How cool it will be if we can solve all our problems in no time. Or if we do not don’t have to face day to day problems in life. Well, that is not possible at all. Life is all about ebbs and flows ups, and you can try certain hacks that can make your life easy.
Yes, hacks that are easy to follow, maintain and solve your day-to-day problem. Some hacks are age-old hacks, and some are just newly invented. In this article, I will share such cool and amazing life hacks that will make your life simple and easy.
Here are the 15 simple life hacks that say goodbye to all the problems. You can implement them in your daily activity and save time and hassles. These hacks are a life saviour. You may never know which one is going to be handy.
15 Simple Life Hacks
1. Remove Leather Stain
A stained leather bag is so not classy. It takes away the shine of the leather bag. Mix vinegar and water and apply on the area and softly rub on the stain. It will vanish in no time.
2. Remove Oil Stain From Clothes
You are cooking or eating or doing anything related to oil and suddenly it spills on your clothes. What shall you do? The oil stain is hard to remove. Baby powder is your saviour. Apply powder on the oil stain, and it vanishes away.
3. How To Clean Jewellery
Jewellery is the prized possession of every girl. They keep it nicely so that they can wear them on various occasions. Take the ring and cover the inside gap in the ring with nail polish. Next time, you do not have to face any ring mark on the fingers. It is only applicable to nonprecious jewellery.
4. How To Stretch Shrunken Tshirt
In one litre of water, add one spoon of kids’ shampoo. Soak for a half-hour. Squeeze the water. Take two towels, place the shirt in between the towels for at least 10 minutes. Stretch the t-shirt to the original size, put heavy objects on four sides, and leave it to dry.
5. How To Get Rid Of Fluff On Clothes
Take a razor and slowly apply the razor over the fluff on the clothes. Be gentle over your clothes, and it will go easily. It will easily remove all the fluffs from your sweater or clothes.
6. Stop Fading Color of Jeans
Add vinegar to the washing machine you are washing the jeans. It will not allow the jeans to fade its colour.
7. Ironing shirt Collar
Do you hate wearing a crease collar shirt? Do not have iron or it’s not in good condition, then take a hair straightener and apply it on the crease collar. After the application of a hair straightener, fold them nicely to get the iron collar shirt. It is yet another the best of all 15 simple life hacks.
8. Hate Dirty White Sneakers
Do you have a fetish for white sneakers? But hate the stains and dirt on the white? The easiest way to clean the dirty white part of the sneakers with baking soda. In a bowl, mix baking soda and cleaning solution. Take a toothbrush and apply and rub on the dirty white part of the sneakers.
9. How To Remove Sweat Stains
Sweat stain on clothes looks so uncool. It can spoil your overall impression at work or any event. The stain of sweat on clothes is very unimpressive. Mix baking soda and lemon juice and apply to the stain. It will remove the sweat stain from the clothes.
10. Hoodie Cord Irritates You
Take a straw, then through the narrow holes, push the cord. It will make life easy, and you do not have to suffer from the irritation of the cords. It is one of the best 15 simple life hacks. Now the hoodie cord will not irritate you anymore.
11. Problem With New Shoes
New shoes are uncomfortable and a bit tight. If you want to expand it, then follow this method. Take some water in a plastic, place inside the shoe, and put the shoe in the freezer. When the water freezes, it automatically expands.
Then, take the shoes out and wait for the ice to melt a bit. It is one of the best out of 15 simple life hacks.
12. Wires and Cables Tidy Up
Messy cables and wires are painful. The moment you want a wire or cable, you notice it’s all tied up. What’s Next? Well, take a binder clip and wrap the wires through it to reduce the cable’s messiness.
13. How To Clean Dirty Mirror
Is the mirror dirty and full of stains? Don’t feel like looking into the mirror? Then, take some toothpaste and a washcloth. Apply toothpaste on the dirty mirror and use the washcloth to wipe the dirt.
14. Want To Hang Toys
Toys are the most scattered things in the house if you have kids. So, taking care of the toys is essential to keep them safe for kids. Hanging toys look cool and amazing. Use of cupping glass or buy toys with cupping glass, then you can automatically hang the toys for display. It even looks clean and tidy. It falls under 15 simple life hacks too.
15. Broken Cables
Cables are the lifelines. If cables break, it’s a huge problem. Buy for spiral spring made of rubber to attach to the broken cable. It will solve the problem. You can use the broken cable with the help of this.
Life is full of complications. It is stressful. These 15 simple life hacks will make your life easy and fast. Shortcuts are always beneficial. Following these tricks will make life easy.
Other Tips And Tricks Of Life
Apart from these 15 simple life hacks, I am sharing other small tricks that you can follow in your day to day life.
If you are giving a presentation and you forget something, then always head to the water bottle, open, and drink.No, one will understand whether you forget or you are thirsty.
Mosquito bite irritation is painful. Take a hot spoon, press on the bite. The heat will damage the protein, which causes itch and reaction.
To know a person’s character, go on a date, and look at how the person behaves with a waiter or waitress.
After a strong hangover, ditch the lime juice instead have a banana milkshake to cut down the hangover.
These are amazing tips apart from 15 simple life hacks.
Want to say a lie that sounds believable. Well, include an embarrassing story into it. Everyone will believe, and no one will say that you are lying when you look stupid.
The effective way to lose weight is to eat dinner four hours before you go to bed. It looks hard, but when you practice, it is the best trick.
Do follow this with the other 15 simple life hacks. Are you friend-zoned? Then, ask that friend to fix you up with a friend of theirs. It will make them feel jealous, and confess their feeling or they will plan a date for you.
It is a great tip to have chewing gum when you feel nervous. It will shift your focus from being nervous.
If the car is overheating, then try to turn the heater on. The heat from the engine pulls all the heat away.
Turn the side of the toaster on and melt the cheese on your toast. If you do not want the pot to boil over, then place a wooden spoon on the top. These are the best life tricks.
Buy a magazine rack and place the pan and pan lid in an organized manner.
Do not throw away the cupcake wrapper. Clean it and then place on car cupholders to keep it clean. Replace when you need. To polish the furniture you can use essential oils.
There must be multiple sets of one house keys for each family member. Colour it with different nail polish to make it distinct for everyone.
The marks of crayon pinch you off. Then use a hairdryer and get away from the marks.
If the flowers are not straight, then take a plastic straw and make the flowers stand up straight.
Short of Ice cubes but have grapes. Freeze the grapes, and they are great ice cubes for you.
Do you want your house to smell fresh? Then, take a vanilla bean and warm it in water. Your house will smell fresh.
A chart of the prescription bottle will help you remember which medicine you have given to your child. And, which one you will give on the next dose. It reduces your mess with medicines.
These are some cool hacks, tips and tricks that you can implement in your life. Next time, you face any problem, you can try these methods of 15 simple life hacks and others to make life easy and simple. You can even try DIY methods to try new hacks. Maybe it will work for you. And, it does it is the most exciting things for you.
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Is Baby Oil Good for Your Hair
Last Updated on by Laveleena Sharma