Water is one of the essential requirements to make life possible on Earth. Our human body is made up of about 70% water itself. It is also said that the third World War among the countries will most probably be fought for water. But the question is how to save water on regular basis?
Some marginal sections of developing and underdeveloped countries, majorly from Africa, have very limited access to fresh drinking water.
Surprisingly, only 0.5% of the total water on the Earth is drinking water. Our survival depends on water. Thus, it is necessary to know the importance of water and to save it. In this article, you will get to know some tips on ways to conserving water because it means saving our future.
Know the feeling when you are very thirsty and can’t find water? The feeling is not appreciated. Therefore, to prevent these unfortunate times, we need to conserve water. By conserving water, we can save life on Earth as there is no life possible on Earth without water.
Related: The History of India: What happened to Waterbeds?
1. How to Save Water?
The uses of water are uncountable. It is a necessity and thus our responsibility to save it. Some of the most important roles played by water are-
- All living beings need water to survive.
- Water plays an integral part in photosynthesis. Without water, autotrophic plants will not be able to produce their food.
- Water has a high specific heat capacity. Thus, the temperature of the Earth’s surface is not much lower. Otherwise, it would not have been easy to survive.
- Water plays an important role in human life too. It is used in many domestic activities like washing, cleaning, and, most importantly, drinking water.
- Water regulates our body temperature and is important for our digestive system.
- Water plays an essential role in facilitating the work of enzymes in living organisms.
Now the question arises of how to save water so that it doesn’t end in the future. Nowadays, saving water can be done in two particular ways, i.e. small-scale and large-scale water saving.
Small Scale Water Saving like in our houses, offices, and schools should be done by every one of us because even a single drop counts in saving water. There are many ways to save water on a small scale. A few of them are-
1.1. Don’t Use Your Toilets as An Ashtray or A Wastebasket
Every time you flush a cigarette, toilet paper, tissues, or other trash in your toilet, it takes gallons of water to get flushed. Also, this can lead to blockage in pipes if the waste gets stuck in them.
1.2. Don’t Let the Water Keep Running
While brushing your teeth, please don’t keep the water running; instead, close it to save water and open it only when needed.
The same goes for taking a shower, firstly take a short shower and close the water when applying soap or body gels. While washing utensils, turn on the tap only when rinsing.
1.3. Get the Leakages Fixed
Don’t ignore a leakage even if small drops of water are wasted, as those small drops also count. When will it become the size of a bucket and then the size of a tank? You won’t know.
Gallons of water get wasted only because of small leakages. So, try to get the leakages in your toilet, kitchen, or anywhere in your house fixed as soon as possible.
Another option to save water in the kitchen is to avoid using the garbage disposal and instead compost your food waste.
While rinsing the dishes, turn off the water. Use the waste disposal only when necessary. Compost veggie food waste instead, and you’ll save gallons every time. Install an instant water heater at your kitchen sink to save running the water while it heats. This also saves money on energy.
Toilet leaks may be deafeningly quiet! Check your toilet for leaks at least once a year. Bathe with plain soap rather than shower gels. Gels need additional water for rinsing. Fill your toilet tank with food coloring.
There is a leak if it seeps into the bowl without being flushed. Repair the toilet tank and begin saving gallons of water. Replace your toilet flapper if it does not close correctly after flushing.
Make use of a showerhead. They’re cheap, simple to install, and can save you up to 750 gallons of water every month.
1.4. Insert Water Restrictors
Water restrictor installation in the household taps can help conserve water as it limits the flow, and only the needed amount of water is passed through it. Installing aerators and atomizers in public and household washbasins can help to save water.
Install rain sensors on irrigation systems to avoid overwatering your lawn or watering during peak seasons. Install a rain barrel to water your garden. Install a rain garden to collect rainwater runoff from the home roof, driveway, and other hard surfaces.
1.5. Reuse Water as Much as Possible
The water collected from recent rain or the rejected water from a RO system can be used in cleaning, moping, watering plants, and other things. Don’t throw away the water which can be used again. Try reusing water as much as you can.
Wash your car with caution. It is preferable to use a hose with a shut-off valve. It is preferable to use two buckets: one for soapy water and one for rinse water. However, sending your vehicle to a car wash that catches, cleans, and reuses its water is the best option.
Dishes and food preparation rinse water can be saved and utilized to soak other dishes. Reduce your intake of water-intensive foods. Our diets account for about half of all water use.
Every food has a water footprint, although some have significantly greater footprints than others. Consuming less beef, which is one of the most water-intensive diets.
1.6. Use a Broom for Cleaning Driveways and Steps
It might take quite an effort, but using a broom can save a lot of water. So instead of washing your stairs or driveways, which leads to a lot of water wastage, prefer to use a broom. Avoid washing the surfaces with water as it takes a lot of it.
1.7. Cleaning Your Vehicle
Most people prefer to wash their cars and bikes with water which results in a lot of water wastage, so instead try to clean them using a bucket and a soaking cloth.
1.8. Water Bills
A water meter can be installed to monitor water usage. Also, water bills can be used to monitor any leakage going on in your household.
Monitor the water usage on your water bill and inquire about a home water audit from your local authority. Share your expertise on water conservation & efficiency with your neighbors.
These water-saving measures have the potential to significantly reduce water consumption in local areas.
1.9. How To Save Water on Regular Basis While Gardening?
Water your plants with sprinklers and make holes in the ground so that the water reaches to roots of plants and doesn’t just pass from the surface.
A lot of fertilizers also can lead to more water consumption, so use a limited amount of them. Also, put a layer of mulch around your trees and plants.
