonal timing of Jesus’s birthday was the summer solstice, not the winter solstice.

So, what exactly is the origin of Christmas? Why are there two schools of thought regarding Jesus’s birth, and why did the calendar change? Read on to find out The Real Christmas Story, Merry De-Christmas!
1. Virgin Mary, The Chosen One
The birth of Jesus cannot be discussed without the foreword of the Mother of Jesus, Mary, or the Virgin Mary. We know that Mary is poor and the wife of Joseph. Joseph was a carpenter and had a family before he married Mary. The Bible describes Joseph as a just man who was righteous and impartial.
Some documents say Mary was already pregnant with Jesus when she married Joseph. Joseph decided to divorce her without inciting much drama for Mary’s sake. However, one night, Joseph received a dream from an angel who warned him not to divorce Mary and that the child in her womb was of no man but the Holy Spirit.

In his dream, Joseph was ordered to name the Child Jesus, and that is the first story behind Jesus’s genesis.
Many Catholic and Orthodoxically inclined traditions consider Mary a venerable figure. However, many opposing theories condemn the worship of Mary, stating that Mary had abandoned Jesus and fulfilled her motherly duties.
Nevertheless, Mary is the most devoted Christian female figure and is cherished as a chaste and pure saint with sufferings and sacrifices throughout her life. Even in Islam, in the Qur’an, a whole sipara (division) is committed to Mary or Mariam (as addressed in various religious records).
2. The Birthplace of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is said to have been born in Bethelem, Judaeaa. It is said that Jesus took birth in a horse stable or a cave, where His Mother, the Virgin Mary, gave birth to Him. Bethlem was then known as The City of David. It was when Herod The Great ruled the region.

Certain believers say that Jesus was born in Jerusalem. Still, this thought is often dismissed as untrue because it does not have a confirmed source or historical credibility to support it. Furthermore, there are many places where it is mentioned that it is indeed Bethlem, the birthplace of Jesus.
3. The Announcement
As mentioned before, many schools of thought believe that Jesus took birth during the summer solstice. So, after the birth, there had to be an announcement or even signs that the son of God had been born. This announcement and heavenly news were spread by an angel who went to a herd of shepherds and gave this news.
The shepherds then went to visit Baby Jesus. Soon afterwards, wise men gifted by God and the Magi from the Eastern side, navigating with the help of a bright star, dropped in to visit and worship the Baby Jesus, who held such commendable beauty and allure. Magi brought with them gold-based gifts, frankincense, and another thing that goes by the name of myrrh.
This announcement was the beginning of a religious moment in the history of this world and the hereafter. Jesus had begun to preach and teach His followers from a very young age.
4. The Festive Christmas and the Real Christmas
While the world’s biggest population celebrates Christmas with merry vibes, with Santa Claus celebrations and playing with snow (in many regions), and let us not forget the infamous game Secret Santa, the truth remains that Christmas is not about Santa at all.

Christmas is about the holy birth of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. It is about the struggles that Jesus had to go through in his youth for salvation and real victory in life. Jesus considered the people of the world the people he had to help and lead.
For all these reasons, it must be considered that the essence of Christmas goes far deeper than its celebrations.
5. Santa Claus and Saint Nicholas
Santa Claus is based on Saint Nicholas. A saint from the fourth century, Saint Nicholas is known for his kindheartedness and his love for children. He lived in the Roman Empire and was also a Greek Bishop who was generous towards children.

The folklore or tradition that Santa Claus gives gifts to children is based on the story that Saint Nicholas used to help poor families by sending gifts down their chimneys. But there is no direct connection between Saint Nicholas, Christmas, or even Jesus.
So many children associate Christmas with Santa Claus. While it brings happiness during the festive season, it should not overlook the significance of Jesus Christ, the blessing giver and the all-knower. Santa Claus is often also known as the Father Christmas, this holds its irony because it is the birthdate of Jesus Christ who is the son of God.
Love reading books about Christmas, then check out It Started With Christmas.
At The End
There are so many things that we associate with Christmas in this era that commercialize Christmas and make it a festive season. However, the surreality of this date lies in the fact that it is the birthdate of Jesus Christ.
The Virgin Mary underwent immense trials and tribulations for the birth and delivery of Jesus Christ. Virgin Mary’s struggle must not be overlooked or deemed insignificant. There are so many factors attributed to the birth of Christmas that we often overlook.
Christmas is not just a holiday or a tradition; it is a historical moment that has brought peace, love, and kindness to this work, along with faith and loyalty. Christmas must, hence, be celebrated for what it is. Its true essence must not be forgotten and be brought to life as often as possible.
Last Updated on by Sathi