1.10. Install Rainwater Harvesting System
Harvesting rainwater can save gallons of water. This water can be used to water plants, wash vehicles, clean, or mop. These systems can be easily installed in houses, gardens, schools, and other buildings. For additional information on these water-saving plants, contact your local nursery or conservation office.
When temperatures fall below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, winterize exterior spigots to prevent pipes from breaking or freezing. Insulate hot water pipes to reduce the amount of water needed to reach the faucet. Only prune plants as necessary to maintain control over growth.
Pruning can hasten growth and necessitate more regular watering. Instead of flushing that tissue, throw it away and you’ll save gallons every time.
Thus, Rainwater Harvesting is a very efficient way to save water.
Related: Water Habits – The Right Way To Have Your Water
2. Large Scale Water Saving
On a large scale, water can be saved by many organizations, companies, Governments, and other groups. Like rainwater harvesting, which is made mandatory by some Governments for approval of residential and commercial projects, some Governments are yet to take cognizance of it.
Initiatives like this can also help to save water. Now to answer the question of ways to save water on a large scale, the answer is-
2.1. Installation of Water Regeneration Plants
Water Regeneration Plants which can be installed in small to big size housing societies play a major role in saving water by replenishing already used water and supplying it again for non-drinking purposes like cleaning, washing, moping, etc.
2.2. Saving Water from Pollution
In most large cities, the sewage from households, factories, and farms is directly thrown into water bodies. This results in not only polluting water but also affecting aquatic life.
Thus, to prevent all this, important water bodies should not be made a place to dispose of waste. Also, the waste should not be thrown directly into water bodies. The harmful components should be filtered first before discharging the waste into water bodies.
2.3. Careful Use of Ground Water
Groundwater provides around 25 percent of the water in the world. Most of the groundwater is used in agriculture. After its exploitation, it will take a very long time for its re-infiltration.
Thus, proper drainage systems should be made for recharging the groundwater again, and its use should be made limited.
2.4. Increasing Forest Cover
When it rains, the rainwater infiltrates while passing through the roots of trees which hold soil, and the water then gets discharged into the water bodies. But with less amount of forest cover, the water gets into the water bodies without infiltration.
Thus, forest cover can be developed on hilly slopes and wastelands on a large scale. Also, the trees can bear drought conditions for a long time as compared to crops. Thus, it can be helpful to reduce the water demand.
2.5. Saving Water in Industries
Industries use a large amount of water and also pollute it. The dyeing and leather industries are some of the industries which pollute water. Also, the usage of water is high in industries.
Water should be both protected and conserved by industries to save it. It should be recycled and then reused as most industries dispose of water after using it just once.
2.6. Rainwater Harvesting Systems
Planting large rainwater harvesting systems on large grounds, government offices, and other places can reduce the reliance for water-on-water bodies. Most industries have a large space on their rooftops on which water harvesting systems can install to meet their daily need for water.
Click here for a related article.
Watch Video: Water Saving Tips and Tricks
3. FAQs
3.1. How Might Rainwater Harvesting Help in Water Conservation?
Rainwater is harvested in two ways. The first is on the field or open area, where depressions are excavated in the dirt on sloppy lands and rainwater collects naturally in these depressions. The concern here is seepage of the collected water. This is a different issue with solutions. The second method is to collect rainwater from residential roofs.
Rainwater is gathered in two ways. The first is on the field or open area, where depressions are excavated in the dirt on sloppy lands and rainwater collects naturally in these depressions. The concern here is the seepage of the collected water. This is a different issue with solutions. The second method is to collect rainwater from residential roofs.
3.2. Why Is Water Conservation Necessary?
If you split the amount of fresh water on earth by the number of people, each individual would receive 2,200,000 gallons of water. Obviously, not everyone is affected by water scarcity.
In areas where it does not rain frequently enough to convey all of this water to the tap, it is critical that humanity construct infrastructure to send this bountiful water to the tap. Conserving water entails both preserving energy and conserving water within the stated limits.
Pumping water consumes a significant amount of energy from the electric power system. Water conservation equates to energy conservation.
Because energy typically comes with some level of environmental harm, squandering water causes more environmental damage than is necessary to supply everyone with water. Pumping stations are currently inefficient, wasting energy and contributing to air pollution.
Over pipelines and electric pumping stations, advanced elevated guideways would increase efficiency by 50 to 95 percent. Even if the current system is in dire need of upgrading, conserving water is still a smart idea.
3.3. Can Missing a Bath Help You Conserve Water?
Also, skip the shower. Bathing/showering every day (or more frequently) is a habit of the rich of the first world that has been adopted by the people of those countries.
With current antiperspirants and clean clothes, there is rarely any body odor that cannot be remedied with baby wipes or washcloth and washbasin if one is not sweating from labor or exercise. A bidet saves a lot of water while cleaning intimate regions.
Washing dark clothes in cold water saves both water and energy while also preserving the color of your clothes.
Turn on the shower and wet down for a navy shower. It simply takes a few seconds before you can turn off the water. Then, including your hair, soap up.
Finish by briefly turning on the shower and rinsing. This method allows you to take a bath while just using a couple of gallons, or eight liters, of water.
Sponge bath – Fill the sink with water and clean yourself with a sponge. To rinse, fill a new sink with water.
4. Conclusion
Saving water is necessary today because there will surely be a day when it will come to an end. For our future generations, we need to think about saving water in more and more ways. If we take it as a responsibility then surely a lot of water can be saved from wastage.
By just sitting in our home, we can save water by closing the tap water properly, replacing leaking pipes, closing the water supply while lathering our hands, and so on. Following these methods can only save gallons of water. Finally, I will say, Save Water, Save the Future!
-Steffy Michael|15/6/22
Last Updated on by Sathi